
In the aftermath of the legend withstand the forces of mystery, Mei and her helpersestablish themselves standing on the mountain of a new stage. The scars of battle stillnew, they survey upon the globe accompanying a combination of hope and anxiety, doubtful of what the future grasped.

But as they scrutinized the land, they proverb signs of recurrence and resurrection arisingfrom the ruins of conflict. Villages already destroyed by war started to repair, their occupants combined in their conclusion to counterfeit a new course forward.

Emboldened apiece elasticity of people as political whole they had observed and attestedinsulate, Mei and her helpers design again, their morale refreshed and their resolveunshakeable.

Together, they busy the time and extent of the Murim realm, contribution aid and supportto those poor and extended the education of the Hidden Fist to all the one would tune in.

And as they traveled, they establish new associates and opponents alike, each encounterforming their understanding of the planet and their place inside it.

But among the challenges they met, they experienced that the light of the Hidden Fistwould forever guide their habit, enlightening the way to a more brilliant future for all the one named the Murim realm home.