15 .Awakening of the dreamer the Beginning of the Black Sabbath part 8

Then Asmodeus Belial

pointed at me with his long finger. Then he said you will no longer have that horrid stench of the cosmic warg. You will no longer have the chains of Vánagandr. The seal and pact that you made with that warg is nothingness and worthless. You making that deal with that foul beast was nothing but a trap to show proof that cosmic warg is trying to invade the realm.

Even the wise Merlin and the cosmic warg will be fooled into thinking they have a new champion. But in reality, you will be a spy for Judas. That seal won't protect you from our power. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Matthias Simon then teleported in front of me. Then Matthias Simon pined my left arm down. The elk demon then opens its mouth, revealing sharp canine-like teeth. They looked so intense they made new swords look dull. I watch acidic saliva slowly drip and burn my flesh.

I was screaming at the top of my lungs as the undead and the other apostles laughed at my pain. I couldn't help but cry and curse. Then, very slowly and very painfully, Matthias Simon rips off my left arm. The elk demon pulled it clean off like I was just a cheap and weak action figure that a destructive kid was playing with. Then Matthias Simon said I'm so tempted to devour your young flesh, but that would make my dark lord angry. I love to eat crows, especially sliver-talking hairless, mindless apes. I like to watch the pain and fear in their eyes before I eat them.

My arm socket on my left was leaking a lot of red blood. It was all over my clothes. The blood was leaking out like a destroyed dam or water line. Matthias Simon then gave the arm to Asmodeus Belial. Then, Asmodeus used some mythical magic similar to the magic that the Baba Yaga used. Removing the seal of the cosmic warg  and replacing it with a new seal

It was a seal with a creature with a goat skull head. It had no arms, but its lower torso was a long black serpent's tail. It had a leviathan satanic cross on it. Behind the creature was an odd pentagram that I had never seen. It had an old cosmic runic language on it. Then Asmodeus tossed my left arm to Ornias Lucifer, and then he used a magical incantation that caused a seal similar to the biker that I almost fought at the black creek pub. The seal of the ouroboros was on my lower left arm. In the center of the ouroboros was the sign of Baphomet. For some reason, a memory flashed before my eyes.

I remembered that the biker with a bald head had a button that said I am a follower of Yig. It had a snake humanoid Naga creature. He had a watchman logo, but the smile was upside down and was covered in more blood.

I then snap back into reality. I watched as my left arm manifested multiple goat-like eyes. My arms looked similar to Danzo's. The goat's eyes were a bright, overwhelming crimson. Ornias Lucifer then raised his right arm in the sky. I then used dark, unholy magic to pull me towards him, levitating in the sky.

Then Beelzebub shape-shifted into a goat creature with multiple eyes, tentacles, and mouths. The mouths were filled with razor-blade sharp teeth. Beelzebub then used magic to make me fall and crawl towards him. Beelzebub then uses some cosmic, eldritch, unholy healing spell. He used some of his saliva as well to put my left arm back into the socket.

It was like my arm was never ripped clean off in the first place. I could move my fingers ideally, but I still felt some pain. Then I watched as all the apostles started glowing with different colored auras. It was green, Black, red, and golden yellow. Their eyes were burning, and they looked like they were staring into a supernova. They were like looking into portals of hell.

I watched as they used their magic to open these large red portals. I watched as all but Asmodeus Belial stepped into their portals. Asmodeus stared into my eyes and said you no longer have that awful and horrifying smell. The great beast doesn't have your soul anymore. Your soul will be an exceptional gift for Judas Baphomet. You are his silver Crow. That seal of the warg is Broken.

They will even trick Merlin and the Cosmic Warg into thinking you are a tool for them to use and dispose of. The seal will also make your physical body go through a metamorphosis. So, you shall be ready to absorb cosmic knowledge. It will protect you from me, the apostles, the Lord wargs, and the other offsprings of black Gaia. But my master, black Gaia, and lord Judas will be able to kill you, and even though you are immortal, you can still feel pain and have a prolonged healing factor that can bring you back to life.

Also, Judas' father can destroy you because he has limitless power and will. Asmodeus Belial then started laughing in a wicked tone. It was pure evil, and you could see the sinister, crooked smile on his face. He walked inches away from the red portal. He looked at me with his burning eyes. They looked like they were going to explode.

Then he said you are the slave of causality. Always remember that little sliver crow because fate has written it that way. The black elk would like to have a few words with you. Then, all I saw was the portal closing slowly. Then, out of nowhere, a large gust of wind entered the church. The winds were so strong that it turned into a small tornado. Then, it grew larger and larger.

All the candles in the room went out as the wind stopped to reveal a creature with an elk's head but an average humanoid male body. It wore large robes and had various young and old vines entangled into the antlers of the black elk. It held multiple relics and religious necklaces around its neck.

Then the creature spoke  I am Berith Behelit, the younger Fraternal twin of Matthias Simon, the dark elk in the black woods and the apostle of the black goat king. I am here, little sliver crow, to ask you some questions, and I better have the answer that Judas wants to hear. If you try to resist and not comply, I will torture you and make you have the mind of a vegetable. Now start talking, crow. Are you a man of faith?

I waited till he was done taking, then said. I am a man of faith and belief in a higher power. I believe in god, and he believes in me, for he is a loving god. I believe in his son Jesus and the Holy Spirit that protects me from evil and sin. Berith Behelit then rubbed his chin and said Why do you believe in a god? I looked into his white eyes and said because I have faith in a man of faith, I must endure the temptation of sin and the flesh. Faith can make even the weakest man turn into the strongest.

Berith then summoned a red portal. He puts his left hand in it to grab a sizeable black grimoire. He then pulled out a large black quill pen that looked like it came from the thirteenth century. He started writing notes in his massively large, thick grimoire.