Alexandra Winfred


Alexa went back to the room which was meant for Alex. She focus on the details from the window to the designs and then her eyes hit something, it was a picture looking like her. In the picture she was dressed in a black jumpsuit, her black sleek hair was straightened and her facial expression was serious.

"No wonder they didnt know it was me and not her. So we look alike? But how? This is probably not me" she was distracted by a phone call.

She moves closer to the phone to see the caller ID, it was Alex Secretary.

"Should i answer the call" after much hesitation she went for the green button

"Hello" Alex said

"Good day Ma'am"

"Why do you call?"

"Am sorry to bother you but the board members are worried you were not around today. There is a meeting which you need to attend to but they all left when they couldn't see you. Have been dialing your number since the meeting started but no one answered. Is everything okay cause the absence is unusual of you ma'am"

Alexa became silent for a while.

"Hello, ma' am are you there?" 

"What m yeah an there. Sorry i was not around, something came up at my residence and i had to attend to it. Can you please postpone the meeting to a more convenient day?" 

"Hmmm ma'am that would be a problem cause the meeting needs to be done before Saturday"

(O my God, what have i gotten myself into?)

"On Saturday? You mean February 3" Alexa said immediately looking at the table calendar

"Yes ma'am" 

"Can you please tell me all what the meeting all about and the party on Saturday"

"Is something wrong ma'am?"

"Why do you ask"

"You seem to have forgotten"

Alexa clears her Throat and tries to find an excuse.

"Hey young lady do your job. You are not to question me am your boss"

"Am sorry ma'am please pardon my negligence. I will come over to your house to give you the details"

"Wait! don't have to come over to my house. You can send it through direct message or email" 

"Okay ma'am i will do that"

"Good" she hangs up.

"O my God o my God what did i just do? What did i do" she touches her chest to feel her heart pounding.

She sits on the floor

"What am going to do?"



"Alex" Jason said

"Yeah" Alex answered without knowing

She looks at him with surprise and immediately changed her countenance.

"Why did you call me Alex" 

(Does he know am not Alexa. Shut up mind what if he can also read minds)

"You mentioned it earlier when the nurse ask of your name" Jason replied

"Oh that? That was a slip of tongue. I meant Alexa. I also was not focus because Mrs Sm....." She cut her words when she realized she almost called Alexa's mum Mrs Smith

"I was not focus because of mum's situation "she lied

Jason was not satisfied with what she said and she immediately tried to find something to cover up.

"Has been sick ever since i was arrested"

Jason was quiet for a while

"Why are you asking can't you remember?" Jason puts his hand in his pocket

(Oh damn am suppose to act as her daughter so i have to know everything"

"i mean did her sickness got worse because of me"

"Kind of. Let's go and sit" Jason said holding her hand.

They finally found a sit in the hallway

"Her sickness got worse when you were arrested for murder. She didn't believe her daughter would murder anyone" Jason continue speaking

"But i didn't murder anyone"

"We know. We believe you that's why i took up the case because the other lawyers wouldn't defend you. I think they are scared of Mr Andrew"

(That man again)

"That man is such a pain in the ass" Alex said resting her back on the back rest

"You can say that again. I have been taking care of her when you were not around even though my dad did not support it"

"Thank you Jason". 

"You are welcome. uhmm do you need anything?" Jason asked

"Hmmmm water will do"

"Okay i will be back" Jason said leaving