Home sweet home!

Isabella POV

After a couple of minutes, she finally agreed to let Jess ride with us, I only hoped we would reach safe and sound, I don't mean a truck running into us kinda safe. I mean Sophia trying to kill my sister and well me being the good Samaritan that I am and separating them hence saving all of us from tragic death.

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So far so good, we reached safe and sound except for the foul languages thrown here and there but, that was expected.

"We're here!" I announced squealing like a child, earning weird looks from them.

"Finally." Jess says with a tired sigh. She was the first to get out slamming the door shut. I jumped in shock while Sophia closed her eyes and grit her teeth so hard I thought her jaw was going to pop.

"Sorry." Jess says sending a wicked smirk to Sophia.

"Little ungrateful bitch." Sophia muttered under her breath glaring daggers at Jess.

"She is, isn't she!" I laughed awkwardly but shut my mouth when she didn't go along with it. At the school entrance we found Emily scrolling through her phone as always, I rolled my eyes while Sophia grumbled under her breath.

"Hey! What got your panties in a twist chica". Emily says raising her perfectly shaped eye brow at us.

"Don't ask." Soph says walking ahead to our lockers. Emily looked at me in confusion and I one of my 'I messed up' kind of look.

"I'm sorry Soph." I said once I'm in earshot.

"You know how I feel about her." She says through gritted teeth. Her dark blue eyes flashing in anger.

"I know."

"Yet you still asked me to let her ride with us." She slammed the locker shut in my face. Gaining curious gazes from other kids.

"You owed me." I huffed and hit my foot on the ground like a toddler.

"It happened in freshman year Isabella." She says, her long wavy hair bouncing off her shoulders.

"What happened in freshman year?" Emmy chirps in looking amused by my current situation. Her hazel eyes going back and forth between us.

"Wrong question, it's what didn't happen in freshman year-" I turned my gaze to Sophia and frowned. "-and what didn't happen is our dearest didn't get caught eating left over burritos from the trash can." Emily gasped while trying so hard not to laugh but failing miserably.

"WHAT!" Emily burst out laughing. Sophia looked red like a tomato, she huffed and rolled her eyes.

"FYI, those we're still fresh when I found them." She flipped her hair and frowned. Now I was the one laughing my ass off, she glared at us but soon joined in the laughter. We looked like damn hyenas out of the zoo.

"Now that that's settled, I have something to tell you guys." Emily says, wiping her non-existent tears.

"I heard that we have new tr-:" A huge soft chest made contact with my back. I jumped in surprise and turned around ready to tell the person off.

"Hey baby!" I was immediately met with my favorate pair of hazel eyes. I smiled and hugged him with all my might, a chuckle erupted from him, vibrating through his chest to my ear.

"I guess I can wait." I heard Emmy mumble behind me.

"How?" I asked pulling away from him. He pushed a strand of my wavy hair behind my ear and smirked.

"An airplane?" He replied with a shrug. I pushed him away lightly and rolled my eyes, he pushed his hair back and chuckled lightly.

"Welcome back Romeo." Sophia says taking a step beside me. He offered her one of his gorgeous smiles and nodded his head at her in acknowledgment.

"We talked last night, why didn't you tell me you we're coming back." I frowned and folded my hands across my chest.

"It was supposed to be a surprise so surprise?" He smiled apologetically and came closer to me, his 6ft foot height forcing me to look up at him.

"I hate surprises." I mumbled just enough for him to hear.

"I was hoping you'd looove this one." He pointed to himself and smirked. I chuckled at his use of 'loove', I shook my head and frowned, my lips making an 'n' like form.

"Uh oh, she's mad." He said faking a shiver. I hummed in response and furrowed my eye brows deeper.

"Good thing I know how to fix that." I shook my head side ways and huffed. He smiled before leaning in, his lips brushed against mine before pulling me in for a kiss. My hands slowly unfolded and settled on his chest, giving in.

"Happy?" He mumbled against my lips. I pulled him onto me by the hem of his dark blue shirt, totally backing out the girls' protest about us getting a room and the murmuring of students in the hallway.

"Happy." I mumbled back panting a little. I let go of his shirt and he stood to his full height.

"Say, where's Dumb and dumber?" Emily says. Breaking eye contact from Javen, I turned to her and rolled my eyes at her metaphors for Axel and Ryan...well, more like Ryan and Axel.

"Bet you wouldn't have called them that two years ago." Sophia scoffs looking at Emes.

"Well I didn't know that Izzy would end up with Javes two years ago." Emily retorts back looking pointing at us. And that is how my two best friends in the whole world ended up getting in an argument about MY relationship with Javen.

"I missed you." Javen tore his amused gaze away from the girls and settled on me.

"You too love." He put an arm around my shoulder and rested his cheek on the side of my head, my 5 ft 7 height allowing him to do so.

"Where is Ax and Ryan?" I asked looking around, as if they would magically appear out of thin air by doing so.

"Jet lagged, they wanted to get some rest." He shrugged rather awkwardly because of our position.

"What about you!" I asked curiously, I slipped out of his hold and frowned.

"Guess I missed you too much, I wanted to see you." I grinned and pulled him for yet another kiss.