Chat with family, Eleanor's boyfriend

 I'm sorry I can't follow the order I said, because I have exams and I'm busy with them.


Rafaelknight, Mikaya32, DaoistXt5a60, Astro_Mysti_Cat, Kaan_ZEYREK, Lightning_God14367, Samot_Sempai, HKARZ_HKARZ Thanks for Power stones.

Give me power stones

Chapter lenght : 1121 Words


I woke up with the sensation of something touching my face and opened my eyes to see Caera kissing me. This sight made me feel incredibly light and content.

Deciding to take the initiative, I kissed Caera deeply. Our tongues danced together, and despite Caera's efforts, I emerged as the winner of this kiss.

Caera looked at me breathlessly, and I noticed how alluring she appeared.

Unable to resist, I kissed Caera again, but this time it was just a gentle touch, and from her expression, I could sense her love for me.

"Let's go to my family and surprise them, and we can have breakfast there," I said to Caera.

"Okay, sweetheart, give me a little time to get ready, and then we'll go," Caera replied.

She got up and swayed her hips playfully. Unable to resist, I gave her a light slap on the butt, and she unexpectedly moaned.

She created a mirror out of Aether and changed her clothes. She put on casual attire and turned to me.

"Is this outfit okay, Osto? I'm still not sure," she said.[IMAGE]

"Don't ask me. It doesn't matter what you wear, but when you go out, you'll need to wear a cloak to conceal yourself. No one else should see your beauty," I said.

"Ah, I guess I have a very jealous husband," she said in a teasing tone.

"You can't even imagine how jealous I am," I said.

"Forget about all that and tell me if my outfit looks good," she said.

"It's a beautiful outfit on you, Caera. Stop overthinking it; you already know that everything you wear suits you," I said.

"Okay, then let's go; otherwise, I won't be able to choose an outfit," Caera said.

I got up from bed and quickly created casual clothes for myself.[IMAGE]

I approached Caera, took her hand, and teleported us to the door of the house in Dicathen.

Caera stepped forward and knocked on the door. After a while, the door opened, and we were greeted by a young girl with black hair.[IMAGE]

"Is that you, big brother?" she said, looking at me with teary eyes.

I quickly went to her and hugged Eleanor. She started crying too.

I shouldn't have left them alone for so long. Seeing my dear sister crying like this saddened me.

"Eleanor, who can imitate your big brother?" I joked.

"Brother, where were you? Why did you leave me alone?" Eleanor said, her voice breaking from crying.

"Calm down, Eleanor. Let's go inside, and I'll explain," I said, and I saw my mother quietly crying as she watched us.

My absence seemed to have aged her quickly. She looked completely different. She had aged too much in five years.

I lifted Eleanor while still hugging her and went to my mother to include her in the hug.

My mother continued to cry quietly, resting her head on my chest.

Caera hugged me from behind and wrapped her arms around my waist. After hugging for a while, we went inside to sit, and a while later, my father came out of the room and joined us.

"Alice, who is this person? Why are you talking so intimately with him and Caera?" my father asked.

I turned my head to look at my father and spoke.

"You old man, you really can't even recognize your own son. It seems like you've lost your mind in the few years I haven't seen you," I said jokingly.

"O-Osto, have you really returned?" my father said, and I gave him the same response I gave to Eleanor.

"Of course, I've come back. Do you really think someone can imitate me?" I said.

My father quickly came over and hugged me, and I hugged him back.

"So, where's Arthur? Why did you leave me alone, and I'm sure he got into trouble in my absence?" I said.

"Arthur returned from his training a few months ago and is currently spending time outside with Tessia. He should be back soon," my mother said.

"I figured Arthur went to Epheotus for training, and it seems he's returned. I hope he doesn't disappoint me," I thought to myself.

"So, how are things between Arthur and Tessia? I hope Arthur isn't acting foolishly," I said to my mother.

"Don't worry, after a few conversations, Arthur and Tessia became a couple, and we've engaged them," my mother said proudly.

"That's great. Eleanor, how was your life in my absence?" I asked Eleanor with a smile.

"Brother, not much has changed without you. I'm just a student at Xyrus Academy, enjoying student life. Thanks to your teachings, I don't have to work too hard because you've already taught me everything. I only attend combat classes and receive training for my mana core," Eleanor said, but I sensed she was hiding something.

"What are you hiding from me, Eleanor?" I asked with a skeptical tone.

"Uh, well, um, brother, I have a boyfriend," Eleanor said in a low voice.

Upon hearing Eleanor's words, I felt an involuntary urge to kill.

"B-Brother, stop, you're hurting us," Eleanor said, and upon hearing her, I realized I had revealed my intention to kill. I hadn't innocently roamed around in the world during my time away, and my intention to kill had become much stronger.

"I want an explanation, Eleanor. Who is this boyfriend?" I asked Eleanor, looking at her with a hint of anger.

"Uh, well, I met him a year ago and fell in love with him at first sight," Eleanor said in a low voice.

"Today you're going to call him and I'll meet him, Eleanor," I said.

Eleanor nodded and agreed.

"Don't call him now, let him join us for breakfast," I said.

"Okay, bro, I'll call him right away," Eleanor said, and she called her boyfriend with a summoning parchment.

"He says he'll come quickly," Eleanor said, and I nodded in approval.

We talked with the family for about twenty minutes, and then Arthur and Tessia arrived.

"It's been a long time, Osto, where have you been?" Arthur said as he and Tessia quickly approached and hugged me.

"Where I've been isn't important; in my absence, you seem to have rid yourself of some foolishness," I said, and Arthur blushed.

"Tessia, if this fool acts up again, let me know, I'll teach him a lesson," I said, winking at Tessia.

As we were talking, there was a knock at the door, interrupting our conversation. Eleanor was about to go open it, but I stopped her and went to the door myself.

When I opened the door, I saw a boy with orange hair and blue eyes standing there.

"Hello, I'm Morgan, Eleanor's boyfriend," he said.[IMAGE]