Privet Drive

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Word Count 2120


The next day Harry prepared some things and teleported to Privet Drive. He stopped once he saw the whole street. 'How dull. It reminds me of the American Dream houses. Nice law, white fence, a well maintained house. Is this what ordinary people do with their time? A silent competition of who has the better house or better life?'

Harry couldn't even process such thoughts. Frankly if he didn't already have a mansion he wouldn't even bother to build one. He was the kind of guy who could live in a small room so long as he had a big plot of land where he could build his labs, greenhouses and vivariums.

'There it is. The iconic torture house of Harry Potter. The worst kind of muggles besides criminals.' It was 7am. Right when the workers leave home to get to their workplace. He didn't want to wait for the afternoon to pick up everybody. And it was too much of a bother to find where Vernon works. So he woke up a bit earlier.

 Harry approached the door, his magical senses picked up the wards on the place. 'I see. So this is what the old goat tried to do. Quite ingenious in its own twisted way. But far too inefficient, for the price of putting a huge burden on the target I could have set up much better defensive protections.'

Dumbledore basically just made sure 'Harry Potter' couldn't be found by wizards, in exchange all of the wards would be powered by him. Melinda asked a friend to help out. That friend put the burden on Petunia and Dudley.

'Now. How do I do this. I'm not one for being squemish or morals. I don't need pesky things like that. All of them will die. I will not allow any possible dangers for me and my family. But... How do i maximise the use of their deaths. Their souls are worthless. Their only worth comes from the fact that they are 'Harry Potter's blood relatives'.

So a blood ritual? Hmmm, nah. The only one I can think of is the kin-slayer ritual. And that has bad side-affects for short term power.'

Harry mused for a while before he snapped his fingers 'I got it. When in doubt just make things more chaotic. The situation in Britain is already volatile. Now what would happen if the supernatural world got involved. Something like a Stray Devil kills Harry Potter's relatives.'

Harry cast a Notice Me Not Charm on the whole street and house. He then started to look through his pockets before he found it. A small box. He threw it on the ground and it expanded. It turned into a cage, inside the cage was a chained and starving Stray Devil. Harry captured this one with a simple Bind. So it must have been a recently reincarnated Devil. But now he was just a monster that looked like an insect chimera.

Harry pressed his wand into its temple. Since it could no longer be considered a person. ' Go inside and quickly kill everybody. You are allowed a few bites. Then come back out'

The insect monster nodded and charged into the house breaking down the door. Screams and yelling followed, before things turned deathly silent.

'Well that takes care of that, now nobody will be able to use the Dursleys blood against me. Next stop Arabella Figg the friendly neighbourhood spy squib'


'That's a hella lot of cats' was Harry's first thought as he reached Figg's house. 'This is kinda sad... Oh well. At least I will put her out of her misery.'

Harry opened the door and petrified the cats. "Get back thief!" Figg came out of the other room holding a shotgun. Harry just waved his hand and she was petrified as well.

" Okay. First test using the Elixir." he pulled out a bottle from his pocket and just shoved it into the old lady's mouth. He didn't want to risk directly moving it into her stomach using magic.

This was the peak of Alchemy, not some medicinal potion which are designed to some extent to be compatible with specific healing methods.

Harry watched carefully, dozens of magic circles moved around Figg, running all kinds of diagnostic spells. He wasn't going to miss a thing. After a few moments it finally started.

Her hair started regaining its brown colour, her wrinkly old skin with dark spots was becoming smooth and normal. She grew taller and her body started filling up. No longer was she skinny and frail. Now she was fit and somewhat voluptuous.

And those were just the external changes. Harry was monitoring her internal organs as well, especially what effect this will have on the brain.

'Fascinating, its like watching someone go back through time. But there are no temporal anomalies. The Elixir was basically just a giant shot of pure Vitality and Lifeforce. It was revitalizing every single cell in her body, even her brain, returning it to their prime age at around 25 years old.'

Harry continued to look for any side-effects. ' Everything seems normal. Pulse is steady, brainwaves look fine, the internal organs are working as they should be. If I didn't know she was an old lady a minute ago I wouldn't be able to tell her age by her body.

The only reason I can tell now is because of her mind that I can peak into the memories and because of how 'old' her soul is. The Philosopher's Stone is truly a masterpiece for being able to produce this Elixir. Now lets see what happens if I give her one more shot'

Harry poured one more Elixir down her throat and waited for the changes. He waited and waited... And nothing.

'No visual changes at all?' Harry frowned as he looked at Arabella. He then looked at the diagnostic spells, and they also showed nothing.

'Okay. Either the second dose did nothing, which I highly doubt. Or it increased her vitality even further, but I can't look into that. Damn I wish I knew some Senjutsu right about now. And I can't call for a Yokai for help. Who knows just how much her lifeforce increased. That would just put a large target on my back.

Whatever. Something to research in the future. For now at least I have proven that it has no negative effects on Squibs.'

