
Isabella POV

"I could not wait for lunch any longer." Sophia says packing her book and pencil in her bag. I watched as other students went outside and sighed. Emily groaned and nodded her head in approval.

"I was one second away from stabbing Mrs. Hendricks in the fucking throat." I giggled at her and packed my own stuff.

"Mrs. Hendricks is a sweet lady." I defended her, we walked outside the classroom and got bombarded with many people.

"Don't get me wrong Iz, I love her but she talks non stop and it's annoying." I decided not to call her out on her violent thoughts towards sweet o'l Hendricks.

"She sure has a way with her tongue." Soph says with a tired sigh. They both stopped abruptly before sharing knowing looks and bursting out.

"Did I miss out on the joke!" I said confused by there reaction towards what Soph just said.

"Dude how are you not getting it right now." Emily says in between her laughter.

"Must've been so funny I forgot to laugh." I dead panned which made them to laugh harder.

I rolled my eyes and walked ahead. We stepped in the school cafeteria, the smell of different perfumes and expensive food greeted my senses making my stomach grumble in response.

"Where did Javen run off to, I didn't see him during AP calculus in second period." Soph says sitting down on our mahogany like bench that faces the beautiful garden that's right before the swimming pool. The smell of water and breeze hit my face making me smile in satisfaction.

"I convinced him to go home, he was tired considering he spent the night in a plane." I replied setting my bag down.

"You're a lucky bitch you know that." Emily says making me smile.

"She's not wrong chica, for Javes to do something like that-:"she trailed off standing up, we followed her towards the almost empty line. ":-the man loves you." I looked away from them as a blush creeped it's way onto my cheeks.

"Why can't I get such a man?" Emily sighs setting down her plate of deep fried chicken, fries with ketchup and an orange juice.

"Because you're too busy opening your legs for every guy that comes!" Soph says munching on her own fries. I chuckled as I watched Emily roll her eyes.

"Well your head is so far up your ass that every guy you date runs away the first chance they get." Emily snapped. I erupted into laughter and almost spit my juice out.

"Troll face." Soph says with a deep scowl on her face.

"Ugly ass."

''At least I have one.''

"Y'all need to chill okay!" I said waving my hand in the air.

"You're both amazing and as much as I enjoy watching the both of you bicker, I want to eat my chicken nuggets in peace." I mumbled and didn't wait for there response before diving in my food. Perks of going to a rich school is having great food cooked by amazing chefs. Speaking of which, I caught a glimpse of Jacintha, our school head chef and immediately waved my hand out to her. She saw me and waved back, fixing her long hat on her so her hair doesn't stick out.

"Compliments to the chef." I yelled to her, no doubt turning a few heads. She smirked, her pearly whites coming on display.

"Anything for you Iza." She blew a kiss at me and disappeared walking through the double doors of Food heaven.

"I didn't know you and Jacintha we're close." Emily says taking a mouthful of fries, ketchup stuck on the side of her lip and I immediately wiped it away.

"You didn't have to." I smirked and munched on my nuggets. She rolled her eyes at me and hummed.

"Didn't want your fat ass getting any fatter she means" Soph chirped in laughing a little. I smiled at her and shook my head, getting ready to separate another fight. The bell rang interrupting whatever Emily had to say making me smile in triumph. mThe girls had English for last period and I had Chemistry with Ryan but unfortunately, he wasn't here to explain to me everything that the teacher said so with that thought in mind, I ended up sneaking in the hallway like a damn ninja hoping I don't get caught during class time.

My plan was successful up until the freaking principal was near my locker. The only thing that saved me from being seen was the glass door a couple of feet between us and his back was facing me but he wasn't alone, he was with a woman. Her blonde hair brought out her ass well, she looked like a model in her business suit.

Beside the principle was a really tall guy. His black jacket and jeans made him look like one of the 'Men in Black'. I couldn't make out his face since just like the principal, his back was facing me. His tall frame hid me from the lady's line of sight, he was leaning on my locker so casually with one leg across the other. As if he felt me looking, his head turned around and I froze. His eyes seemed to sparkle under the enchanting lights that lit the hallway up. His sharp jawline could be used to slice a stone in half, my eyes travelled to his lips so plump and pink I envied those who got a taste of it. I felt my throat tighten, imagining myself leaving hickeys on his long sexy neck while his hands roam around my body as I let him take my inocense away.

"Jesus." I whispered to myself. The next thing I know, his lips stretch in a smirk and he winked at me and goddamn did he look sexy, I gulped a mouthful of saliva and shook my head.

"Get yourself together Isabella." I muttered internally. I cursed myself for seeing another person that way. Ashamed, I stormed out of there, no snacks for me then.