Hemming's sake

When Sophia called to tell me she couldn't pick me up but had a surprise to make up for being and I quote 'a bad friend', I had a bad feeling about it and when I heard Emily on the side of the line squealing like a damn animal on heat, I was definitely convinced it was a terrible idea. Albeit, I decided to give them a chance, not like a had a choice in the matter anyway. They had me pinned in the hallway the moment I walked in, I wanted to tell them about my mom but kept my lips sealed considering the way they we're acting crazy, I didn't want to be bombarded with questions right now.

"Are they here yet!" Emily asked sighing to herself. Sophia glanced at her pink covered phone before shaking her head and smiling.

"They'll be here in about...:-" She glanced at her watch and grinned at us "-:45 seconds." I frowned, slipping my arm from Emily's, I crossed them across my chest.

"What the hell are you guys talking about and where in the hemming's is my surprise." They gaped at me, Sophia eyes wide and Emily mouth agape. I rolled my eyes and kept my charade up.

"You did not just use that expression.." Soph said grinning like an idiot, I shrugged my shoulders and huffed.

"Felt right saying it."

"How the hell did you com-:" Soph nudged Emmy on the side shutting her up immediately. She opened her locker and shuffled through her things before grabbing a mac- NO WAIT!

"Here." She threw a chocolate bar at me, maybe I can forgive them for now. Everyone in the hallway suddenly went quiet and I looked up from my day dream in chocolate world.

"Hey! None of you mentioned chocolate was part my surprise!"

"It's not." Soph says keeping her eyes ahead.

"That was to shut you up." I was about to open my mouth to call her out on being rude but the double huge doors burst open startling me a little. My eyes snapped to the doors and a gasp involuntarily escaped my lips.

Have you ever had that time in your life where you felt like everything is moving in slow motion? You feel like if you blink, time will move faster like you'd like in a Maths class so the only way to not miss it is if you keep rooted to the ground, eyes wide and breath rigged. Well, that is exactly what is happening right now.

There stood some people I've never seen before in my life, except one. I blushed at the dirty thoughts I had of him but quickly composed myself before the girls noticed. He was with two other guys and damn are they beautiful! They are drop dead gorgeous. My eyes landed on his scrutinizing ones, scanning the hallway with a cold glare that seemed to do wonders in me, he scrunched his nose in disapproval and kept a straight face. Blonde hair picked my interest, I found myself lured in by his brown orbs much like mine, his demeanour non threatening, he looked more of a Ryan to me, while his other mate gave me the Axel vibes. They walked through the hallway oblivious to the fact that all eyes are on them, I would be if I was that beautiful. Blue eyes kept throwing winks at girls here and there, clearly enjoying the attention he was getting, blondie shook his head at his friend and kept walking head on to what I assume is the principal's office. When they were out of sight, everyone went back to doing what they we're doing.

"Now that was your surprise." Soph says with a satisfied look on her face.

"So, who do you think I should bang first!" Emily says grinning like a hyena, I chuckled at her excitement and rolled my eyes.

"What makes you think there gonna bang you?"

"Oh please! Just wait and watch." She mumbles with her sinister smile, cracking her knuckles to prove a point. Sophia rolled her eyes and turned to me.

"So friend, what's got you all tongue tied?"

"I'm afraid the boys took her breath away." emmy says in a thick accent trying to mimick Soph but failing miserably.

"Too bad your in a relationship." she says smiling so brightly I thought her cheeks were gonna hurt.

"Whatever! Yes they are hot so good luck."

The bell rang interrupting our conversation and we headed to our first period, I had English lit with Sophia while emmy had art class. What idiot would put art class so early on a Thursday morning! I hate drawing but for some reason emmy loves it, its all about getting a stick of some kind an-

"-Good morning class" I'm brought out of my trance by our Tr, Mrs B's voice. I dislike some of my teachers' full names so I just use the first letters, it's much easier to remember them anyway.

"For today's class your gonna be in pairs, you have to write a composition of 1000 words about love" 1000 words? Love? she's got to be joking! RIGHT? Groans we're heard through out the whole class, mine inclusive but nonetheless we're doing it, that I'm sure.

"You can group yourselves in two and you have to submit it in a couple of weeks but for today we're just going to do some revision of what we did last time, so can anyone remind what we did?"

Some hand was raised behind me. I internally rolled my eyes knowing exactly how this is gonna go.

"Yes Ms. Jones!" Damn you Mrs. Beatrice!

"I didn't put my hand up ma'am."

"So! you we're in my class on Monday correct! remind the whole cla-"

"Isabella Jones, you're needed in the principal's office." she's interrupted by the school monitor and I internally sigh.


I looked at Sophia and she gave me a thumbs up meaning I could leave my books with her. Without waiting for Beatrice's permission, I took off from her class.