
Shota Aizawa's stern voice cut through the hushed anticipation that hung in the air. His words were measured, introducing the trio of students who were known as the "Big Three." These third-year UA students were legendary, standing at the pinnacle of the institution's hierarchy, and Aizawa made sure everyone knew it.

"These three are third years at UA. They rank at the very top of our student body. You may know them as the Big Three," he stated, his eyes scanning the assembly of Class 1-A. The Big Three: Mirio Togata, Tamaki Amajiki, and Nejire Hado. To the students of Class 1-A, they were like living legends, the embodiment of strength. Among them, Bakugo's eyes narrowed as he recognized Mirio as the face he had encountered earlier while taking out the trash. Mirio's presence had left an impression, notably from his participation in the previous year's Sports Festival. Despite their prestigious status, none of the three had particularly shone in that very festival.

Aizawa then turned to the third-year students, requesting them to introduce themselves. Tamaki Amajiki was the first to speak. His gaze seemed to bore into the first-year students, a glower that could make several of them tremble. In reality, though, Tamaki was a bundle of nerves, and his fierce expression was his peculiar way of battling stage fright. In his mind, he tried to picture the class as a field of potatoes, a quirky coping mechanism. But despite his best efforts, he couldn't help but see his fellow students as people, and his shyness got the best of him. He turned away from the class, his voice tinged with gloom as he confessed his desire to escape this daunting situation, leaving the first-year students taken aback by his unexpected declaration.

Nejire Hado's introduction to Class 1-A was a burst of unbridled enthusiasm. Her voice bubbled with excitement as she addressed the newcomers. "Hi, my name is Nejire Hado. We're supposed to help you find your weakness. You first-years have a really exciting time ahead of you."

Her perceptive eyes then caught some unique quirks among the students, and she couldn't help but let her curiosity run wild. "Hey, wait, hold on. Why are you wearing a mask?" Nejire inquired, her tone a mix of concern and intrigue. "Is it 'cause you're feeling sick? Or just... trying to look cool? Oh, whoa! And you must be Todoroki, am I right? Yeah! How'd you get that big burn on your face?"

Todoroki's irritation was evident in his curt reply. "That's none of your--"However, Nejire didn't pause, her boundless curiosity leading her to the next target. "And Ashido, if your horns break off, do you think you'll grow new ones? Oh, and can you wiggle them?"

She then turned her attention to Mineta, her questions as unfiltered as her enthusiasm. "Mineta, are those balls your hair, or what? I don't get it."

The class found themselves both amused and charmed by Nejire's child-like demeanor and her inquisitive nature, their laughter rippling through the room. But Shota Aizawa, the ever-watchful teacher, quickly grew weary and frustrated with her relentless interrogation, struggling to regain control of the situation.

Mirio, ever the beacon of positivity, saw an opportunity to break the tension with a joke. However, to the first-year students of Class 1-A, the humor fell flat, leaving them bewildered. They began to wonder why such esteemed students had such eccentric personalities.With a grin, Mirio suggested a solution, one that seemed just as unconventional as their approach. "I've got an idea, why don't we find your weaknesses in a training match against me?" His proposal hung in the air, a challenge that would test the mettle of the incoming first-years.

As the students filed into Gym Gamma, Mirio Togata assumed command, his voice commanding the attention of the assembled first-years. "Heads up, the new plan is all you first-years fight me at once," he declared, his enthusiasm undiminished.

Tamaki Amajiki, always the cautious one, expressed his reservations, his tone filled with concern. "You shouldn't do it. Words should be more than enough to explain," he suggested, knowing that a head-on confrontation might not be the best approach.Minata, on the other hand, was more skeptical. "Huh? I bet he's just trying to psych us out," he chimed in, clearly less concerned about the challenge.

Nejire Hado, ever the spirited one, stepped in with a fervent plea to the class. "Hey, listen up. It's story time. Long ago, a student got frustrated in class and quit being a hero, and it was terrible for everyone. Did you know that? So, Togata, I know our job is tough. But you better make sure you know what you're doing," she urged, her enthusiasm evident in her words.

Fumikage and Eijiro joined the discussion, their experiences etched on their determined faces. They shared their confidence, suggesting that they didn't need a handicap, having faced both Pros and Villains in battle.

Mirio, unswayed by their reluctance, took up the challenge. He looked at the students and asked for a volunteer. It was Bakugo who rose to the occasion, his competitive spirit compelling him to accept the challenge. 

In the heart of Gym Gamma, the members of Class 1-A's close combat team closed in on Mirio Togata, anticipation electrifying the air. But in the blink of an eye, they were taken by surprise as his clothes inexplicably slipped from his body, leaving the students baffled.

