Bed or roses or tulips

The two stood in front of Cler's grandpa cottage

"Are you sure about this" Cler asked Alex

"Yeah just some few questions i really need an answer to"

"Okay let's go"



Alexa was already asleep on her mother's leg when Jason returned.

"Ahh don't wake her" Mrs smith whispers

"Am sorry i told her" Jason sat at the other side of the bed

"Hey it's okay. It is not your fault. I knew she will know eventually she just need time" she coughs

"Easy. Alexa is a darling that has been going through many things. I knew she will not taje it once sge knew . i only wanted her to be happy" jason explained

"I know, i know you don't want to hurt her. Ygr best thing for her right now us to rest, eat and be happy i----"

Jason cuts in

"You know that is only possible when she lmsees you have recovered"

"I know, i know but what can i do"

"We keep trying"

There was sudden silence

"What about your father?" Mrs smith asked

Jason's mood changed

"Hey i know that face. So you haven't reconcile?"

Jason nod affirmatively 

"He still acts like the way he does. You know, grumpy, bossy and all that. I can't bear yo live with him with that attitude" Jason stated

"But you have to, he is your father. The blood in your flesh. I don't want your sister to learn about this. I don't want her to know you guys are pretending. Once she finishes her final exam in the college you know she is coming back" Mrs smith explained 

"I know but dad is too....."

"He is too what?. hey son" she places her hands on his shoulder "you have to learn how to deal with life. Life is not a bed of roses neither tulips"

Jason smiles

"I know it is funny but it is true. You have to learn how you are going to touch your dad's heart. I wish i can handle you speak to him but we are never in speaking terms thanks to the Andrews. So Jason the ball is in your court" Mrs smith lectured him

Jason became silent for a while

"Okay i will try"

"Try? I do not want try. I want affirmation"

"Okay okay fine. I....i....i will it"

"That is the spirit. Now go get him" she coughs profusely making Alexa wake up

"Mum are you okay? Do you need some water" she rushed to the water dispenser and filled a glass.

"Have it" she placed the water on her mother's hand and Mrs Smith drank out of it"

"Thank you"

"So how are you feeling mum. Do you feel any headache , back ache do you need a doctor or more IVs?" Alexa asked with concern

"Hey baby it is okay. Am okay no cause of alarm. It was just a cough"


"it is okay. Am okay"

"If you say so. Do you need anything else?" Alexa asked

"Hmm i think i will need some fresh clothes since i don't know when i will be discharged" mrs smith stated

"Then i will go get it for you" Alexa hurriedly stops up from her seat.

"I will go with you" Jason said standing 

"I do not want your company" Alexa said frowning

Jason and mrs smith was shocked 

"Alexa are you okay. Why the mood?" Mrs smith asked

"Mum don't worry. I will go get your things. Do you need other thing" Alexa asked

"Lexa that is not the answer i want!" Mrs Smith scolded her.

"Mum i will be off" Alexa left angrily

Jason was speechless

"Jason dont mind her. Go, follow her. If she act any rashly don't hesitate to tell me cause i know she has hot blood" Mrs Smith encouraged Jason

"Then i will be off too. Take care ma" Jason said leaving and running after Alexa.

Alexa was at the entrance waiting for a taxi to flat down.

"Why today of all day. Badluck curse you!" Alexa whispers to herself.

As she was about to wave down an oncoming taxi, Jason immediately took and her and her towards his car.

"Leave me alone" Alexa pulls her hand angrily.

Jason was quiet. He pulls her hand again and continued walking towards his car at the park hall.

"Jason leave me alone!" You are hurting me" Alexa shrieked and the hall echoed

Jason became gentle and left her hand.

Immediately he left her hand, he was met with a hard slap on the cheeks and after were soft punches on the chest from a crying adult.

"You, you, i called you my friend, i called you my best friend but you kept it all from me!" Alexa said crying

Jason stood still with retaliating. When he felt the punches getting hard he instantly held the hand coming for him and hugged her tightly. Alexa sobbed quietly on his shirt staining it with her tears after a while of calmness she released herself from the hug and was about to leave again when Jason held her hand but gently this time.
