Mortals and Gods.
Among the two possessors of consciousness, mortals can be considered to be at the bottom, in terms of quality that is. Their existence was sustained mostly by decisions made instinctively towards external stimuli and they possessed a really low level of base individual power compared to the gods
Beasts, usually low intelligent categories of mortals. Destined to be eternally oppressed by the smarter, stronger, and well-organized members of their class.
They were either tamed or killed.
That was why these two dogs did what any other large aggressive dog would do.
They charged forward baring their fangs and claws, hell-bent on drawing first blood.
Initially, the distance between Al'ravee and the two dogs was around six to seven meters but it was shortened within two and a half seconds.
The slim dog which was faster than the chubby one reached him first.
Al'ravee stared ahead with a blank expression.
His instinct would have told him to run or dodge, but he lacked the most basic instinct at this moment.
He only had a command, a command he had subconsciously given himself before entering this so-called state of senselessness.
To get rid of the source of the barking sound.
With his left foot forward, he swung his fist toward the dog. His fist made contact with the snout of the dog, surprisingly sending the dog staggering to the side.
A cracking sound had come from Al'ravee's arm.
The slightly slower chubbier dog caught up and immediately went for Al'ravee's outstretched arm.
Its teeth dug crudely into his skin as It wriggled its head viscously, tearing his flesh and causing blood to pour out.
Al'ravee still had a blank expression on his face like he could not feel any pain. Raising his left hand, he shot his thumb toward the eye of the dog.
Although the dog closed its eyes, Al'ravee still forced his finger mercilessly into the skull of the dog.
The dog let out a pained howl as it let go of Al'ravee.
With his left finger still in the head, Al'ravee roughly grabbed the neck of the dog with his right hand and with a spin, he managed to toss the dog away.
The dog rolled once on the ground before stopping but it didn't get up immediately. It rubbed its bloodied head against its front limb as it whimpered in pain.
But Al'ravee's back was now facing the slim dog.
Al'ravee fell face first as the dog pounced on him. Without any hesitation, it bit down on his shoulder.
This wasn't enough to disable Al'ravee though. As if not knowing the limit of his strength, he pushed himself up while resting on one knee.
The dog clung to his back, its claws now tearing into his flesh to support itself.
Al'ravee reached out to the dog behind him, grabbing the fur on the neck. He pulled forward but the dog only clung harder.
He pulled forward again, this time not only actually slamming the dog on the ground but also ripping out a piece of his shoulder.
The dog struggled to get up but Al'ravee wasn't ready to let go.
He grabbed the last two ribs of the dog and heaved.
At this point, Al'ravee's muscles were strained beyond measure.
The dog cried in pain which only aggravated the matter.
A tear appeared on the surface of the dog's abdomen.
The whimper of the dog seemed to be growing less.
Blood gushed out as the belly was torn. The tear wasn't really big in the first place but Al'ravee kept on yanking on its body which made it more agonizing for the dog. Eventually, the intestines and organs gushed out.
The dog stopped moving after some time with Al'ravee lying in a pool of its blood, breathing heavily.
It seemed that no matter how senseless he became, he still had to catch his breath.
The floppy ears dog was already up and running towards Al'ravee. Its speed dropped a bit when it saw the blood of its fellow dog but then it immediately sped up and pounced towards the still lying Al'ravee.
By this time the young couple would have called the law enforcement agency and placed charges on Ravee but they couldn't, at least not with their current state of mind.
That's right, they were currently slumbering even while standing.
Al'ravee had already seen the chubby dog running towards him from the corner of his vision.
Even in a state of mindlessness, the command was to eliminate the source of the barking sound. He needed not to think about an action before doing it.
After the dog jumped, just when it was mid-air, Al'ravee did something that should have been very difficult if not impossible for someone with his physiology.
He pushed his right arm and two legs against the ground, exerting them to their limits. He left the ground, actually jumping towards the dog. He had literally just jumped sideways while lying on his back.
When they clashed, the dog's claws made contact with the left side of his torso, piercing him, then his left arm wrapped around the upper neck of the dog tightly.
Because the dog had more weight than Al'ravee, It pushed him across the ground before they rolled to a stop.
Al'ravee's torso now had cuts here and there all over, his clothes were covered in dirt.
They wrestled on the ground like their lives depended on it, that was especially true for the dog.
With every second spent, it felt closer and closer to death.
Al'ravee put his right hand under the right forelimb and squeezed viciously.
Blood poured out of the dog's mouth.
The sound of bones breaking and a dog wailing filled the area.
Al'ravee used the opportunity to grab the opened jaws of the dog.
The bite force of a dog, no matter the size, was not something that should be taken lightly.
Al'ravee's fingers bled as the dog clamped its mouth shut.
Slowly and steadily, he stood up with the dog still in his embrace. The dog struggled but to no avail.
With his legs parted, he pulled on the dog's jaws again. Exerting all the strength he could muster, he started to pry open the dog's mouth. This continued as its maw became wider and wider.
A tear was already forming at the sides of the mouth.
With a final twist on Al'ravee's part, the dog fell limp to the ground.
Al'ravee stood up slowly and glanced at the dog.
With the same blank look on his face, he was about to walk away when he heard a soft and barely audible wimp.
With slightly inhuman speed, he looked down and reached out for the now dislocated jaw with his left hand.
Raising the head up, he forced his right hand down the mouth of the dog. The dog's eyes bulged out in surprise, hadn't it suffered enough?
Al'ravee simply grabbed the next tangible thing that came in contact with his hand. He had already forced his arm all the way to the shoulder level into the dog's body.
In one fluid motion, Al'ravee pulled out the guts.
The dog fell to the ground with a string of torn organs coming out from its mouth.
Krene watched everything that transpired with a neutral expression.
"The hardest part about raising a new god is making him think he's just an ordinary mortal." She said with a sigh.
Jurdelious just folded his hand as he walked towards Al'ravee. "I've not really interacted with newborn gods during my time but I'm sure killing two dogs in such a manner is not something you see every day among mortals."
"The good thing is that with how weak newborn gods are, their memories can be altered for some time, if not I would need to explain why he can remember everything from birth," Krene said.
Jurdelious sighed as he placed his large hand on Al'ravee's shoulder. "When Bdeli was still a world god, he managed to create the Bdelii race only after entering a state of senselessness similar to this."
Al'ravee shivered before disappearing along with Jurdelious. Now that the dogs were dead it was safe for Jurdelious to get him.
"A few more decades, that's all. After his transcending everything will be....' normal'..... *sigh*." Krene muttered as she waved her hand.
The young couple slowly woke up from their slumber. The dogs were gradually swallowed up by the ground. A portal opened up in front of the young couple and two dogs identical to the one that just died walked out.
Krene looked at the young couple whose eyes were starting to get clear. "Mortals *sigh*." She said before disappearing along with Jurdelious.
Other than Krene and Jurdelious, no one saw what happened, at least except for the two new look-alike dogs.
The young couple eventually left after not noticing anything.
Suddenly the new chubby dog opened its mouth and spoke. " Ai, what a way to die. I wonder how long we'll have to stay in this form."
The new slim 'dog' said in a dignified tone. "As long as goddess Krene wants my friend... as long as she wants."
© February 13 2024 JEFFERY D IDOKO