Painful Memories

Jasmine listened attentively to her mother on the other line as she invited her to the family reunion. She closed her eyes and tried to hold back the tears. The last thing she wanted to do was see her family. Jasmine did not have good childhood memories. The years of abuse were not ones she wanted to remember. Sandra listened to the silence on the other end. Her mother felt so guilty after finding out what her brother did to her daughter. Sandra knew her daughter had gone through turmoil no child should experience.

Jasmine finally spoke to her mother. "Mom, I don't know." "After your grandmother died, we all drifted apart. Therefore, we must come together again because life is so short," her mother pleaded. "Mom, give me some time. I will let you know," Jasmine said. "Okay, baby. How is work? How are you doing?" she asked. "Everything is good," Jasmine admitted. "I am so proud of you. You are doing big things in Atlanta, employed as a lead accountant. I always knew you would do big things, Jasmine. You were always so intelligent," Sandra bragged proudly.

"I wish I were brave enough to tell you what Uncle Peter was doing to me," Jasmine confessed. "That was not your fault. You were a child threatened by an adult. You cannot blame yourself. I blame myself. I knew something was wrong. I never imagined you were being abused," Sandra said sadly. "Mom, he had you all fooled. He thought he was smarter than everyone else until you caught him in the act," Jasmine explained.

Sarah closed her eyes and remembered that horrific day. She had left home for work and quickly returned to get a forgotten item. Uncle Peter was not expecting her. He waited for opportunities to target Jasmine. Sarah slipped into her daughter's room to discover her brother abusing her daughter. She lost it and attacked him. They threw him out of the house. When the police went to question him, he fled town, afraid to be caught. The family later discovered he had abused one of his cousins as well.

"I am sorry you went through that experience," Sarah said. "I know, Mom," Jasmine admitted. "And how is your dating life? Have you met anyone special?" she asked. Sarah was concerned that her daughter avoided the dating scene because of the abuse. "I am dating occasionally," Jasmine admitted. Sarah prayed her daughter would see how beautiful and valuable she was. "Well, I am praying for you and can't wait until you meet someone special," Sandra said. "You and I both," Jasmine agreed. Jasmine often wished she could forget her past and be free the secrets that ruined her life. She loved her mother for holding her down but longed for more love and safety. Jasmine heard a knock at her door and looked up and saw Austin Harris.