Chapter 7: There's Always That One Person

Al'ravee woke up on his bed to find his books on his lap, no cuts were on his body and his clothes were as good as new.

For now, he couldn't remember anything.

He eventually went downstairs to get something to eat because he suddenly felt like he hadn't eaten in days.

Hiis parents were not home. Probably didn't bother telling them where they were going after seeing him sleeping, that's what he thought at least

For some reason, he felt inexplicably calm. Picking up his phone, he decided to read an e-novel while he ate.

This was what he did during his free time. Reading e-novels and comics.


*The next week*


Al'ravee could be seen walking through the school gates along with hundreds of other students.

He checked the time on his phone before proceeding to his class.

Upon entering the classroom, his sight fell upon a few students. Not all had arrived yet or were just not in class.

Al'ravee spotted his 'gang' sitting together at one corner of the classroom. Three pupils could be seen sitting by the window having a discussion.

".... you don't get to it, do you? even the act of waking up every morning doesn't even matter, it's pointless." Said an average-height brown-skinned fifteen-year-old. He currently had drowsy eyes and looked very much like someone suffering from depression.

"Hmmm, Of course, I don't get you. I feel everyone should be special in some way though, like we all have a purpose in life. You make it sound like we're all unimportant". Said a short, blonde, handsome boy who had a smirk on his face.

The only female in the group, a slim girl with long straight black hair and innocent blue eyes contributed to the discussion. "I understand what he means, and I also think that everybody has some kind of role to play in the grand scheme of things... Maybe..."

The blonde boy's cheeks seemed to turn red at the girl's words, but he kept a straight face and the girl didn't notice.

"*Scoff*, huh? you feel?... everyone is special?.... you feel? tell me what has your feelings ever earned you. Ivan, in the real world your feelings won't do you any good, they're a hindrance in critical decision-making. That's why they're just feelings." The brown-skinned guy said in a matter-of-factly manner

The girl, Selou, frowned and said. " See, you've come up with another nonsense about the real world. Let me tell you, our feelings are actually really helpful in day-to-day conclusions and… uhmm… and…"

It was at this moment that Al'ravee walked up to them. He had already a bit of their conversation. "Hey guys, is Murry dropping some more 'real life wisdom'? hehehe." He said, not forgetting to add air quote hand signs.

"Hehe, you make it sound like the ramblings of some lunatic. Murray is just overly nihilistic." Ivan said with a harmless smile.

Murry ignored Ivan, he turned to Al'ravee and spoke. "Ravee, you are the one who usually understands me..... Let me ask you this question. Do you ever think of yourself to be the protagonist of the world? you know, the main character?."

Al'ravee felt weird answering that question.

Of course, he did, once in a while, he even felt like his friends were just the side characters in his story. He looked around the classroom, some students were already paying attention out of sheer curiosity with nothing to do." Well, I ....." Al'ravee was about to lie.

"Of course you do, everyone does. At some point in life, we all feel like we're the lead actor in some kind of movie and the world revolves around us. Just maybe after writing our fucking autobiography, everyone will read it." Murry said as he cut Al'ravee short. "That's the main reason why we get angry anytime things don't go our way."

He continued " But I realized the cold hard truth Ravee..." He said with an expression that made it look as if he was finding it hard to believe the words coming out of his own mouth.

"Our life on this planet doesn't matter Ravee, it doesn't matter at all. Or do you think those on the other side of the planet or those wealthy corporations give a fuck about us?

The world revolves alright, but it ain't around you or me or any other person in this room." Murry stood up and sat on the desk while folding his arms.

"My dad's a very social person and usually keeps his connections tight, so I asked him if he still interacts with his old buddies from school, do you know what he told me?" He asked as he looked around.

"He told me, that out of all the students in his class from his final year, he can't seem to get in touch with maybe ten of them. Out of the ones he already met after so many years.... guess what? only three remain."

Although the boys and girls in the class were not too mature, they weren't dumb. Obviously, the rest of Murry's dad's friends were dead.

