Chap 11: What did I do to deserve you

I got home a little while later and Jess went all bullocks on me. She asked where I was and why I took so long but I couldn't tell her what really happened. She asked where I got the jacket from and I lied that I bought it, thankfully she was too hang over to question me further. Now we're both lying on the couch and weirdly tired.

"Do you want to go to school today!" Jess asks exhaling. She's been doing that for a while now, on the pretext that it always helps her relax after a long night.

"Do you?" I cocked my head so I could see her face.

"I'm hangover, sleepy and tired of course I don't want to go." She says snuggling closer to her pink blanket.

"That's what you get for throwing a party on a school night." I groaned and stood up.

She scoffed "Don't act like you didn't enjoy it, I got you to drink for the first ever." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Thanks a bunch!" I said sarcastically moving upstairs. I changed into pjs and texted Soph to tell her that she shouldn't come to pick me up. I switched off my cell and let darkness take over.

//////// ///////// ////// ///// ///////// /// ///

"THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE" I jolted awake and fell down with a *thud*. I looked up sleepily, Sophia and Emily we're laughing there asses off.

"What the hell you guys!" I groaned standing up and touching softly on my butt.

Is it just me or does everyone want to break my ass.

"That was hilarious chica." Sophia says grinning at me.

"We thought you we're dead hence why I yelled." Emily says plopping down on my bed.

"Remind me to lock my bedroom door next time, aren't you supposed to be in school!" I say joining Emmy on my bed.

Sophia rolled her eyes and joined us. "Do you know what time it is!"

"It's 4 in the afternoon babe, what happened anyway!" Emily says while checking out her nails.

"A lot." I say remembering what happened today and yesterday.

"Well start by explaining why you didn't come to school today." Soph says, concern written all over face. I told them all about the party my sister threw, how I got drunk, ended up dancing with Killian and what happened this morning but I left the part where I went to the alley.

"You danced with Killian and he carried you to your fucking room!" Emmy says for the hundredth time.

"While I was drunk yes and no." I dead-panned.

"I feel betrayed that Jess got you to drink for the first time." Soph says, rolling her eyes.

"That's okay, I'm just bummed that you get all the good looking guys wrapped around your finger yet I get nothing." Emily says teasingly and punches my arm.

"The only person that I have wrapped around my finger as you so kindly put it, is Javen. How was school!" I say trying to change the subject, partly because I wanted to escape anymore of em's punches.

"Ems talked with Ryder and almost fought with Amber." Soph says casually, as though she's telling what the weather is on the morning news.


"Well she started it anyway, let's not talk about her instead I'll tell you about my date with Ryder tomorrow night." Emmy says jumping on my bed like a little girl.

"Shit emes really!" Soph says smiling.

"I thought you had that family gathering" I say remembering what she told us. Emily has always been the golden little girl in the family. Especially after what happened to Stan, her older brother, Mr. and Mrs. Smith try their level best to keep tabs on Em so she doesn't end up like him. I remember Stan back before he graduated from high school. He was a nice guy who got perfect grades, an athlete and quite handsome. He was always like a big brother to me and Jess when we were younger. I did not understand how one winter break in Wisconsin, their home town, could've changed him into an alcoholic who wants nothing but to party, travel around the world without a care and do drugs. It didn't help that his parents are rich too. Every time I tried to ask any of the Smith's about it, they'd brush me off and Emily would go as far as crying so. I stopped asking hoping Stan would talk to any of us about it but. he never showed up at his house again.

"To hell with that! I'd never miss a good bang for that shit." she says grinning.

"Hopefully you'll get lucky." Soph says and gives her a high five. I nod and smile at them both not really knowing how to react. Emmy and Soph launched into a conversation about what she's gonna wear and where he's taking her. We spent the rest of the time talking catching up on stuff and them telling me how their day went. The door bell interrupted Sophia and I groaned in annoyance.

"Can one of you guys get it!"

"I'll get it!" Soph says jumping off of my bed. I stretched my limbs like a cat, I watched Emily type away on her phone with a smile on her and I frowned.

"Look who I found at the door." I lazily turned around to see Sophia entering, I smiled once I saw who was at the door.

"Hey babe!" he smiles slipping his phone in the back pocket of his jeans.


"We'll be downstairs" Soph says going outside, dragging Emily with her.

"You didn't reply to any of my texts or calls." He says concern written all over his face


"Sorry, I was in bed all morning and afternoon apparently." I say with a chuckle. I pat beside me, gesturing for him to come sit with me. He removed his shoes and joined me in bed.

"I'm sorry I made you worried." I whispered against his chest.

"It's okay, your fine that's what matters." He says and starts making shapes in my hair.

"I've missed this you know, I've missed you." I say while cocking my head so I can see his face. He smiled as he brushed his lips on mine, I pulled him closer and he was quick to connect our lips. He sneaked his tongue in my mouth and I moaned as he deepened the kiss.

"Me too." he whispers and gives me a kiss on my cheek. He pulls away and sits down cross legged and I do the same.

"Izzy look at me." He puts his hands on my cheeks making me look up at him.

"You mean so much to me and I've been....withdrawn and I'm sorry."

"I'm right here, you have all the time in the world to make it up to me." He grinned at me and I smiled in response.

"God! What did I do to deserve you!" he says then pecks my lips. He quickly got on top of me and started tickling me, leaving me a laughing mess.

"No---Javen, sto...stop." He tickled me harder and soon, our loud voices boomed through the room. We didn't even hear when someone entered my room.

"What are you doing here?"