
Jules pov

I watched with wide eyes as he slowly slid a finger deep into his tiny hole until it reached his knuckle. He threw his head back and let out a long moan as he slid his finger out and slid it back in until he got to the hilt.

It was so mesmerising, how he kept sliding his finger in and out, how he kept lifting off the bed every now and then to meet his finger.

Sweat had gathered over his forehead and his dick was so hard that a little liquid gathered at the reddened tip.

"Fuck." He cried out as he pumped his finder deep into his hole.

When he finally pulled his finger out, he held it high for the camera and wiggled it, it glistened as it caught the bright lights in the room.

"Would you like to taste my slick, Alpha?" He said to the camera as he wiggled his finger once again.