Chapter 99: Talliu's Confidence

[At the fortress]

Every mortal soul had a talent, irrespective of level. However, it wasn't until level 10 that the said talent became active.

Until then, the mortal would only experience mild passive traits of his or her talent.

A man who had a strong interest in arson could be calculated to have a talent related to fire.

A woman who was unnaturally gifted at understanding information could also be said to have a talent related to intelligence.

Some people may develop a strong interest in programming or mechanics and anyone who knew better could guess what type of talent they would possess.

Darius was already someone who was fit physically and mentally. Never really cared about anything other than what he was trained to do. Although never at the top of the bar, him getting the Strong heart talent was to be expected had Al'ravee known about mortal talents beforehand.

This was just how it was. A natural arrangement made by the universe.