Chap 1

Isabella POV

I groaned and rolled on my stomach, covering my head with my pink pillow case trying to block out the annoying sound coming from my alarm, maybe if I just reached over and turned it off-

"ISABELLA NYNX JONES, YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS OUT RIGHT NOW" My mother's not so muffled voice echoed in my ears. I yelled in my pillow and got up after composing myself.

"Good morning to you too Mom," I replied weakly.

I walked to the bathroom half-asleep and stripped down to my undies. I opened up the shower, letting the warm water soak my chocolate like body and moaned at the sensation. I brushed my teeth and ran out to my bedroom before 'Mama Jones' whoops my behind for slacking.

I wore my clothes and applied little make-up to my face. I immediately looked myself over in the 6ft mirror at my bedside. The black and white sleeveless baby dress hugged my small yet curvy body, a small smirk slowly creeped on my lips as I eyed the Air Max sneakers I was wearing. I blew a kiss at myself and made my way downstairs. The smell of waffles and coffee hit my senses as soon as I stepped in the kitchen. My mother was on the stove in her business suit and Jessica was on her cellphone probably scrolling through her insta.

"Morning Ma!" I grabbed a plate and sat down next to Jess.

"Finally! thought you'd never get down from there." She served me waffles with syrup and coffee. I thanked her and started diving in.

"Is everything okay sweetheart! You usually wake up before any of us do." She frowned and took a sip of her tea before sitting down across from us.

"I'm fine mom, just got caught up in school work last night." I took a huge gulp of my coffee and glanced in Jess' cellphone. She was strolling through Javen's IG account while grinning at herself. I rolled my eyes and took out my phone choosing to seal my mouth.

"I thought I heard you talking to someone last night, boyfriend back in town!" She wiggled her eye brows at me which made me chuckle lightly.

"No mom, Javen is not back yet!" I frowned and glanced at my favorate coffee mug. "-or at least I think he's not." She chuckled at my confused state and waved her left hand in the air. Her small yet fancy wedding ring bobbing up and down at the movement.

"Finish taking your breakfast, Sophia will be here soon and what about you sweetheart!-" She turned to a grinning Jessica and continued. "-do you need a ride to school?"

"I wouldn't need a ride if I had a car." She sighs setting her phone down.

"Well you can start by getting a job AND having enough to pay for your gas." My mom says shrugging her shoulders.

Here we go!

"C'mon mom! Everyone at school has a damn car and it's not even that expensive." She huffed, stabbing her creamy waffle with a fork.

"Everyone at your school is a million dollars rich-" She kissed a mad jess before making her over to me. "-we can't all get what we want." She finished before placing down a couple of dollar bills before us.

"Have a good day baby." She cupped my cheek and walked towards the front door.

"Jessy, be good and ride with your sister." My mother said looking for her car keys on the vase a couple feet away from the front door.

"What?" Jess and I practically yelled at the same time. I rolled my eyes before hopping off the chair.

"Mom, no." Jess says sternly with wide eyes and I nod my head at her words. Jessica and Sophia are like oil and water, they don't mix at all. Once, Sophia cut her hair an inch shorter because she caught Jess making out with her boyfriend. A nasty thing for my sister to do really, but then's Jessica we're talking about.

"Give me one good reason why you can't ride with Soph." Mom says sighing to herself.

"Uhmmm! I don't know maybe because she's a psychotic bitch that cut my hair once." She said throwing her hands in the air dramatically. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"Watch your languag-:" My mom says but I cut her off.

"-:that was only because you threw yourself at Jeremy when you knew damn well that they were dating."

"Oh pa-lease, she saw that coming a mile away and plus, I saved him from a nut case." Who's the psychotic bitch now??

"Your disgusting you know that!" I said shaking my head at her.

"Sexy is the right word." She flipped her hair once again, heaving her chest up and exposing her cleavage. Her short ripped jeans did little to cover her long chocolate like legs.

"A little presumptuous if you ask me." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Nobody asked y-"

"ENOUGH!" My mom yelled gaining our attention.

"She started it." we both said at the same time, pointing fingers at each other. Jess rolled her eyes while I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Now both of you will ride with Soph, understood!"

"But mom sh-"

"-Is that understood!" She glared at Jess with her scary Mama Jones' glare.

"Yes." She said sighing and folding her hands over her chest.

"Good, now I will be going to work before you two little brats get me fired."

"Sophia won't let me ride with her." Jess mumbles making me smirk at her. She gave me the middle finger and I rolled my eyes.

"Well then try asking nicely, she's a sweet child I'm sure she'll say yes." My mom says before walking out the door. She's not wrong when she calls Soph a big o'l softy but when it comes to Jess, things are a little unpredictable. A car horn interrupted my thoughts and I smirked at how surprised sophy will be when Jessica comes up to her.

I walked out the front door with a grumpy Jess behind me and I waved at Sophia. She waved back but stopped as soon as her eyes snapped at someone behind me. I practically ran on the cemented little path way leading on the road where Soph's Mercedes Benz is parked. My mother wasn't kidding when she said everybody at my school is filthy rich.

"Hey babe." I kissed her cheek and she grinned at me.

"Get in before we're late." I nodded my head and sighed knowing that there's no easy way I could say it.

"The hell are you still standing there for! get your ass in before I fall sick from contamination." She wrinkled her straight nose and looked behind me. I followed her line of sight and sighed.

"Remember when I saved you from that mass humiliation on our first day at school?" She frowned, taking a moment to remember. Her eyes slowly went wide before shaking her head sideways. She looked like she had seen a ghost.

"No." her gaze snapped to Jess horrified. I sighed, my eyes filling with determination.
