Empty Chamber

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Word Count 2280


"Albus, why are we in the girls lavatory." Flamel looked at his former troublesome student with a strange expression

Dumbledore's eyebrow twitched slightly " This is the only entrance to the Chamber of Secrets that I am aware of. Fifty years ago a student was killed by a Basilisk stare here. So most likely this is the entrance or rather the exit that the Basilisk comes out from"

"A Basilisk under the school? Fascinating. It must be very powerful if its been alive for a thousand years" Flamel said with a curious tone, but even he wasn't foolish enough to fight against a Basilisk that old. If he had the appropriate reinforcements that are of similar strength as him then maybe.

But he only had Albus with him now And no matter how strong he thinks he is. Albus was only a Mid-Class mage, right in the middle of it, a bit higher than that at best.

"The sink here is the entrance" Dumbledore spoke up once they entered the bathroom.

"Interesting." Flamel got nearer to the sink as he started inspecting it "Why I haven't seen enchantments like this in quite a while. The last I saw of this specific variant was in Spain in my youth."

"Spain? Not India?" Dumbledore said with a slightly surprised tone.

"Bah. You young people don't know anything anymore" Flamel said in an old man tone, taking more shots at Dumbledore.

"Parselmouths aren't Unique to India. There are many places in the world where people speak to snakes. Whether through obscure rituals or just a gift from nature or the gods. People have spoken to animals for centuries.

I believe Salazar came to Britain from Spain. Ironic isn't it. The least liked Hogwarts Founder had the most influence in History. Because of his reputation and recognition. Two new schools popped up in the world to become powerhouses. Ilvermorny and Academia Mágica Oculta. Both of his students went back to their home countries and created magic schools that now rival Hogwarts."

"Yes." Dumbledore had his lips pressed in a line. That particular fact did not sit well with the Ministry. Or the other schools as the respective headmasters always kept talking about how old and obsolete Hogwarts is.

"Now then. Where is it" Flamel started to go through his pockets. Until he pulled out a worn out wooden snake puppet. Along with some red liquid that looked like blood. But it was much to dark to be human blood.

Flamel placed some blood on the faucet and pointed the head of the puppet there

"Open" he spoke outload and low and behold. "$Open$"

Krrrr. Krrrr. Krrrr. 

The entire sink started going down. Revealing a passage underground

 "A Parselmouth owed me a favour. So I collected it by recording his words in this puppet made out of special wood and snake bones" Nicolas explained, knowing that Albus was curious as to how he had pulled this off.

' I never knew something like that was possible. I searched for so long for a way to open the Chamber. But the secret must be in the blood. Only a blood decedent can open the Chamber. Nicolas must have used blood-magic. I won't even bother asking. I know he won't tell or will just use this as an excuse to act senile." Dumbledore watched silently as Nicolas went in first.

Every few seconds Nicolas would scan for traps. So it took them quite a while to reach the end of the staircase. Only to find the bones of many animals.

"Hmmm. I think your assumption about this being the Basilisk's exit was correct. But its even more accurate to say that this is a disposal point. Its actually quite well trained. Salazar must have trained the Basilisk to deposit the bones of its food here. So that he could just vanish them or use them for rituals. Quite an easy way to get bones I must say. You don't have to do any work and just feed your pet." Flamel levitated a few of the bones to see that they were strangely in perfect condition. 'Maybe Salazar modified its stomach acid. Just to burn through flesh and not harm the bones in any way'

They went through the tunnel filled with bones. Each footstep made cracks on the bones.

Dumbledore just huffed. He waved his wand and conjured stone blocks to make a path way. The stone blocks crushed the bones underneath. But now they have a path.

Nicolas just laughed "You getting quite fussy for someone being so young. If an old man like me has no problem with it why should you."

Dumbledore had just about enough from Flamel "Well I don't exactly have your experience with robbing graves or making them" he gave the man a pointed look.

'Yes. I know how you made that stone.'

Flamel glanced at Dumbledore and smirked. His smirk basically said ' So what?'

'I hate this infuriating man' Albus turned his head away from his mentor and focused on creating the path. After a minute they reached the 'door', A large circular metal vault door with a seven headed hydra on it. The snake heads looked very realistic and lifelike.

"Sigh. Great" Flamel sighed as he used more blood. The puppet hissed and the metal door opened. After all that they have finally entered the Chamber.

"Hoo" Flamel said with interest. This place was very old and magical. It was very rare to find places this well preserved in the world.

"The Chamber of Secrets" Dumbledore mumbled, he had been searching for a way to enter here ever since Myrtle died 50 years ago. The knowledge and secrets that must be kept here. It might help him with his goals.

"Well then lets begin." Flamel pulled out his wand. But it was far different than an ordinary one. It was made out of metal that looked like silver. And it had a red gem on the tip. Instead of a wizards wand it looked more like a magician's wand.

Dumbledore eyed the wand warily. Nicolas himself created this wand. And a man of his calibre wouldn't make due with anything subpar. The wand was an alchemical creation he could easily tell. But how he managed to do it or what alloys were used was beyond him. Recognizing those with a glance was difficult.

Nicolas smiled as he pointed his wand downward in a reverse grip. "ἀποκαλύπτω" (Reveal)

A pulse of magic erupted from his wand. The pulse travelled throughout the Chamber. Scanning it completely for the stone.

'That was Ancient Greek.' Albus watched as the pulse ended. It was quite a powerful spell as well. Much stronger than an ordinary Revelio.

Nicolas sighed when he didn't get any results back for the Stone. But he did learn that it was here. There were residual traces that only he could pick up.

