New Life & Skills(edited)

I am open to all kinds of criticism as long as it is not an insult. Since it is my first book and English is not my native language, there may be incorrect sentences.

Chapter length: 836 Words


Then, I heard another voice.

The woman said, "Oh, we didn't know we were having a second child." When I turned my head, I saw a brown-haired baby looking at me. He turned his head and looked at me.

"Now we need to give him a name," said the man, and they began to think. Five minutes later, they made a decision.

"So, how about Apostolos, darling?" said the woman. After thinking it over, the man decided it was a beautiful name.

The man looked at me and said, "Then your name is Apostolos."

(Apostolos, in Latin, means 'apostle.')

I really liked my name. I don't know why, but it seemed like a very meaningful name.

Suddenly, information started pouring into my mind, and I screamed (imagine a crying baby).

Then I realized it was the training manual I had asked for from God, and I heard a voice in my head:

"When you awaken your core, you will find a gift, my child. If you are curious, grow stronger quickly," said the voice.

I was very happy to hear this because, despite all my extravagant requests, I was still receiving gifts. Don't blame me; I'm content with this situation.



When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was my father Reynold with a silly grin on his face. Oh, does every morning have to start like this, I thought, but this time I realized his target was my brother, Arthur Leywin. I thanked him for his sacrifice, and he accepted his fate. My father picked Arthur up and threw him into the air. Meanwhile, my mother Alice entered the room.

"What are you doing, Reynold? What if you drop him?" she said to my father. But my father didn't care.

"My father used to do this to me when I was little," he said, and started spinning Arthur around.

He continued until Arthur hit his leg on the cupboard. Alice immediately took Arthur from Reynold's hands and healed him with magic. This was the first time I had seen magic since I came into this world. It made me eager to grow quickly.

This month, I didn't just sleep; I also learned to crawl. Unlike Arthur, I adapted to this small body faster.

Another thing I learned was that I couldn't use the training manual God gave me for two months. This would put too much pressure on my body and make me explode, but it didn't mean I would always lie down. I stretched as much as this baby body allowed.

Ah, what's happening? Suddenly, Reynold came and took me out of my crib and laid me on the floor. I saw a mirror to my right and walked towards it. I was seeing myself in the mirror for the first time. I had black hair and gray eyes, unlike my mother and father.

Arthur was also looking at himself in the mirror. So, I decided to compare us, and I won this competition by a large margin. Wait for me, girls.

After my mother put us to bed and left, I saw Arthur starting to move. He quickly got out of the crib and left the room. I also got out of the crib and followed him. I watched him look at the books and choose one, then quietly read from behind. I looked at the book from behind him and saw a map of Dicathen on one of the pages.

There are three kingdoms: Sapin, Elenoir, and Darv.

- Sapin: The Human kingdom and the most populous one.

- Elenoir: The Elf kingdom in the depths of the forest.

- Darv: The Dwarf kingdom underground.

Here, the crown is transferred through bloodlines. For someone to take the crown, there must be a rebellion, or the entire royal family must die.

After Arthur turned this page, he examined a few spells, but I didn't pay attention to them because I already had all the spells.

After turning a few more pages, he came to the types of mages.

Mages are divided into three types: Augmenting, Conjuring, and Deviant.

- Augmenting: Close combatants who enhance their bodies with mana.

- Conjuring: Long-distance fighters who store mana in their cores and manipulate nature to release it.

- Deviant: A type of magic separate from the elements. My mother is a Deviant in our family.

While Arthur was trying to meditate, my mother came in and picked us both up.

She said to Arthur, "Didn't you go potty, sweetheart?"

I struggled not to laugh at the expression on Arthur's face. Finally, Alice took us both and put us back to bed.