Chap 10: Mob

I turned around and saw a man, he was a bit taller. I couldn't figure out his face since the only source of light was in the supermarket a couple of feet behind him leaving him, a shadowy figure.

"What's a pretty little thing doing out here so late!" His voice was raspy and had an edgy sound to it, his accent doing nothing to calm my nerves.

"It's 5 in the morning." I roll my eyes, my voice sounding composed unlike my rapid heart.

"Feisty, just the way I like them." he mumbles and starts approaching me.

"What are you doing, don't you dare take another step." I tensed in fear, my fight or flight kicked in and I sure as hell wasn't about to run in the shady room with probably serial killers inside. I looked around to find something to hit him with and my eyes landed on a stick, I bent down to get it but the guy roughly caught my shoulders and hit my back against the door. It burst open as I stumbled inside, I lost balance and fell right on my butt. I hit the back of my head on a hard surface.

"L'ho trovata ficcanaso" The guy says. ' I found her snooping.'


I looked up and my eyes widened in terror. There we're at least five bulky guys in the room all in suits. They looked to be in their 30's and intimidating. My eyes wandered amongst them and froze as soon as I locked eyes with his silvery-gray eyes. His hair was tousled on his head sticking in all directions, his jaw set firm. I could see his tense rippling muscles through the dark blue dress shirt he had on. My breath caught in my throat as I took in his stunning features, unable to tear my gaze away.

"What should we do with her!" Someone grumbled.

"She's a pretty little thing, I'm sure she could be useful." Another bulky bold guy says with the same accent as the idiot that threw me.

"That's what I said!" He says and they all dive in a conversation about me. I stood up on my feet and dusted my butt, ignoring my bones begging me to stop.

"One, she doesn't like to be talked about like she's not in the room." I say, crossing my arms over my chest like Killian's.

"And you-" I pointed my finger towards the bonehead. "-You're gonna pay for throwing me like that."

He laughed, the motherduffer laughed. "Is that so?"

"Yes idiot, that's so." Everyone in the room burst into laughter. I looked at Killian and he was already looking at me with a raised eye brow.

"Oh you little slu-:"

"That's enough!" Killian yells. His commanding presence filled the room, exuding the room with an air of dominance. His gaze sweeped across the room as if daring anyone to say a word before settling back to me.

"What are you doing here?" He asks, his voice much calmer.

"Huh!." I blurted out unable to form a proper sentence.

"What do you want us to do with her boss." A scrawny looking guy with red hair asked.

"Boss?" I looked at Killian hoping he would fill me in.

"Nothing." He walked up to me and started pulling me away.

"Wait!" I pulled my arm from his grip and turned around. I went over to where the asshole was standing and he smirked at me.

"Miss me?"

I smiled in return "Nope." I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and he kneeled down screaming like a little girl. I heard some 'ooos' from the guys and snorted.

"Just making sure you got what you deserve." I whispered in his ear as he kept on yelling profanities.

"Now we can go." I walked outside and headed to my car with Killian on my tail.

"What are you doing here?" I halted my steps at the intensity in his voice.

"Advil, I needed some." I mumbled and shrugged without looking at him. I swallowed nervously as I heard his foot steps getting closer.

"Look at me bella." His warm breath famed my neck and I bite my lip nervously. I turned around cautiously and whimpered at the cold look in his eyes.

"I made sure I put advil and a glass of water on the bedside table before I left last night." He mumbled, his eye brows knitting together in confusion.

" uhm, Je..sss...jessica." I stammered, he hummed and cocked his head to look around, as if noticing that we're in the parking lot.

"You shouldn't have come here, it's not safe." He grumbled and looked over my outfit, his eyes lingered on my thin cotton jumper and I shifted on one foot uncomfortably. His eyes snapped to mine before walking towards his car, he opened the passenger's side and grabbed something. I waited until he came back to see what it was.

"Here, put this on before you catch a cold." He put a black jacket over my shoulder before I could object and fixed it. I inhaled his manly scent, a combination of mint, fresh cologne and coffee. It reached below my waist due to his being tall. I bit my lip and nervously put my hands in.

"Thank you for uh..ever...everything." He brought his hand up to cup my cheek and I tensed. His eyes went to my lips and he frowned.

"Take care of yourself bellà." he whispered close to my lips and I nodded my head. He turned on his heel and walked towards his car, he cast one last glance to me before speeding away. I was left with one thing on my mind.

What the duck just happened!