Bakugo seized the moment, hoping to exploit the sudden vulnerability. His fiery explosions burst forth, but to his astonishment, they passed right through Mirio's physical form, as though his opponent were a phantom.

A coordinated ambush followed, as the other students attempted to catch Mirio off guard. But once again, their efforts were in vain, as Mirio swiftly appeared behind them, his movements seemingly defying the laws of physics.

Then, an unexpected twist occurred. The very ground Mirio stood on transformed into ice, and his gaze fixed on Todoroki. With a smile, he commented, "You are a sharp one, aren't you?" In an instant, he phased out, leaving the icy prison behind. Leaping into action, a small, vibrant yellow light emanated from his leg as he sprinted toward Todoroki, delivering a knockout blow that left the young hero-in-training unconscious.

The students were left bewildered by the sheer speed and precision of Mirio's movements. Many believed he had warped using his Quirk to access the rear ranks, making it nearly impossible to defend against him. With remarkable agility, Mirio targeted the long-range fighters, proving that his abilities extended far beyond mere combat.

Amid the chaos, Tamaki Amajiki couldn't help but comment, "Mirio's Quirk isn't the power to envy. People should be jealous of Mirio's skill." His words carried a weight of respect for his fellow student, born from witnessing the true extent of Mirio's prowess.

Mirio continued his relentless assault, effortlessly incapacitating more than half of Class 1-A. Shota Aizawa, their ever-watchful teacher, revealed a startling truth. "Mirio is the closest hero to being No. 1," he declared, a statement that sent shockwaves through the room. It wasn't a title he bestowed lightly, even when considering the Pro Heroes. Mirio Togata's abilities were nothing short of extraordinary.

With their fellow students lying unconscious, the remaining heroes-in-training engaged in a heated discussion about the nature of Mirio's Quirk. They pondered whether it allowed him to phase through objects or warp through space itself.as they thought of a classmate with a similar quirk.

Momo Yaoyorozu rallied her classmates, determination burning in her eyes. With newfound resolve, they prepared to mount a counterattack.

Mirio moved with astonishing swiftness, his body seemingly merging with the ground, only to reappear behind his unsuspecting opponents. His movements were a blur, leaving Class 1-A in awe and shock.

However, Bakugo, ever the keen tactician, had discerned Mirio's tactics. He anticipated the hero's next move, and with explosive acceleration, he launched a powerful punch, aiming straight for Mirio's head. But Mirio, ever elusive, simply phased through Bakugo's body, leaving the fiery hero to fall to the ground.

In a display of mastery, Mirio unleashed a super move, one known as the "Blinder Touch Eyeball Crush." It was a technique that sealed his victory in the blink of an eye, and the arena bore witness to its devastating effectiveness.

As Mirio surveyed the arena, he couldn't help but notice that amidst the chaos, one figure stood still. Izuku Midoriya, the young hero with the power of mass manipulation, appeared to be doing nothing. However, upon closer inspection, Mirio's sharp eyes caught a glimpse of a girl who had rallied the class around her.

In that moment, the pieces fell into place. Izuku was not inactive; he was trying to protect the girl, even if it meant holding back his own abilities. A smile tugged at the corner of Mirio's lips as he realized the noble intent behind Izuku's actions.

With a sense of understanding, Mirio made his way toward Izuku, respect and admiration evident in his eyes. Meanwhile, Tamaki, watching the unfolding spectacle, couldn't help but voice his thoughts. "Mirio needs to learn to hold back," he remarked, acknowledging the tremendous power his friend possessed and the importance of tempering it when needed.

In the midst of their intense clash, Mirio contemplated his next move. He recalled a previous battle with the explosive Quirk user and the tactic he employed, vanishing into the ground to reappear unexpectedly. With that plan in mind, he faced the earth, ready to spring back up in front of Izuku. He hurled a finger toward Izuku's eye, anticipating a defensive reaction.

To Mirio's astonishment, Izuku didn't flinch, blink, or make any effort to protect himself. Instead, as Mirio's hand passed through him, Izuku maintained an unwavering gaze, unfazed. Just as Mirio's hand emerged from the other side of Izuku, the green-haired hero-in-training struck him squarely in the chest. It was the first time in the fight that Mirio had been pushed back.

Dusting himself off, Mirio grinned and commented, "You're the first one to touch me, let alone successfully push me back. You must have put in a lot of work to become this strong."

Izuku simply stared at Mirio, and nearby, Momo chimed in, "Izu, you don't have to protect me. You can go and show off." Her smile was full of affection as she encouraged him.Izuku met Momo's gaze, affectionate as well, and replied, "Alright, bumpkin. I'll do as you say, but be safe, okay?"

