Chap 13: Welcome to club eleven

"What?" I scoffed and walked from the window to my bed.

"You heard me, now c'mon hurry and get dressed." I raised my eye brow and nodded lightly, finally catching on to what she's trying to do.

"I know what you are doing Jess and it's not going to work." She sighed and tapped her leg on my fluffy carpet, something she does when she's extremely irritated.

"Isabella, live a little. Aren't you tired of having a boring life! Mom is not here and this might be your chance to loosen up-" She trailed off with a knowing look and ran her hand through her hair.

"-:without ratting me out" She mumbled and I jumped up in triumpf, as though I'd won a lottery.

"And there it is.."

"It's a win win, I get you to let loosen up and in return you don't tell mom-:"

"-:because then we'd both be in trouble if I did." I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at her.

"Why are you doing this! Why now? I've always been this way and not once did you ever care about my 'boring life'. " She rolled her eyes and sat down on my bed.

"I already told you now shut up and go have a bath, I'll pick something out for you."

"What if I say no?" I crossed my arms and glared at her.

She chuckled standing tall to her height and mimicked me "Then I'll show everyone that video of you picking your nose."

I gasped, my cheeks hitting up at the memory. "You told me you deleted that."

She smirked and flipped her hair. "I have my ways."

"I hope this is not one of your antics to get anyone's attention." I mumbled walking towards the bathroom with her behind me.

"A girl doesn't kiss and tell, make it fast." She pushed me a little and slammed the door shut. I rolled my eyes and did my business, I came out wearing a towel to find Jess seated on my bed, scrolling on her phone.

"Put this on and hurry, our ride's almost here." She stormed out without waiting for my reply. I hastily grabbed the black lacy dress and put it on, she came back in and helped apply make up.

"I feel so uncomfortable." I mumbled trying to pull the dress down as far as I could only to get slapped on my hands by Jessica.

"Of course you do, all you wear are tomboy outfits and turtle necks." She grimaced and I frowned. I always felt comfortable in my clothes I have never even once thought that I looked bad, I mean even Javen compliments me whenever he can I never though-

"You look great bitch!!" I jumped up at her loud squirling and gasped a little as soon as my eyes connected with my reflection. I looked different. My eye lids we're coated in sparkly shade of dark rose gold, complimenting the rosy tint on my cheeks. It put to shame the occasional lip gloss and foundation Soph and I called 'make-up'. The black dress I wore stuck to my body like a second skin the lace exposed half my back and chest. Surprisingly, Jessica did not disappoint, I looked beautiful.

"Aren't I the best sister!" She cooed admiring her work.

"You are now." I mumbled admiring myself a little longer in the mirror, loving the look. I shook my head and went out the door with her trailing behind.

"Look at you getting all excited." She gushed once we reached downstairs, she adjusted her white sleeved dress and threw kitten heels at me.

"I'm not, I just want to get this night over with."

"If you say so, here this is yours" She says and hands me a card. I grabbed the fake I.D and frowned. The contents on it showing a fake name and age.

"Axel got them for me and don't worry, he promised not to tell anyone." She winked at me, I looked at the little contents engraved on it and sighed.

"Our ride's here, c'mon." We walked out and might I say, heels are not my best shoes. There was a Mercedes parked outside, I recognized Luke, my sister's ex as the driver while Amber, Jess' friend that I actually like and a guy I've never seen before we're in the back. My sister swiftly made her to the front and I quickly got in the back.

"Hey Iz, so glad you could come." Jessica smiled victoriously and I scoffed.

"I'd say the same thing if I wasn't black-mailed into this." She smiled apologetically just as they dived into a conversation.

"Here!" The guy hands me something and I look at it suspiciously.

"It's just beer Iz calm down." Amber laughs a little and soon, everyone joins in.

"Oh, I'm good thanks."

"Take it Iz, it's not like you're still a liquor virgin anymore." Jess mumbled and everyone laughed at me AGAIN. Amber pushed the contents on my lips and I swallowed coughing a little as I did so. Soon, there we're bottles of liquor being passed around. Luke offered us weed but I politely declined and thankfully, Amber didn't force me because I would rather go back home on foot than smoke.

"Ladies and gentlemen after five songs and six bottles of different kind of booz we have finally arrived at our destination.'' Luke yelled even though Jess already turned off the music. We got out of the car and headed towards the very long line of people waiting outside. We by passed the line and went straight ahead.

I nudged Jess with my elbow "Aren't we supposed to follow the queue!"

She smiled and winked in response. We reached the bodyguard in charge of letting people go in and Amber hugged him. She whispered something in his ear causing him to nod and look over to us. He let us get inside and protests we're heard from the people outside. We walked in some kind of corridor with neon lights flashing. Creating a beautiful glow. Soon, we came face to face with big golden doors. Luke pushed them open and I was greeted with the smell of sweat, different cologne, alcohol and loud music. I grazed my hand on the long golden stairs going down to a huge bar and a dancing platform glittering with lights. I watched as people wearing fancy clothes interacted among themselves, different kind of lights lit up the place so it was pretty hard to recognize someone.

"Woaw!" I exclaimed, noticing other stairs leading to what I could only assume is the VIP a couple of feet away guarded by two scary looking giants.

"Welcome to club Eleven." Luke yelled in my ear over the loud music, I smiled and looked ahead.

"May I" The guy, whose name I've learned is Calvin says and extends his arm, I smiled and took it. The last thing I want is to make a fool of myself in front of rich people.

Here goes nothing!