14.Awakening of the dreamer the Beginning of the Black Sabbath part 7.5

And man's nightmares will be only pleasant dreams compared to the wrath of Judas Baphomet. Judas shall bring a Black Sea of fire.

That will burn all except the infants of man and beast. Those children shall be molded in the image of Judas And then will abandon the old ways of humanity and never see man's culture.

They shall not fight over petty things like the minerals of the earth and land. They will no longer be beasts with intelligence. They will be devoted to Judas and will worship the black Gaia. Ornias Lucifer then said In if my lord falls. A child will rise and shall follow in my lord's footsteps. The child will raise his father from death and summon the black Gaia. They shall rule this universe until the very end of time and when Shelothbane.

When the gods and celestials invade my lord's earth, we will show them no mercy and will drink their tears like water and get drunk off their blood like it's wine. We will feast on their corpses and learn the secrets hidden in their flesh. We shall make their divine children watch our horrific acts, and we shall make them slaves of fear and our power. We will bathe in the blood of innocent creatures of the land.

We will use the gods' bones for soil to grow food for the thousand young of the black Gaia. We shall be one with shub-ziggurat, The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young. Ornias Lucifer raised his right hand in the sky. Then I saw multiple goat eyes grow and manifest on his arms. Some of the eyes were yellow, and others were red. Some of the eyes had no pupils or multiple ones. Some of the pupils looked human. Red lighting energy got way bigger and stronger. I looked at the center of his hand to see a large mouth with various canine and snake fangs. Long eight-foot tongues Slither out of its Large, gaping, slimy, saliva-filled mouth.

All I heard was screams that were so intense my body was shaking. It felt like I was getting forced down to kneel before god. I felt the wood chips of the floor stab me and multiple splinters. Then Ornias Lucifer closed the mouth that was on his hand. The eyes on his right arm began to close. The stained glass art drastically changed into the image of Baphomet holding one chalice and wearing a pentagram necklace.

It was calling forth a black mass of tentacles. The giant octopus-like tentacles were coming out of a pitch-black void. The tentacles had an aura of green lighting energy. Green lighting and thunder were coming out of the void. Then Ornias Lucifer said this is merely child's play, not even a tiny fraction of my power. I have a lot of things in store for humanity. You are not worth seeing even a tiny fraction of my power-sliver crow chick.

You are not even worthy to join the murders of Odin. Because you can't even fly, not even Loth, the father of insects or The cosmic warg, will be able to stop the powers of me and my dark brothers. Judas has greater power than even me and all of his apostles. I am the living black truths of Judas, the ruler of the black earth and its universe. We will spit in the face of loth and laugh as the insect god crawls on his belly like a worm in fear of us.

We shall rule this black earth. We shall make the men and the beast of the world fall to their knees in worshiping us as the new dark lords of this rotten earth. We will kill all the children of the blasphemous cosmic warg and loth the black scarab god. Then Ornias Lucifer stopped talking. An enormous rush of green energy emerged out of his aura, and then the ground began to shake as a pentagram formed from the ground. The pentagram was a disturbing and very gruesome image. It was made out of multiple heads of lambs and had the bones of human children. Within the center of the pentagram it had a giant red orb. The orb looked similar to a snake's eye but just bright red.

The large pentagram started glowing red. Then Ornias Lucifer said I have no time to preach the black gospel to a sliver little crow that doesn't even know how to fly yet. It is time to merge the realms. It is time to bring the dreams of Judas into this realm. It is Time to wake up all my fellow apostles and brothers. Once you have met the thirteenth apostle of the black goat, Judas then will make The Black Sabbath commence. You will have dreams showing you the thin lines between our realities. You must wonder how you smell, taste, feel, and eat when you dream because this is another realm that mirrors your own. I am also merging this realm with Judas's realm.

Ornias Lucifer then opened his large, thick, black grimoire. The old pages were flipping rapidly and started glowing a dark Forrest green. The book flew to the pentagram, where it lay on top of the massive floating red orb above the pentagram, opening a green fire-like portal. It felt quicker than the speed of light. There were multiple undead who came bursting out of the green portal. Some very ghoulish humans had gray skin but had missing scars and chunks of flesh—the undead walk to the Catholic Church bench. Unlike the zombies from Fear the Walking Dead, they were calm, and even some acted like they didn't know I existed. Others were even afraid of my very sight.

They had personalities similar to those of a video game creature I killed for fun in this game called Blood Souls Die Twice. They are called hollows. They are weak and often will avoid combat. Some of the undead looked like dried-out and mummified corpses. Some of those undead creatures had wolf-bane growing from their mouths and hollow eye sockets. They had multiple black vines growing and other plants.

I saw some undead run up to Ornias Lucifer to bow down and praise him. Some of the undead held hands. Then, those with hands began to glow and fuse until they formed a massive red portal where Beelzebub and Asmodeus jumped out. Then, two substantial, muscular, black, furry humanoid hands reach out. It was the gigantic apostle Matthias Simon, the second apostle.

It seemed like his elk horns were covered in blood and flesh that didn't belong to him. I could see that on some of his antlers, there was jewelry.

At the same time, they all said hello to Sliver Crow while looking. My eyes started bleeding black blood, and I instantly felt this massive tidal wave of dread and darkness. It was like I was hollowed out to be filled with fear. I was drowning in it like huge black waves, and the current was pulling me to flood in my despair. I was blinded by fear.