He was not too disappointed, rather he was excited , he hadn't had this much of a challenge in locating the stone for quite a while. It will end up in his hands. One way or another. The thief can not keep it hidden in Hogwarts forever. When he grows overconfident. That's when he will lose.

But he did get a result from the Basilisk nest. But that hasn't been opened in decades. So the thief couldn't have put it there as well. 'So he has a brain to avoid the Basilisk as well. That means he is reasonable and not reckless.

"Should we search the nest?" Dumbledore looked at the very obvious head statue. The most likely place where the Basilisk was.

Flamel turned to him and looked at him like you would look an idiot. "If you want to fight a thousand year old Basilisk go on ahead. I'm not looking forward to dying just yet"

With those words Nicolas turned around and started walking towards the tunnel. There was no stone here. And his scan didn't pick up on anything else. So he would rather not waste any time in such a dreary place.

Albus on the other hand watched Nicolas walk away. He had finally reached the Chamber. And he refused to believe that there was nothing here that he could use.

But what both of them didn't know is that when Tom Riddle set free the Basilisk 50 years ago. And use his unorthodox methods to control it. He didn't seal it back correctly. Nor did he feed it before sealing it again

The hibernation charm wasn't fully activated. So the basilisk had slowly starving for the last 50 years. In its very weak state, they could have easily defeated it. But such was their luck


Potter Mansion

Harry arrived at his home. He practically dragged himself inside while cruising about meddlesome old men. Then he stopped in place 'Oh great. Now i sound like a Scooby Doo villain. Ugh I need some headache potions. I get trigger happy when I am grumpy.'

Harry pulled out a few vials from his coat and drank them all. Relief instantly came to his face. He was much more relaxed now and his head didn't hurt as much. 'Ahh much better. I should have done that from the start. Well considering I almost gave myself a brain aneurism, I can overlook this mistake'.

He arrived at the living room where everybody was already waiting. Food was on the table. The whole family was here. They even invited Narcissa. Who was wearing less expensive clothing, but she had a more relaxed expression on her face.

'Well someone is enjoying their freedom' 

"Harry what happened to you?" Hope stood up and rushed at him.

Harry looked confused before he looked down on his clothes. He had a bloodstain on the his shirt.

He got rid of the blood in the Chamber, but didn't clean himself off when he left. "Fuck" Harry waved his hand and the stain was gone. "Nothing to worry about, just a little nosebleed"

"You don't get nosebleeds. You overused the mind spells again didn't you" Melinda pointed out knowing far too well how Harry operates.

"Yep. I even went further than last time too. I'm so good" Harry puffed up his chest. He broke past his limits on using his mind spells. Little by little, he was improving.

"Of course you are" Melinda sighed, this was nothing new with Harry

Hope sighed "Did you take your potions?"

Harry patted her on her head. "Don't worry about it. I took some potions. For now lets just enjoy the night. Tomorrow. We use the Elixirs."

Hearing this everybody got excited. Melinda suddenly got an idea and smiled "Harry you said you are always saying how great at magic you are right?"

"Yeah?" Harry raised an eyebrow wondering where this conversation was going.

Melinda simply snapped her fingers and a house elf appeared " Please bring me the photo album"

In the next second there was a photo album, and Harry realised where this was going, but he didn't care one bit.

Melinda opened it and started at the beginning. "So when Harry was just a toddler, he tried to make his toy float. When he filed he got angry and fussy so he set fire on them all instead"

She showed a wizarding photo of a red faced Harry while he was swinging his hand around in anger before the toys erupted into flames


"Hahahaha" Tonks started to laugh while clutching her stomach "So you were a pyro since then!"

"Yep. Damn I was good" Harry shamelessly admitted it. In his mind, being able to sent things on fire with his mind when he was just a baby was a huge achievement. That actually might explain his affinity with fire magic in general.

"Nymphadora. Like you have any right to talk. Tell me again who turned her face into a pig and was stuck with a snout for two days." Andromeda crossed her arms but it was clear she was withholding a smile


"Now, now Andy. Don't torture the poor girl" Ted stepped in as always, trying to keep the peace between the two.

"Can I set things on fire like that?" Astoria innocently asked, causing Ophelia to kneel down next to her

"No honey. Harry is just special. Normal babies don't do things like that. Most do something small like drag their toys near them or change colour of a toy."

Melinda kept showing off photos hoping to embarrass her student "Oh and here is a naked photo of Harry"

The photo was of a 2 year old Harry shamelessly walking around naked. His clothes were all in cinders and his skin was blemished with ash. He had set himself on fire by accident.

They all turned to Harry who was smiling. "Oh I remember that. It was my first time making a fire ball but it exploded in my hands. I was lucky my magic protected me when I panicked or i would have gotten seriously burned. Good times"

At this moment everyone except Astoria had the same thoughts in their mind

''''''' Pyromaniac '''''''

Melinda just sighed again. 'Right. I forgot. He is completely shameless. His skin is harder than his stupidly powerful barriers'

"Lets just start the feast."

"Yass. I'm starving! Bring me some ChikcaN!" (Chicken obviously)

Harry fist pumped as he went to the table. He hadn't eaten anything the whole day and had to deal with the Stone Fiasco.

'Everything else can wait. For now FOOD!'

And with that a nice family gathering started, filled with food, drinks and laughter. One of many that will follow in the future.

~ A/N

Next chap. Melinda and Bella get young.

Harry returns to 4, Privet Drive after 10 years.

What will happen to the Durslies? Find out next time on...


(Couldn't help myself xD)