Hot Stuff

*knock knock*

I stood on the other side of the huge, old yet fancy mahogany door with 'Mr. Grayson's initials boldly written on it. With each passing minute, I grew nervous about why he wanted me here. I was so happy about leaving Mrs. B's class that I had totally disregarded the fact that I only get called here if Jessica got in some kind of trouble.

"Come in." The principal's old angry voice boomed through the door. I sighed and pushed it open, the inevitable waiting for me on the other side.

"Good morning sir...." I trailed off as soon as my eyes landed on the person opposite the principal.

Mr Grayson chuckled lightly.

"Ah I see you've met our new students Ms. Jones-" he turned to look at hot stuff and continued "-Looks like your going to break a lot of hearts Mr. West." he finished with a wink. Eww!

I frowned at Mr. G's tone. He never uses that kind of tone with anyone, EVER, well up until now which leads me to conclude that West and his friends must be some really rich brats. That or his intimidating and scary demeanour. West chuckled sending my insides in a dancing spree.

"Wouldn't be the first." Man did his voice sound sexy, he had a deep husky voice and an accent that I didn't quite catch.

"Please have a seat Ms. Jones." Mr. G says pointing at a seat right next to Sexy. I swallowed a mouthful of saliva and sat down next to West.

"Does this have anything to do with my sister?" I finally asked, my voice coming out a little high pitched than usual. I side glanced at West to already find him looking at me with an eye brow raised.

Mr. G chuckled "No its not, well kind of I'll just need a signature from your mother since Jessica's got detention for three days." Holy Mother of God! If my mom finds out about this, she will flip and the debris will fall on me. It always does.

"Sorry Sir! But my mom is out of the country." I said hoping he was gonna drop it.

"When will she be back!"

"I'm not sure, in a week or so!" I replied with a shrug.

"Alright." he nodded in understanding and turned to West.

"Well Mr. West, welcome to Clinton High. My secretary will give you and your friends your schedules" Mr. G said with a firm nod. West nodded and stood up really fast that I almost fell down from where I was sitting and went outside, I followed his lead and went out too. A paper slapped me in the face rather too fast and I halted my steps. I pulled it away and starred at good o'l Mrs. Brown fighting with papers. It looked like a tornado hit and Mrs. Brown was right in the middle of it.

"Need any help Mrs. B!"

"Oh your here! No its fine I can handle it." she says with a forced smile.

"Oh wait!'' She continued. ''Yes actually, can you give these dashing little men their schedules!" with that she stormed outta there without waiting for my reply.

"Your welcome!" I yelled after her.

"Oh hush! You know you love me." she yelled back across the hallway and I'm sure some students heard her. I cleared my throat and chose not to look at them.

"What do we have here." I muttered under my breath as I typed away on her computer, after awhile of searching for new students' schedules, I finally "found it".

"Your names please." I looked at them making sure not to dwell much on West.

"Cole Miller." Brown orbs said with a friendly smile and I subconsciously smiled back.

"Ryder Jameson." Blue eyes said with a smirk and a wink. I typed away on the computer and got their schedules faxed out.

"Here you go." I handed them and they smiled in response while nodding at me. I took a deep breath and looked at West, his gaze was already fixated at me which didn't help my now sweaty palms.

"And you?"

"Killian West." He said as he looked me straight in the eyes. Gray, his eyes are Gray, like silver but with an icy like topping to it. I looked away and bit my lip nervously, suddenly feeling self conscious with his gaze on me.

"Her.. Here's your schedule." I stutterd and cleared my throat. Damn it woman!

"Thank you!" He mumbled with a straight face. I logged out of Mrs. B's computer and got up to walk to my class.

"Would you be kind enough to show us our classrooms!" Cole asked with a nervous smile. He had an accent much like Mrs. Brown but his was stronger, much stronger. I looked at Ryder then Killian to find them looking at me.

"Uh sure." I said while screaming in the inside.

"What is your name?" he asked, cocking his head side ways as if studying me.

"Isabella Jones."

"Pretty." He mumbled quietly, without another word. He turned and walked away with his friends close behind.

Halfway in the hallway, Ryder abruptly stopped causing my back to bump onto Killian's chest. His hot breath famed my neck causing me to have goose bumps all over. I muttered a faint 'sorry' while he looked as expressionless as ever but he had this look in his eyes that I couldn't pin point.

"You should probably walk ahead since you know the way." Ryder said with a chuckle.


"We all have Chemistry for first period." Cole says like I didn't already memorize everything on their schedules.

****** ***** *****

"Go straight from here, its the second room to the left."

"Thank you!" Cole said with a smile. I nodded my head and glanced at Killian.

"I better get going now." With that I started walking away but I could feel three pairs of eyes on me. I rounded a corner and despite my gut telling me not to, I looked back at the boys and locked eyes with Killian before the white wall came in view. I jogged back to my classroom and got there a breathless wreck, should probably join the gym. My hand grazed the handle, ready to open it but the bell rang and almost immediately, the once empty hallways immediately filled with teenagers eager to get through the day. I groaned and hit my head on the wall right next to the classroom.
