She is back


Jason returns with a bottle of water and a box of chocolate.

"Pick one" Jason said as he opens the chocolate box

"No am fine with the water" 

"You know me better than that. Pick one i insist" Jason pushed the box closer to her

(I don't even know you)

"Jason i said am fine" Alex insisted 

"Are you sure you are fine?" Jason asked

"Yeah. Okay fine" Alex stretched her hand to pick a bar of chocolate

 "You have" Jason paused munching on the chocolate


"I think you've...." He paused staring at her

"I....have what"Alex asked

"Don't worry" 

"I shouldn't worry? Hey what do you want to tell me, spit it out" Alex insisted

"I said don't worry, i will tell you when it is the right time" Jason said picking another chocolate

(What is he thinking about. Why do i find it hard to read your mind) Alex thought to her herself.



Alexa drops the phone on the bed

"I need to act fast. How i do leave this place?." She slams on the bed and looks ate ceiling rubbing her hand on the bed her hand hit something

"Uh?" She sits up to look at it

"What is this" she searched through the duvet and finally unwraps the duvet off the item. she looks at it and realized what it was

"A record player? How did it get here." She looks at the brand name and realized it was a name she recognized. "Wow it is the Sony Discman, have always wanted to get this bad boy!" She exclaimed

"But who is using it? Does it exist here?" She opens the music player and takes out the Casette"

"Old as time"she touched the inscription

"Never heard of this music before. Bella! Bella!"

Bella came knocking

"Come in the door is opened"

"Ma'am you called me. Do you need anything?"

"Not really. Please do you know how this got here?Alexa asked

Bella looks at it. "No i do not know how it got here. you must have brought it here."

"I did?"

"That is what i assume" Bella replied

"Okay you may go."

After Bella left

"I think the only soothing thing i would do now is to listen to you" Alexa puts the casette in the music player and picks the earpiece.


1985 Evening 6:42

Alex was already dozing off and so Jason as to put her head on his shoulder. The emergency ward opens and the doctor came out. Jason immediately woke Alex up.

"Hey lexa, lexa" Jason gently taps her

"Hmm?" Alex opens her glooming eyes

"Sorry i woke you up but the doctor is out"

"Oh where is he"

"There" Jason points to the doctor who was speaking to the nurse Judith

"Let's go ask about mum" Alex tries to stand up but she staggers so Jason held her properly.

The duo moves closer to the doctor.

"Doctor how is mum?"

"Hi am doctor Clement you must be Alexa right?"

"Yes i am please how is my mum" she kept asking

"Uhmmm your mum is fine. She has been resuscitated and stabilised. She will be transferred to the patients ward for further treatment and diagnosis.

"dia.....diagnosis? Diagnosis for what?" Alex looks at the doctor and Jason at the same time

"Wait didn't he tell you anything?" The doctor asked

"Tell me what?" 

"Jason you didn't tell her?" The doctor looks at Jason

"Wait you know each other? What is happening. Are you deaf!? Alex yelled

"Uhmmm Alexa" Jason grabs her hand tightly

"Am sorry i kept this from you but that was what your mother wanted. Your....mum...your mum is a patient of.....leukemia" Jason stuttered 

"Leuk.....leukemia? She has leukemia?" Alex was shocked

While trying to sink in what she heard a big frequency wave streaked her ear. She began having short breaths and feeling dizzy.

"Alexa are you okay?" Jason asked

Everything became hazy and doubled. She found it difficult to breath and the frequency wave didn't stop. Jason held her as she began to fall.

The last thing she saw was the double face of the doctor asking if she was okay.


2024. 29 Jan. 9:03

The day opens eith a bright sun.The room was silent. The maids were busy with their chores. 

(Vrrrrrr vrrrrr vrrrrrrr) 

The vibration of the phone kept ringing and this woke the sleeping beauty but not fully awake

(Vrrrrr vrrrrr vrrrrrrr)

The phone kept vibrating. She angrily searched for the phone with her hands and finally found it picking the call without looking at the caller identity

"Hello" she said with grumble

"Oh thank goodness i thought you wont pick forever. Wherw the hell have you been!"

"Wait what"

The sleeping beauty recongnised the voice and immediately sat up. she drops the phone and looks at the room, the bed, the chandeliers everything was back to normal.

"Am back?" she looks at her hands and felt her face

"Am back!" Alex yelled jumping off the bed.

"Hello, hello, hellllooooo" cler kept yelling on the phone