Chap 17: Lust

I stared at him in shock. His hair was tousled on his forehead in a mess but somehow, he still looked attractive.

"You're her brother!" I asked, my voice laced with disbelief. He just stared at me intensely before walking towards a table with all sorts of alcohol in the corner of the office. He poured himself an amber looking liquid in a glass and gulped it in one go.

Rude much!

"How did you get here!" He asked. His voice hoarse and extremely deep, his accent never failing to sound beautiful coming from his lips.

"Well, I....uhm." I trailed off not knowing what to say. He looked at me expectantly with a raised eye brow.

"Well what!" He snapped walking over to me. He set his glass down on his mahogany table a little too harshly and glared at me.

"Where's she hiding Isabella?" He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge between his nose. I gaped at him with my mouth slightly open. I still can't believe they are siblings.

Think Iz, think!!!

"I....uh do not know whom you are talking about." I stammered looking away from his piercing gray eyes.

"You expect me to believe you passed the guards and entered MY suit all by yourself!" I straightened my posture and looked at him.

"I happen to be very persuasive." He chuckled and looked me over just as his lips stretched to a sexy smirk.

"No doubt-" he trailed off taking a step closer. "- but I hate to be the one to break it to you sweetheart, you're not their type." I gasped at the tone of his voice and words.

"Look at me you little prick, guys literally worship the ground I walk on and I bet you haven't had half the person that I am visit this little club of yours-:" Lies! I am nothing compared to the two gorgeous ladies hiding outside. ":-so if I we're you, I'd watch my mouth." I yelled at him. Jabbing a finger onto his undeniably toned chest.

"And flash news sweetheart-:" I dragged out the pet name and took a daring step closer to him. Leaving little to no space between us. "I'm everybody's type" despite my sudden out brust, he looked amused which only fueled my anger.

"You look sexy when your mad." I did a double take on his words and gasped in disbelief.

"What!" The word came out breathly, my eyes roamed his face before finally landing on his lips.

"I said, you look sexy when you're mad." He dragged out the words with much ease.

"What are you doing here Isabella?" He asked once again but this time, I maintained eye contact as he spoke.

"I wanted a little tour of the place." I said. My voice a little timid. The little confidence I had turning into vapour.

Closing in, he pinned me against the window. "This is private, the facilities for clubers are downstairs." He pointed towards the direction I came from but I couldn't think with every part of my body nearly touching his.

"Why did you come here?" He held both hands above my head, caging me in. His breath was minty fresh, as though he just spit out gum.

"I was invited." Technically it is true for both occasions. He frowned and dropped his gaze to my lips for a flick of a second before looking back in my eyes.

"Bullshit." He pushed his body farther into mine and I fought not to reach up at the collar of shirt to keep me steady.

"What are you doing here tonight!" He repeated himself, resting his forehead on mine. An intimate move that left me confused.

"To have a good time." My voice came out barely a whisper.

"You want me to show you a good time?" He brushed his lips on my cheek and I pulled away.

"No." I mumbled, an ache throbbing between my legs.

"No?" He looked taken back. Clearly not used to rejection, I would too if I looked like that.

"I'm not going to sleep with you Killian." He inhaled my scent in the crook of my neck, totally ignoring what I just said, like a predator about to feast on his meal.

"What about you?" I asked trying to keep myself talking.

What is happening right now!

"What about me!" His voice was raspy, his dark icy gray eyes penetrating mine.

"Why haven't you kicked me out of you're suit yet?" He flashed his panty-throbbing, breathtaking smirk and cupped my cheek.

"Maybe I like having you here." He flipped me so my front was facing the cold black tinted floor to ceiling window. His strong hands roamed the hem of my dress, tugging it a bit higher.

"Wait!" I gasped. My hands wrapped themselves around his and he stopped his movements. My mind was running a millions miles per hour, not fully grasping what was happening right now. He placed feathery kisses on the crook of my neck, as if I we're so delicate. I closed my eyes and moaned just as he started to nibble on my neck. My arms fell to my sides as he continued to lift up my dress but stopped just below my area.

"What are you doing?" I pant.

"Marking what's mine." He growled lowering himself. He bit into the flesh of my inner thigh, sending a foreign feeling coursing through my veins. His hot tongue swept on the small wound he created and I felt my area flood with excitement. For the first time, I wanted someone to touch me. I wanted him to touch me. The breeze of his cool breath faming the wound had me moan with pleasure.

He got on his feet and kissed my cheek. "I want to leave a little something." He traced the wound with a pad of his finger and sighed.

"I don't have to sleep with you to keep you thinking about me all night." He turned me around and fixed my dress. I whimpered at the intensity in his eyes. He traced my lips with the pad of his finger and settled on my cheek.

"You can play hard to get all you want but you're body betrays you love." He kissed me on my cheek and walked away, his heavy strides disappearing behind the door.