Live streaming

Many people noticed the announcement.

Among them, naturally, was Taylor.

He had been closely monitoring Alex's every move.

When the announcement appeared, his eyes widened in disbelief, then reddened with fury.

He felt a crushing blow to his fragile ego. He was only level 35, while Alex had jumped to level 50.

The disparity was overwhelming and despairing.

"Hmph! So what if you're the first to reach level 50? Let's see who reaches level 60 first!" Taylor's eyes gleamed with a crazed determination, though his hands trembled for reasons he couldn't understand.

Meanwhile, Alex was preparing to head back to share his updates with Mia and Olivia. As expected, they were both thrilled.

At that moment, Mia suddenly noticed something and alerted, "Alex, look! Someone uploaded a video of us hunting zombies yesterday to the chat channel!"

Alex was momentarily taken aback. "A video?"