“Omega Vitamin?” One of the figureheads said with a grave expression. He had a short stature and had bushy black beards on his face.
Darius placed his hands on the table, allowing his weight to rest on them. He breathed in and out slowly, his mind engaged in deep thoughts.
“Yes, Omega Vitamin,” Galgamuth said. For some reason, everyone seemed to hover between the thin line of joy and sorrow, not knowing how they should feel.
“From the letter, this Omega Vitamin is being sent here from their headquarters. How they managed to lay their hands on it is unknown, what is of concern to us is that they are sending it right into the arms of the Vaderian Cult base.”
“Being concerned is one thing, doing something about it is another.” said another blonde-haired man at the table who wore black-rimmed glasses.
“If this is the case what do you suggest we do?” Another woman asked.
Subconsciously, they all turned to look at Priya who still had her eyes closed.