Music player


After Bella explained what happened to Alex which still rendered her confused. Alex was asked to be left alone because she doesn't seem to get it.

She was standing in front of the transparent wall in her room staring at the few houses in the street.

(So she was here and i was there? But it doesn't make sense) Alex thought to herself.

(what could this mean) she turns back to her bed to see the music player. She then walks closer and took it to examine it. She read the inscription again "old as time"

"Old as time, old as time old as time" she read it thrice for it to sink in but it doesn't make sense.

"Who would believe me when i say i time travelled? Will Cler believe me, Samuel? Bella? Who?" As she she ruminating a knock was heard.

"Who is it!"

"Ma'am it's me Bella , Mrs cler is here to see you" Bella announced

"Cler?" She remembers that it was her call that woke her up this morning and she didn't have time to talk to her properly.

"O my God am toast" Alex immediately slip on her slippers and ran out of the room

"Hey Cler!" She said running down the stairs knowing what she has done

"Really? Alex really? Stop with the pretense" cler who was on couch said

"Me? pretend in front of the mighty Cler?"

"Hey am not joking. Didnt you see my missed calls? I called you this morning and the next thing i heard was a yell you got me nervous" Cler scolded her

"Hey am sorry i was just happy to ve b...." She paused

Cler looks at her with a continue look

"I was just happy to see this wonderful morning" Alex lied

"Seriously, what about the tantrum you caused yesterday? I was shocked to see you house intact and also that" clear points to the dangling chandeliers without looking at it "i thought i would be bringing your insurance  company to come and claim the damages you caused"

"And thank God that didn't happen. But how did youknowwwww. Let me guess (she looks around) she told you?" Alex points to Bella who was busy with the vacuum cleaner.

"What if she isn't ?" Cler questioned 

"I know she is the one. Seems i have to change my maids caused i tbink this one has a big mouth" Alex complained

"Hey so it was true. I knew something was off" Cler said

"Hey stop with the exaggeration" Alex said putting the music player on the center desk in front of them

"So how was the music?" Cler asked

Alex became quiet for a while

"The music is great but i want to ask you some questions. When you listened to it what happened?"

Cler couldn't understand

"What do you mean"

"I mean when you listened to the song did anything awkward happen to you?"

"Awkward you say hmm no nothing awkward happen to me" 

"So you do not feel like for instance your body is not your body?"

Cler burst into laughter

"O My Goddess you are so hilarious"she said amidst the laughter

"Never mind" Alex folded her arms

"Are you pissed off. Awwwn mama is gonna burst" she teases her

"Hey stop that. On a serious note i think i want to visit your grandpa"

"My grandpa?" Cler asked
