At least ten times larger in scale

It seemed that during the past period, Larry had gained a lot of experience points through live streaming.

However, upon hearing the suggestion that he should become a streamer, Alex immediately shook his head without even considering it.

"I don't think that's for me. I don't have a talent for streaming, and I'm not good at talking a lot in front of so many people. If I start streaming, I'm afraid it would just be awkward."

Alex was self-aware enough to know his limitations. He didn't think he had the talent for being a streamer. Moreover, it wasn't the path he wanted to take to become stronger. So, he rejected the suggestion.

Despite this, Alex's mind began to entertain other new ideas. These ideas were starting to take shape, though they were complex and of uncertain feasibility. Yet, they were worth considering.

"Maybe we could try a more large-scale zombie extermination plan..."