Chapter 100: Rapid Comprehension

Talliu did not know Clancy on a personal level, he never had the chance to do so.

To him, Clancy was always quiet and detached from everything happening in the fortress, at least to a certain level.

She never really seemed to be interested in involving herself with anything, just observing most of the time.

‘… just observing most of the time,’ Talliu mused as his his narrowed.

But his smile remained, “Did I do something to warrant such a condescending look from you, Miss Clancy?”

Clancy snapped out of it as her cold eyes returned to normal. She sighed before walking to the door, not bothering to say anything to Talliu.

Talliu could see it in her steps. Compared to him who now walked with confidence, Clancy’s gait was loaded with hesitation. She was afraid, he could tell.

But afraid of what?

Next, he fixed his eyes on one last person, someone who no longer belonged to the land of the living.