Another Problem

Jules pov

"So, how serious is this crush which you have on me?" Xander asked, tone blunt and direct.

I choked on the mouthful of drink I had in my throat while I felt color flood my cheeks.

Xander and I have been seated at the table for over ten minutes and neither of us had broken the silence until right now.

I had known that he was blunt and cold, Taylor had given me a rundown of his personality, but it had still shocked me to the core to witness said bluntness right now.

I slowly cleared my throat while trying to move past my embarrassment.

"What?" I whispered and I watched as he scoffed before gulping down his drink.

"That's the reason why we're right here, isn't it? Because you have a crush on me." He continued and I cleared my throat, remembering that Taylor had informed him that I had a crush on him.

"Oh, yeah…" I ended up mumbling, cheeks ablaze. I was unable to meet his eyes so I stared straight at my drink.