Chap 15: Scouts Honor

I jumped a little when I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I looked back in front of me to find Athena's kind hazel orbs starring back at me.

"I'm really sorry about her" I noticed that I had stopped walking but instead clung to the railing. I smiled back a little and nodded my head. I'd be lying if I said that I hadn't been a victim to racism before. It happened when I joined Clinton High, on the streets and even in my own neighborhood. It always stupefied me how people seemed to judge us based on color and even go as far as to shoot us down because white people deemed us 'savage'. Nothing but barbaric creatures that do not deserve to be in America or anywhere for that matter except in cages or being enslaved by some rich white snobs. I always found it cruel that just because we have melanin, we are suddenly different and deserve nothing but to be treated with hostility.

"Are you okay Isabella!" I looked up at Anabelle and offered her a smile.

"I'm good, I just wasn't prepared for that." I chuckled a little but she only hugged me and sighed.

"I'm really sorry-" she trailed off pulling away from the hug. "-I hope you don't think we're all mean because of that bitch." She pouted a little and damn was it cute. Her long red curls blew in her face which made her frown a little, I held back my giggle and grabbed her hands.

"I'm fine and no, I don't think your mean. Thank you for defending my honor." Her face light up like Christmas trees and she interlocked our hands before urging me to do the same with Athena.

"Go on!" She mumbled as soon we're at the top of the stairs. I looked over at Athena to find her looking anywhere but at us. I sighed before holding my hand out to her. She glanced at it and back up at me, her eyes went wide for a second before interlocking our hands with a little pink tint coating her beautiful cheek.

Anabelle threw her head back in laughter, turning a few heads. "C'mon Ath, don't act like you don't like it." Athena rolled her eyes before nervously pulling her hair back.

"Shut up Ana!" She mumbled softly, she glanced at me and I offered her what I hoped was a friendly smile. We all walked towards the huge scary body guards from before and I started to panic a little.

Don't they see these guys!!

"Uh guys! Why are we walking towards two huge scary men!" Athena and Anabelle chuckled at my nervous state before elegantly approaching the men. I must've cracked my neck trying to look at them eye to eye.

"ehi orso, mostro!" Anabelle nodded her head at God-knows what she said. (hey bear, monster)

"Anabelle non dovresti essere qui." One of the men spoke and I almost jumped at the deep voice but the girls only found it amusing. (Anabelle, your not supposed to be here)

"Whatever." She mumbled and like the red sea, the two giants parted. We let go of each other due to the small door and walked in. As soon as the door closed behind us, red lights light up a set stairs. The walls we're covered with all sorts of painting but I couldn't make out most it due to the dimly light stairway. I groaned that I had to climb yet another set of stairs.

"Don't worry Isabella, no more stairs after this I promise." Athena said grinning from ear to ear but I just glared at her.

"I'll hold you to that." Ana giggled a little and walked ahead followed by me then Athena. The stairs led straight to some sort of living room, the walls were painted in dull colors. There was a huge L shaped couch in the middle facing a big TV, a fancy glass table with an ash tray and fake flowers sat just in front of the couch. A dimly light hallway leading to God knows what was to our left. I gaped at the fancy kitchen on our right with literally everything a kitchen needs and more. What really caught my attention was the floor-to-ceiling window facing the entire club.

"Don't worry, nobody can see us." Anabelle said plopping down on a couch near the window.

"Cool." I mumbled touching the window. I finally caught the sight of Jessica and Amber talking to people I've never seen before and I scoffed a little.

"What is it!" Athena asked walking closer to where I was standing with Anabelle.

"Nothing I just-" I shook my head side ways and glanced at Ana.

"How did you get them to let us in!" I quickly changed the subject before they could ask more.

"Bear and Monster! They adore me" She winked at me and walked towards the kitchen.

"Wow! Those names really do suit them." I mumbled to myself. Athena playfully pushed me and laughed a little.

"That's what I said when I first met them."

"Is this like some kind of VIP room or something!" I said giving it a once over look before settling on the girls again.

"Well to some people it is but my brother's suit is even better. That bastard likes to keep good things to himself." Anabelle rolled her eyes and sat down at the couch with fruits in hand. Athena reached over and grabbed a handful of grapes earning a dirty look from Anabelle.

"We should go there right now." Ana said jumping on her feet.

"That's a bad idea, remember what he made us do last time we went up there Ana." Athena glared at her but Anabelle only waved her hand in the air.

"That was a year ago Ath, and plus Isabella hasn't seen it yet. It's a place all Club Eleven members want to see and experience."

'':-actually this is my first time coming here." I timidly admitted out loud. The girls starred at me with a look of disbelief but simultaneously covered it up with a cough.

"Even more reasons." Ana mumbled and looked at Athena for some kind of affirmation.

"Fine but if he finds out, I'm leaving the country. I won't mop these floors ever again." Athena grimaced as if remembering about the past.

"He won't, scouts honor." Anabelle put a hand over her chest like a girl scout and nodded her head.

"You weren't even a girl scout!" Athena groaned and walked to what I assume is the 'suit'.

"I know that shit felt good to say. To the suit it is and no stairs this time Isabella." Anabelle winked at me before following Athena in the hallway. I quickly followed them and soon we arrived in front of an elevator.

Just how big is this place!

"After you!" Ana bowed a little which had me giggle. I walked inside and was greeted by my reflection, I smiled at my look just as the girls walked inside. Anabelle squealed and pulled out her phone.

"I have got to capture this." She snapped a couple of pictures using our reflections, some extremely embarrassing than others. The elevator dinged indicating that we had arrived, the doors slide open.

"What the-"

"Low and behold, the real VIP!" Athena mumbled beside me, I couldn't agree more.