Chap 12: Him

Javen turned his head and grinned as soon as he saw her. I sat up straight and glared at Jessica, I side glanced at Javen to find him already looking at me with his beautiful smile. I subconsciously smiled back and shook my head side ways.

"Your not supposed to bring boys into your room, literally the one rule mom would kill for." Jess says smirking at a shirtless Javen. I didn't even realize I'd helped take his shirt off until now.

"You're not supposed to throw any party either but who cares about rules right!" I smiled at her mockingly and she rolled her eyes.

"Wait! You had a party yesterday?" He shot up from where he was sitting and sat next to me.

"Long story." I sighed turning to him. He frowned and looked at my sister, hoping she'd fill him in.

"I wanted to catch their attention and plus, she finally loosened up and drank a little all thanks to yours truly." She bowed and flashed her victorious smile. Javen scoffed and I frowned.

"I feel so betrayed." He faked hurt and I punched him lightly on his bicep.

"Whatever." I mumbled trying to hide my blush.

"Wait! You had to catch whose attention?" I snapped my gaze to Jessica, having an idea on whom she might be talking about.

"Killian, I was hoping he'd come with his friends but hell, the guy is hot as fuck." Jess smirked and sighed. I grimaced remembering what she was trying to do yesterday.

"Killian was here?" I turned to Javes and frowned a little. His jaw was firm and eye brows knitted together.

"Uh, yeah he...he was." Jess laughed nervously and cleared her throat.

"I'll see you later Javy! " She turned to Javen and smiled a little. Her lust for him has always irked me to the core but I let it slide sometimes. Jess 'claims' that she met Javen first before he broke it off with Layla and my presence in his life only made things complicated for her. In other words, my sister is obsessed with Javen Hollen.

"What was he doing here Iz!" He asked once Jess had left my bedroom.

"She already told you, Jess invited him to her little party." I jumped off the bed and ran my hand through my hair.

"Did he talk to you!" He asked, throwing the shirt he was wearing over his head. I froze a little, what happened the previous night flashing before my eyes.

Calm down Isabella! you didn't cheat on him.

"A little, why!" He frowned but stayed quiet. He quickly brought his phone out and sent a text to someone.

"Uh! Javen" I snapped my fingers in front of him making him look at me.

"What is your deal with Killian! I tried asking you yesterday but you just ignored me" He frowned and opened the door to my bedroom. I followed him downstairs as he jogged towards the front door.

"I'm talking to you Jave-:" He crushed his lips on mine cutting me off. He put one arm behind my waist pulling me closer while the other stayed firm on my face. He pulled away and sighed.

"It's not much really, I'll explain everything later." He made a move to open the door but I held his arm.

"How long's later?" He smiled a little and cupped my cheek, much like Killian did earlier.

"Give me sometime okay!" I nodded my head a little and he beamed. He pecked my lips and quickly ran out the door. I stayed rooted to the ground, hearing his car pull up and drive away.

"You guys could play a telenovela series." I yelped in surprise and gasped as my eyes landed on Emily and Sophia sitting on the couch, eyes wide.

"How long have you guys been here!" They looked at each other and shrugged.

"Long enough." Soph muttered and stood up.

"While you we're upstairs with Romeo doing God knows what-" I rolled my eyes at her and Emmy snickered. "-We made ourselves something to eat." I made a bee-line to the kitchen and found pasta on a plate. I quickly grabbed a fork and dived in.

"Thanks!" I moaned as soon as the food hit my taste buds and smiled.

"We have to leave though, it's getting late and I have a date to prepare for." Emmy says grinning from ear to ear. I walked them to the door with food in hand. I watched as their car drove away and got back inside. I cleaned my plate, and walked back upstairs. A few hours later, the sun began to set. The deep orange glow blurred with shades of red, illuminating the sky with different shades of colors. The silence was only broken with cars passing by and a dog barking in the distance. The wind rippled lightly, blowing in my face as I sat on my bedroom window. I caught a glimpse of my neighbor, Mrs Hinch. She waved at me with groceries in hand and a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Good evening Mrs Hinch!" I yelled smiling back at her.

"Hello Isabella, mother out of town!" She asked, adjusting the groceries.

"Unfortunately." I yelled back, she made a horrified face and shuddered.

"Oh dear! Hope she doesn't get home sick." I laughed at her reference to my mother not being able to stay from my sister and I.

"Yeah well, I wouldn't count on it." We both watched as my sister pulled up in my mom's car and got out.

"Hey Jessy poo!" Mrs. Hinch cooed, knowing what her reaction would be.

"I'm not 10 anymore, Mrs. Hinch." Jess sighed irritated and walked towards our house. Mrs. Hinch and I shared a look and burst out laughing.

"Good to see you girls, just don't forget you're favorite aunt and neighbor alright!" She yelled, pushing back her brown hair behind her ear.

"Us? Never!" I faked a gasp and laughed, she waved and walked inside her home. The bedroom door burst open revealing a grinning Jessica.

"Get dressed, we're going out."