Momo nodded, relieved, and made her way to a safer spot, leaving Izuku feeling a heightened sense of urgency. He focused his attention back on Mirio and remarked, "You. When you hit Todoroki, you moved incredibly fast, so I assume you have a Quirk related to strength."Mirio nodded in confirmation.

Izuku continued, "Then you better use it." With determination, Izuku increased his mass, causing the ground to tremble as he closed the distance between himself and Mirio in the blink of an eye. A thunderous punch landed on Mirio, who phased out just in time, leaving Izuku bewildered. He had never encountered someone so similar to himself in combat. In the past, this would have fueled his battle instincts, but now, he held back, putting some distance between them.

Mirio swiftly regained his composure, activating his Quirk once more. His body became intangible as he phased through the ground, reemerging behind Izuku. He launched a powerful blow at Izuku's head before Izuku could react. However, Izuku had further increased his density, turning his head into an impenetrable fortress. Mirio's fist collided with an invisible barrier, causing him to grimace in pain. Mirio instinctively backed away.

Seeing an opportunity, Izuku seized the moment. He lunged at Mirio, throwing a punch. As anticipated, his fist phased through Mirio as the hero phased out. Mirio vanished into the ground, a brilliant yellow light surrounding him. Then, the light began to condense around Mirio, and he reappeared, rising from the ground.

Izuku decided to switch tactics, returning to his normal mass when Mirio remained underground. Mirio, now fully prepared, swung a punch at Izuku. To his astonishment, his fist went through Izuku, striking the ground and creating a small crater. Izuku wanted to exploit Mirio's vulnerable state, but in his non-existence phase, he couldn't move.

Mirio leaped away from Izuku and remarked, "You can phase out as well. We're eerily similar, Midoriya. We both possess super strength and the ability to phase out."

Naturally curious, Nejire chimed in, saying, "Both of them have remarkably similar quirks. Who would have thought this first-year would be evenly matched with Mirio?"Tamaki added, "I guess Mirio has finally found his match—someone who can keep up with him."Nejire continued with her curiosity, "Yeah, especially after he got that mysterious power boost. But they surprisingly have similar quirks. Do you think there's a story there?"

A voice from the side surprised them, "No, their quirks aren't similar. Izuku's quirk allows him to change his own mass, granting him the ability to phase out of existence, super strength, and incredible defense. Merio's quirk doesn't seem to provide the same capabilities. I suspect that Merio's super strength comes with that light emitting from his body."

Nejire turned to see who spoke, and it was Momo. She appeared thoughtful as she continued, "But aside from that, aren't you supposed to fight in the arena?"

Nodding, Momo replied, "Yes, but all the preparations are complete. We just need to execute the plan. Not all battles need to be fought with hands."

Nejire glanced around and spotted a cart filled with water, connected to a pipe that was now flooding the arena. The concrete floor didn't absorb the water, and it seemed Todoroki was responsible for it, having awakened from his slumber. His left side was frozen, and he was sweating.

Taking in the scene, Nejire turned to Momo and asked, "Do you guys have someone with an electric Quirk?"

Momo smiled and replied, "Of course we do."Nejire put her finger to her lips, adopting a thoughtful pose. "Ah, I see what you're planning. you sounds like fun. Let's hang out sometime, okay?"

Momo agreed with a hint of embarrassment in her expression.

On the battlefield, Izuku and Mirio launched themselves at each other, their bodies colliding as they traded powerful blows. It was a relentless exchange, a choreography of phasing and mass manipulation. The battle unfolded as a duel of wits and mastery over their unique abilities. Mirio harnessed his phasing and super strength, seeking to gain an upper hand, while Izuku countered with his skillful manipulation of mass.

As the battle raged on, Mirio's moves were fast and unpredictable. He weaved in and out of intangibility, making it challenging for Izuku to anticipate his attacks. However, Izuku's determination and adaptability allowed him to stay in the fight. At times, Izuku would phase out of existence to evade a potentially devastating blow, only to reappear and land a powerful counterattack. The ground trembled with each collision, and the onlookers were treated to a remarkable display of Quirk combat.

But all things must come to an end. Izuku decided it was time to bring this battle to a conclusion. He increased his mass beyond the safety threshold, a move that, when striking another person, had the potential to inflict permanent damage. With determination in his eyes, he landed a forceful blow on Mirio.

Mirio endured the hit, but it sent him spiraling backward, and he landed in a previously unnoticed puddle of water. He stood up, puzzled by the water's sudden appearance, when he heard a shout in the distance.


In an instant, Mirio felt his muscles stiffen, and paralysis coursed through him. He fell to the ground, unable to move, as the battle came to a stunning conclusion.