"Each of them most likely had the same thought you had, and they also came to the same realization as I did. They all had dreams and future aspirations. Some settled for an average life with an average family, graduated from the university, and went to work for a company, some made bad decisions and became criminals or lost their way, some made it big and became very wealthy owning many assets, some missed opportunities and are struggling. Either way, they all came from the same class."

At this time, more students had arrived and more were gradually trooping in.

"My dad says that at his age, the feeling he gets when he looks back and realizes that not all who started the race with him will follow him till the finish line... it's not good, it doesn't feel good at all."

Everyone in the class was silent. The clever ones who were paying attention tried to picture the scenario of hearing news of their childhood friends dying.

Indeed, it wasn't good at all.


A tall young teacher had stopped behind the door seemingly interested in the conversation, the class was quiet so he could hear what Murry was saying from there.

"Those who care about you like your parents and lovers might tell you 'you're one in a million' to make you feel good about yourself... But the fact that you are one in a million just means that there are nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine people doing something different from you.

You might be unique but not enough to make a difference in the so-called grand scheme of things. If there was ever a protagonist, he wouldn't be where we are today, then we'd barely be considered as side characters, just extras... We come, and we go. A hundred years from now, we might all be dead. Our grandkids might not know our names and they might not even tell their children... I don't know the name of my great-grandparents, they're gone and forgotten, just like we all will be."


One of the students that was listening called up and said. "But there's nothing we can do about it, whether we are remembered or forgotten, we will all die anyways.

Whether by a gunshot, public execution, accident, disease, or old age. Death is inevitable, isn't that why we live our lives to the fullest, cause we know that there won't be a second chance?" He spoke like he was seeking some form of conformity.

Murry looked at the boy with squinted eyes and a melancholic smile. "Yeah, you're right. We're all born to die anyway and it doesn't matter. But your definition of living life to the fullest concerns me.

Some people live their lives to the fullest and die a poor, useless person, others do it and die as important, wealthy, and respected people, leaving legacies behind.

Because there will always be that one depressed person who sees the world as it is, not as he or she wants it to be.

There will always be that one optimistic person that sees the positive side of everything forgetting that not everyone is a good guy.

There will always be that one person who is ready to take your spot, not that you did something wrong, you were just in the way.

There will always be that one person who starts from the bottom and becomes extremely successful but is still unwilling to be a helper. Not that I blame them though.

There will always be that greedy person who will do anything for the extra money.

There will always be that one spoilt brat who you wish would get the short end of the stick in the future but turns over a new leaf and becomes a successful person, inheriting their family's business. Tsk, cliche right?

There will always be that quiet, lonely kid who fantasizes about suddenly gaining an explosive status and shocking everyone who ignores him to satisfy his ego.

There will always be that person who to satisfy his or her feeling of incompetence lies to himself that the poor get rich and the rich get poor. Their outcome is quite boring.

There will always be that one fool who thinks he can become the best, the strongest of all with just sheer determination and hard work. Fool indeed.

There will always be that one unlucky person who pays for a crime he didn't commit.

There will always be that one person who blames the so-called gods for the bad things that happen to them.

There will always be that one fucker who gets drunk on power he got coincidentally and ruins the lives of others in his pursuit for more. I like those kinds of people, honestly.

*Sigh* There will always be that one person whose dreams never come true. In fact, there won't be a shortage, of them, more like an excess.

And that my friend, is the cold hard fucking truth of this world. Your definition of living life to the fullest might just turn out to be wrong."

Al'ravee had a thoughtful expression on his face as he whispered to Ivan. "Hmm, I wonder what brought up such a discussion"

Ivan said, "Oh, we were just talking about our future and how exciting life will be after graduation."


Suddenly the teacher walked in with his thiscal I-don't-give-a-shit expression that the class knew him for.

"Good morning Mr Lokami.." The students recited.

Mr. Lokami was a tall brown-skinned man with an average-looking face, he had a punk-style haircut and a slim frame. "Good morning class," He said in a barely audible voice.

He gazed at the students with drowsy eyes, his sight lingering on Murry and then shifting his gaze away.

"Okay let's begin, today we'll be looking at....."

And like that, that day's lessons began.

© February 13 2024 JEFFERY D IDOKO