"Goodbye Arabella" Harry pointed his palm at her, he knew that eventually Dumbledore will come here so using any unique magic was out of the question. So he did it the simple way. He used magic to stop her heart than vanished her body.

Quick and simple. Now all that was left to do was erase all traces. The old fashioned way.

Five minus later Harry was standing in the corner watching the house burn in fire. A common gas leak.

'Huh. You know, maybe Hope and Melinda have a point about me being a Pyro... nahhh. They must be imagining it'

Harry left the crime scene while whistling slowly heading to his next location.


After two hours, he finally found a 40 year old witch that nobody would miss and was an absolute bitch . The woman was stealing from muggleborn orphans, overpricing items when they come to visit without a teacher.

Harry has never had any qualms about killing, to him his research and family are everything, but if he can he will avoid hurting innocents.

After doing the same tests on the woman, Harry concluded that the Elixir is safe for Bella and Melinda to use. Now all that's left to do is go back and get the wine and champagne bottles ready.

~ Meanwhile in the pets room in the Mansion


Who, who, who, who, who?"


Zeno was jamming and singing along.

"Isn't he a bird?" Sabrina asked with a tilted head

"No he is a mammal with wings." Selena leaned over her to watch Zeno as he jumped around.

"Wrong. Thunderbirds lay eggs. He is basically an eagle with 2 legs." Nala yawned out as she was laying on her mattress.

"Uh-oh" Kiara spoke up as she saw Salazar slithering up to Zeno with a pissed expression on his face.

"He is dead meat!"


Salazar glared Zeno as he activated the small amounts of magic that he had in him. His body grew slightly but more importantly his muscles became stronger. He then jumped with no mercy

"Skr- Cough. Cough"

The thunderbird started to choke as Salazar coiled around his neck and squeezed.

"Shut the fuck up! A reptile is trying to sleep here" Salazar hissed in Zeno's ear. The thunderbird was technically the youngest of them, even though he was the biggest.

"Help!" Zeno cried out. And everybody else just turned their heads away. "Traitors!"

"Zip it and go to sleep bird brain!" Salazar squeezed harder until Zeno finally passed out he uncoiled himself and slammed his tail in the supersized CD player Harry made for them to turn it off. Each button was as big as Zeno's foot so it was easy.

"Finally" Salazar hissed out "Some peace and quiet" the King Cobra made his way back to his den to continue his nap. All while the others kept quiet, that is until Sabrina started talking again

"You sure he isn't a mammal? Coz I don't know a bird that likes to laze around as much as him."

The others just sighed and went to do their own thing. Ignoring the dumb snake.


While everybody was waking up, Harry returned from his ' side-quest'. All of the people from Yesterday's party slept over in the Potter Mansion. There were more than enough rooms for a few dozen more, so it was no problem.

The house elves were preparing breakfast. Some people mainly Dora, Sirius and Astoria, who were on the same mental level got tired from too much partying.

"Oh Harry you are already back?" Melinda asked in suprise as she was reading the morning news. And by Morning news she means the gossip and rumours that are constantly circulating around the Supernatural World and Criminal Underworld

There are many 'Newspaper agencies' in the Supernatural side that gather, sort and publish information. Ironically they try their best to stick to the facts and not fabricate the truth. Since there are so many of them and each is backed by strong and influence people, there is constant competition, if one agency tries to spread propaganda or lies, the others will brutally criticise it and try their best to take it down, one less competitor for them and more profits.

In that kind of cut throat world, a legitimate 'Newspaper agency was created'. Naturally the big factions each have their own means of information control. Newspaper, TV, Radio etcetera. Through which they spread information and propaganda to their own people, as well as monitor them. Like DeviNet from the Devil Faction.

This is how Melinda and Harry are always up to date on recent events. That and their usual contacts in the Underworld. Some things are not published by the Agencies as its important and valuable news. First its being sold to the bosses, who get a priority on this kind of information. Then a week later its being released to the 'public'. As Viper, Harry's poisons are very much still in demand, and he carries quite a bit of weight in the assassin side of the world.

Harry smiled at Melinda as he slumped into the chair. "Uhh. Yep I finished the testing. The Elixirs are safe to use. Now all we need to do is gather everyone and let the show begin"

Melinda smiled softly at him "Thank you Harry. Truly. For going so far"

Harry waved his hand offhandedly " Meh, stop with the mushy stuff. We are family. I quite literally owe you my life. So I find it quite fitting that I'm going to be giving you another chance at life as well."

She smiled and said nothing. But the warmth she felt in her heart said it all. She truly had no regrets taking Harry in. He was a handful caused her a lot of stress and didn't listen to her at all most of the time. But it was undeniable that he cares. Otherwise he would have never put himself in such a dangerous position.

Once she gets her youth back. She will try her best to use her decades of experience and try to break through the level. As a magician and as an enchantress. She was going to aim for High Class and the next level of Enchanting. She will do anything she can so this family of her stays safe and protected.