Aizawa stood there in quiet astonishment, his typically stern expression betraying his surprise. He hadn't expected the battle to unfold in such a manner. He had anticipated Izuku to put up a fight, but he couldn't have foreseen the extent of Izuku's growth. With his life taking a transformative turn and finally aligning on the right path, Aizawa had expected Izuku to neglect his training to some extent. However, his expectations had been shattered.

Izuku not only matched Mirio, but he also outmatched him, displaying incredible strength and control over his unique abilities. It was a spectacle to behold, and it left Aizawa both impressed and proud of his student's progress.

Additionally, Aizawa noticed Momo's growth, not only in her own abilities but also in her leadership. She had played a pivotal role in securing the win, employing her strategic thinking and planning skills effectively.

With a satisfied nod, Aizawa decided it was time to bring the battle to a close. He raised his voice, announcing the winner with a sense of accomplishment, "The winner is Class 1-A." It was a well-earned victory, marking the students' growth and teamwork.

After the intense battle, Mirio took a moment to address the class. He offered a sheepish apology for being in a state of undress, realizing the peculiarity of his Quirk. He then asked the students if they had gained a better understanding of their weaknesses through the fight.

Most of the class responded wearily, their energy spent, admitting that the battle hadn't revealed much to them. A few, however, nodded in acknowledgment of the experience.Mirio then questioned the class about his Quirk, wanting to know if they thought it was strong. The unanimous reply was that his Quirk was not just strong, but perhaps too powerful, leaving them curious about its nature.

It was Nejire who stepped in to provide some insights into Mirio's unique ability. She explained that Mirio's Quirk was called Permeation. When he activated it throughout his entire body, his physical form could pass through solid objects, including the floor. Mirio had the ability to repel himself out of the ground by deactivating his Quirk while falling. The class listened in fascination, trying to grasp the extent of his incredible power.

Then, the students couldn't help but inquire about how Mirio had developed his impressive strength. Mirio shrugged it off humbly, explaining that it seemed to have emerged suddenly during his training. He encouraged them, saying that similar breakthroughs could happen for them if they continued to train diligently.

(as if most people don't have the quirk of the no 1 hero ok and for those who still haven't guessed ofa is with mirio and the more the light is condensed the higher the % of ofa used)

The students were in awe as they recalled how Mirio had gone toe-to-toe with Izuku, the strongest member of their class. The fight had not only taught them about their own abilities but also demonstrated the incredible potential they all held if they persevered in their training.

The students showered Mirio with compliments about his formidable Quirk, but he modestly deflected their praise. He explained that his Quirk was only as strong as he made it. There was a significant drawback to it: when he activated his Quirk, he couldn't use any of his senses because everything passed through his intangible body. This handicap had put him at a disadvantage compared to his peers for a long time.

Mirio shared his journey, revealing that he had to learn how to rely on his intelligence and instincts to fight. He had to predict his opponents' moves, mastering the art of combat without his senses. It was through these experiences during his work studies with Pro Heroes that he had gained these invaluable skills.

He explained that the battle with Class 1-A was intended to be a learning experience for them as well. Mirio wanted them to understand the importance of acquiring knowledge through practical encounters, not just theoretical lessons.

Mirio then shifted the conversation towards Hero Work Studies, which Class 1-A would be embarking on later in the year. He described how these studies differed from ordinary internships, as the students were treated like sidekicks rather than mere guests. He emphasized that these experiences could lead to some extraordinary and often perilous events.With passion and encouragement, Mirio urged the first-year students to participate, even if they were scared. He believed that it was through facing challenges and pushing their limits that they would grow stronger, both as individuals and as future Pro Heroes.

The applause from Class 1-A resonated through the arena as they absorbed Mirio's heartfelt speech. It was in that moment that they fully comprehended the potential of their upcoming work-study experiences and what they could do for their individual growth.

Shota Aizawa, their homeroom teacher, then took the opportunity to instruct his class to express their gratitude to the Big 3 for the valuable lessons they had imparted. The students nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of showing their appreciation.

Nejire, with her ever-curious nature, directed a question to Mirio. She wanted to know if any of the students had particularly stood out to him during the battle, apart from Izuku. Mirio pondered for a moment and initially replied with a simple "no." However, as his memory kicked in, he couldn't help but recall the voice that had cheered him on.

It was Nejire who unveiled the mystery, revealing that the one who had shouted words of encouragement was none other than Momo Yaoyorozu.As Mirio recalled Momo's voice and her shout of encouragement, he realized that she had indeed left a memorable impression. It was a testament to her leadership qualities that had emerged during their clash, which he now recognized.

In the background, Shota Aizawa, their ever-watchful teacher, observed the exchange. He noted the shift in Momo's demeanor, acknowledging her growth as a potential leader within Class 1-A. It was yet another sign of the remarkable progress each student was making as they ventured further into their journey to becoming Pro Heroes.