Chap 7: Hot Stuff pt2

The rest of the lessons passed in a blur. Javen, Axel and Ryan came to school a little while after first period and now, we we're having lunch which is by far, my favorate time of the day. Emily and Sophia we're so happy gossiping about Killian and his friends just as they walked in the cafeteria.

"I'm going in guys." Emmy says, I gently shook my head and looked back at my food.

"Go for it girl!" soph winks at her which only boosts her ego. she stood up and adjusted her dress, out of nowhere Ryan pulls her back down so roughly like the maniac he sometimes becomes.

"ARE YOU CRAZY, WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT FOR?" She yells so loud everyone's eyes snap towards us. I looked around sending apologetic smiles then, I looked over at Cole's table to find Killian looking at me. There was something about the way he looked at me that I didn't understand. I let my gaze wonder to his nose, then his lips, he suddenly licked his lips and I nervously bit on mine. I looked back in his eyes and he-

"WELL!" My eyes snapped to Emily's red hot face and I swallowed harshly, sucking on my juice as I felt my throat tighten.

"I don't want you to go and make a fool of yourself." Ry says glaring at her.

"Couldn't you have told me to stay instead of breaking my ass!" Emmy says fuming with anger. Sophia and Axel burst out laughing while Javen continued taking his food like this was totally normal.

"Calm down woman and stop making a fuss about it." Soph says dismissingly and Emmy glares at her, if only looks could kill!

"Hey Isabella!" Cole says with his charming smile. Silence fell over our table, I felt Javen tense beside me.

"Hi." I said ignoring my friends' eyes.

"I just wanted to tell you that you got my schedule mixed up with someone else's."

"I'll ask Mrs. Brown to fix it first thing in the morning, I am sorry for the mix up." I tell him with a smile. He nodded his head and looked amongst my friends.

"Uhm, Cole this is Emily, Sophia, Axel, Ryan and Javen." He smirked, the sight of it surprising to me. He held his hand out to Javes.

"I believe we've met before, Javen Hollen." He says, his British accent dripping in every word. I frowned and turned to Javen. He clenched his jaw but took Cole's hand anyway. They shook their hands briefly and pulled away. Cole's gaze lingered on Axel and Ryan before hitting their backs playfully. Ryan flinched while Axel looked like he was ready to pounce.

"Ryan and Axel, it's been a while mates." Javen chuckled darkly and I jumped at the sound of it.

"Not long enough Miller." Cole's eyes snapped to Javen. They darkened, his brown orbs turning a dark shade. For what seemed like an eternity, they both glared at each other before Cole chuckled and turned to me.

"It was nice meeting you ladies, I'm afraid I have to go now." He walked away after glancing at the boys. The bell rang for going back to class and everyone left, Javen walked away with Cole and Ryan. I called after him but he ignored me.


/ // // ////// //// // /////

"Finally! Home, here I come!" Soph says while stretching in the school parking lot.

"Hey Iz! Can we come over?" Emily says casually looking around the lot.

"Sure, I'll just text Javen later." We got in and drove away. We arrived at home and got in the house, soph jumped on my couch while emmy went to the kitchen. I plopped next to Sophia and sighed.

"Okay y'all, I just have to ask. What the fuck happened at lunch?" Emily asks joining us with an apple in hand. I frowned in sync with Sophia, confused lines creasing our foreheads.

Sophia hummed. "The boys seem to know Cole that's for sure and if they are friends with him-:"

":-then they must know Killian and Ryder too." I muttered massaging my chin like a detective.

"They don't seem like friends, I mean did you see how they we're looking at each other!" Emily says, munching on her apple. We hummed in approval, non of us said anything as thoughts whirled through our heads.

"Wait! How do you know all their names anyway Chica?" Soph asks, breaking the silence.

"Mrs. Brown asked me to fax out their schedules earlier when I went to the Principal's office because she was busy."

The door slammed open with a bang. "Honey, I'm home!" Jess' voice boomed through the walls. Sophia rolled her eyes and sat up right.

"Be nice." I stood up and joined Jess in the kitchen.

"Do we have any food!" she asks, checking the drawers.

"Yes, I'll reheat it for you." I said grabbing some left over pasta from the fridge and throwing it in the micro-wave.

"Thanks, my friends are coming over later." She hopped on the counter and started munching on a grape.

"What friends!" Soph asks joining us in the kitchen.

She rolled her eyes "Non of your business."

Sophia put her hands up in surrender "Calm your tits woman, I was just trying to be nice."

"Whatever, I hope you guys won't be here." She says, pointing at the clock and then back at them.

"Well lucky for you were leaving." Emily says, grabbing Soph's car keys.

"Already! I thought we could watch a movie." Jess rolled her eyes at me and went upstairs to what I'm assuming is her room.

"Spending time with your sister isn't that horrible you know!" She yelled from upstairs.

"She's right, try and get along chica." Emmy said with a sad smile.

"Goodbye boo." soph says and goes out with emmy on her tail. I sighed and checked on the pasta, I got it from the microwave, served myself and took the rest to Jessica.

"Jessy, you're food is ready!" She opened the door in her bathrobe, grabbed the plate and slammed it shut in my face.
