Priya and Clancy walked side by side, with Clancy's hand resting on the former’s right shoulder.
“Darius has successfully integrated himself into our society as an inexpensive asset.” Clancy began, her voice echoing across the long spacious hallway.
“Yes, he has,” Priya replied, undisturbed by the sudden words.
The walls in the hallway were a smooth light grey, as though they had been sculpted into existence, rather than being built brick by brick.
“We watched him rise over the past ten years, right under our noses…” Clancy continued.
“Yes, we did,” Priya said.
“His accomplice, Talliu, is peacefully placing both hope and doubts in the hearts of the commune's members, hope that goes against what we stand for, doubt over the very purpose of what we stand for.”
“I know.”
“We could have stopped it, but you told us some years back after your injury that they would be beneficial to our cause.”