Chap 8: Take a picture, it'll last longer.

I sighed and made my way to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I changed into some pajama shorts and a vest top. I tossed and turned for what felt like hours and fell into a light sleep. The sound of my doorbell followed by some really loud banging had me jolt awake.

"CAN YOU GET THAT! I'M STILL GETTING DRESSED." Jessica yelled from across the hallway. I reluctantly got out of bed and walked downstairs with slow steps, silently praying they would go away.

I opened the door and groaned a little. Layla, the school barbie doll aka Javen's ex was standing in front of many people, her blue short V-neck dress doing little to cover cleavage. Beside her was Ashley, her partner in crime.

"Are you gonna let us in or what!" Layla asks, I scrunched my nose at her foul breath and stepped away from the door. Like little puppets, they all walked in.

"You said that your friends are coming, not the whole damn school." I yelled at Jessica as soon as I barged in her room.

"Look, mom said that friends are allowed in the house but she didn't particularly say who, so every person downstairs is my friend." With that she left her bedroom slamming the door on the way. I let out a loud frustrated scream and took deep breaths. I stripped out of my night wear, deciding to wear some ripped jeans and tank top. I made my way downstairs, my eyes widened as soon as I saw the number of people in my house, they had multiplied. I thanked heavens that our living room was big enough to accommodate all of them or else we'd all suffocate due to lack of oxygen. I frowned just as my eyes landed on Jess standing with her supposed ''friends''. I approached her and roughly pulled her aside.

"What is this! Mom specifically said no parties allowed." I yelled through the music.

"So!" she shrugged. "It's not like, she going find out." She slurred on her words and used the wall to support her weight.

"Are you drunk?" She scoffed at me in response. Out of nowhere, a guy came and smashed his lips on hers. I quickly walked away before the need to pull my eyes out overwhelmed me.

"Let's play a drinking game!" a guy shouted, coming from the kitchen.

''Your already drunk.'' I muttered to myself.

"Good idea Zee." Ash giggled and fell in his arms. Everyone erupted in cheers, as though that 'Zee' guy came up with a solution to solve world hunger.

"Join us Iz!" Jess says, clinging onto my arm. I squatted my hand away from her grasp and glared at her.

"That way, you'll be able to keep an eye on me." she says with her puppy eyes.

No, not the puppy eyes.

I looked away but she kept pushing her face in front of me, the fact that she was two inches taller didn't help either.

"Okay fine." I mumbled with a defeated sigh.

"Yay!" she beamed and pulled me down so I'm sitting at the end of the 'L' shaped couch.

How bad can this go!

//// //// ////// ///// //////// /////// /////// //////

It went terribly wrong. I lost the sight of Jess after the first three shots. I was starting to slur on my words and I couldn't think straight....More like see straight.

"What is this!" I asked a petite brunette beside me.

"Vodka." she says. My mouth formed an 'O', I shrugged my shoulders and gulped another one. The faint sound of the doorbell had me up and running to get it like a damn animal on heat.

"Isabella!" My eyes widened at the manly voice. I looked up only to come face to face with a very confused but sexy Killian.

"What are you doing here?" Smooth girl.

"Layla invited me and judging by all the music, I'm at the right address" He nudged his head behind me and like a fool, I turned around.

"Come in then." I nervously smiled and made way for him. I slammed the door shut and rested my back against it, allowing myself to check him out just for now.

"Take a picture-" My gaze snapped to his just as he smirked at me "-it'll last longer" He verbalized, grinning at the undeniably stupid look on my face.

"Definitely." A voice chirped in, Jessica wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him.

"So glad you could make it, party's this way." She linked arms with him and led him away towards her friends. I watched them disappear and humpfed before making my way to the front part of the kitchen. I cleared my throat just as I found people making out, they practically ran away as soon as they saw me, I sat on the kitchen island and watched as people dry humped themselves in my living room.

"Did you see that guy?"

"Gosh Jessica is so lucky to even sit with him." I straightened up at the mention of my sister.

"I heard his name is Killian." Some girl chips in.

"How do they know each other anyway! The guy just started school today-:" That is exactly what was on my mind but knowing Jess, she probably threw herself at him.

"-:and plus, he looks a little too old to be in high school." I frowned. I turned around and looked at the girls, they we're standing at a safe distance from me. I followed their line of sight. Jess' back was facing me but I could see Killian's tall frame from here, Layla's hand was on his undeniably toned shoulder and Jessica's on his thigh. He seemed to be comfortable judging by the grin on his face. I watched as Layla slowly leaned in and pecked his cheek, her lips lingering for a while before pulling back. Jess' hand kept going high up to no man's land, his gaze shifted to her before flickering to mine. I quickly adverted my eyes and hopped off the island. I joined some people dancing, my body bobbing up and down. The euphoria of drinking for the first time coursing through my veins. I felt two huge but warm hands on my waist and leaned in. I moaned at the amount of warmth I was getting, the urge of sleeping over-whelming me. The stranger chuckled and turned me around softly.

"Are you okay!" He asked, worried lines creasing his well sculptured face. I shook my head side ways and frowned.

How did he get here so fast!

"I'll take you to you're room okay!" I nodded absent-mindedly and felt my weight shift. I hesitated, sniffling before accepting his comfort and wrapping my arms around his neck, much like my sister did. I closed my eyes and felt the music fade away as he moved up the stairs. My back hit a soft surface and I groaned rolling over. I tilted my head to look at his giant self eyeing my bedroom, I smiled a little when he licked his lips in concentration, the little light from the curtain gaps made his skin seem like it's glowing.

"So beautiful." I mumbled and closed my eyes. The last thing I heard was a deep chuckle before embracing the darkness.