Chap 14: New Friends?

I've been in this 'club' for God knows how long and to say I feel out of place is an understatement. Luke and Calvin left saying they we're going to get high, my sister and Amber left to get some drinks. It's been over thirty minutes since they left me on the huge 'L' shaped fluffy couch a couple of steps from the bar section. Now that I think about it, they totally forgot about me. I eyed two people near me and shifted uncomfortably, they looked me over shamelessly before some girls fell in their arms. I sighed just as they walked away with the tipsy girls.

"Want a drink!" I looked up at the manly voice and gulped. I eyed the whitish looking drink in the fancy glass and shook my head side ways.

"N-no thank you." I yelled loud enough for the guy to hear. He grinned and sat next to me at a reasonable distance.

"Alessandro." He brought his right hand out for a handshake and I shook it.

"Isabella." I mumbled earning a smile from him.

"What brings you here Isabella." He looked at me expectantly and I sighed. I explained everything from when I got here with my sister to how they all left me hanging.

":-what about you!" He puffed out a sigh and made himself comfortable. He pushed his black hair back, exposing one earring and a small tattoo behind his ear that I couldn't make out.

"I'm here with my friends to have some fun, I mean it is a club after all!-:" He chuckled at his words and I nodded my head, suddenly feeling stupid for telling him all that.

"Would you like to join my friends and I-:" he nudged his head at a table near by. I smiled a little when I noticed a girl with red hair sitting with about three other girls and two identical guys. They all had drinks in hand and kept glancing at us, specifically the red head.

":-I promise" my eyes snapped back to his. "We don't bite." he smirked standing tall to his height. I smiled nervously and stood up too. I did come here to have fun anyway! So what if my sister and her friends decided to ditch me for their own pleasure, it doesn't stop me from mingling with strangers that I have just met.

"Look who I found." I snapped out my thoughts as Alessandro sat down next to the girl with red hair. Her kind gray eyes starred at me with a smile on her lips, one that is so contagious I found myself smiling back.

"Hi!" I waved pathetically to them to which someone nodded to. I got a closer look at them and felt even more out of place.

"Isabella meet, Anabelle:-" He pointed towards the red head."-Diana, Athena and Brooklyn. Girls this is Isabella." Anabelle got on her feet, her golden dress jingling as she does so and grabbed my shoulders. She analyzed me with a huge smile on her face, I shifted uncomfortably on one leg partly because my feet ached and cracked a smile of my own.

"Beautiful." She mumbled engulfing me in a hug. I shakily hugged her back, my hands making contact with her bare back. I turned to Alessandro who was watching us with a smirk.

"Let her breath sweetheart, your crushing her." Alessandro said chuckling to himself. Anabelle pulled back, her eyes wide with guilt.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I tend to get a bit carried away sometimes." She rambled on. I waved my hand in the air dismissvly, a habit I picked up from my mother.

"It's fine, I'm more of a hug on a first meet type of person anyway." I shrugged just as the guys burst into laughter. Anabelle giggled and pulled me down to sit between her, and Athena. Brooklyn, Diana and the two identical guys that I didn't know their names sat just in front of us with only a little fancy table full of different drinks and snacks separating us.

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted-" Alessandro sent a joking glare towards Anabelle to which she flipped him off.

"-that's Cory and Corbin, they are twins." He sipped his drink and nodded towards them.

"Oh really! Thanks for clearing that up for her genius." A ginger haired boy rolled his eyes at him.

"Hey, I'm Corbin and this dork over here is Cory." Ginger head said nudging to his brother. The only slight difference between them is their hair color. One has black hair with a buzz cut and the other messy ginger hair. Other than that, they are completely identical, same everything.

"Where are you from?" I looked at Diana and gulped. Her blonde hair bounced as she moved to get a glass of whit-ish looking liquid. I watched as her red round lips made contact with the glass, her eyes watching me like a hawk.

"Virginia, but we've been staying here since I can remember." She chuckled, the sound of it enough to tell me that I won't like what she'll say next.

"That's cute, I mean from which slums in Africa do you come from sweetheart." I gasped at her hostility and gaped at her.

"Fuck you Diana, why in the hell would you say that!" Anabelle cursed at her to which I internally winced.

"What! I'm just asking a question. She is nothing like us." She flipped her hair and glared at me as if I stole her favorate candy.

"There's no one that could ever be as selfish, self-centered or down right disrespectful and stupid as you are. Oh and FYI, there's no 'us', as far as I'm concerned your just one of the many sluts trying to screw my brother." I gasped yet again. I starred at Anabelle's cold harsh gaze and was thankfully it wasn't directed at me. I frowned at her and wondered why she defended me.

"Let's all just calm down and tone it down a bit sweetheart." Alessandro caressed her exposed back hesitantly.

"Whatever, I'm going upstairs." She stood up and looked down at me with her hand out. I took it and stood up too.

"You always need to start shit don't you!" I heard Athena mumble looking at Diana before joining us. We walked towards the long stairs and I frowned in confusion.

"Uhm, Where are we going exactly!" I asked Anabelle as we began ascending the stairs.

She cast a glance towards me and smirked. "You'll see." I looked back to where we we're sitting with furrowed eye brows. Alessandro was talking to Diana but her harsh gaze was focused on me.

I don't like her.