Eternal Vigilance

As harmony decided over the Murim realm, Mei and her companions waited alwayscareful, aware that the forces of ignorance keep rise again unspecified moment.

Their days were gone preparation as a matter of usual practice, sharpening their abilitiesand sharpening their minds in progress for anything challenges lay advanced. For theyexperienced that even in opportunities of peace, the shadows still rumored of hiddendangers hidden just distant.

Together, they patrolled the land, their suspicious eyes scanning the skyline for somesigns of trouble. And when hazard rose allure head, they were forever ready to spring intoaction, their all move led for one education of the Hidden Fist and the substance of their bond.

But amidst their responsibilities as guardians of the harmony, Mei and her helperslikewise raise importance of joy and friendship, counterfeiting new thoughts andrestoring their bond accompanying each passing day.

And as they endured together, combined in their purpose and their conclusion to save theexperience they desired, they knew that despite everything troubles lay before, they would face ruling class all at once, their morale undaunted and their resolve unshakeable in spite of situation.