Three princess sisters, Heather, Katelyn, and Ashley, were locked up in a castle tower on the fifth floor. While there, Heather showed her sisters their plan to leave the castle. Heather pointed at the top of the building and said, “OK. We’re here, on level 5. We need to get from here...” Heather pointed at the first floor and stated, “To there. Where the drawbridge is.” Katelyn opened a magic mirror in her pocket, and the face appeared on it. Katelyn said, “Magic mirror, come in.” The magic mirror said, “Yes, princesses.” Katelyn said, “Are you ready?” The magic mirror said, “All set. I can see everything on each floor. And you know I can only tell the truth.” Ashley stated, “Where are the guards now?” The magic mirror said, “Coming your way with your daily tea and crumpets.” Katelyn said, “Thanks.” Katelyn then shut the magic mirror, and Heather hid their plans to break out of the tower before the guards came in. Once they did, two guards named Joe and Sam walked in and dropped off the princesses’ daily tea and crumpets. Joe said, “Here’s your daily tea and crumpets.”
Then they left, but before they shut the door, they made sure of something. Sam said, “Remember, princesses, no escaping.” The princesses all looked at each other and laughed. Katelyn said, “Who? Us?” Heather stated, “Like we ever could.” Joe said, “Good.” Joe then slammed the door shut and locked it.
Once the guards left, the princesses started to put their plans into action. Heather then took the magic mirror and opened it. Heather said, “Magic mirror, where’s the closest place out of here and into the hall?” The magic mirror said, “There should be an air vent right by the table.” The princesses looked by the table, saw the air vent, and opened it. Then, they crawled in and exited the other air vent on the fifth floor. Once they got out, they accessed the magic mirror. Heather said, “Magic mirror, update.”
The magic mirror said, “Guard approaching.” The princesses looked ahead and saw a guard named Tim headed their way, so they ran the other way. The magic mirror said, “Guard approaching.” The princesses looked in front of them and saw Joe walking towards them. Ashley took the magic mirror from Heather and stated, “Magic mirror, where’s the closest hiding place?” The magic mirror said, “If you go back a little, you should see a bookshelf.” The princesses walked back, saw the bookshelf, and hid behind it.
Once they did, the guards met up with each other. Joe said, “All clear on this floor. I’m going to patrol Level 4. You stay here and make sure the princesses don’t escape. Tim said, “Roger.” Tim kept an eye on Level 5 while Joe and Sam patrolled Level 4, and the other guards patrolled the other floors. Heather then peered out of their hiding place and saw the guards walking away from the stairs. Once they did, the princesses ran for it and down the stairs to Level 4. Heather said, “1 level down, 4 to go.”
Katelyn tried walking across Level 4, but Ashley put her hand ahead of her and stopped her. Katelyn said, “What’s wrong?” Ashley stated, “Shush.” Ashley then pointed up, and they saw the security cameras that would catch them on film and alert the guards. Katelyn opened the magic mirror and said, “Magic mirror, come in.” The magic mirror said, “Yes.” Katelyn said, “We managed to reach Level 4, but security cameras protect it. Is there any way to get past them without being seen?” The magic mirror said, “Searching.” The magic mirror looked all around the hallway and found a way. The magic mirror said, “Princesses, there’s a secret passage in the wall. You can walk through there and take it to the library. But a guard is approaching.” The princesses looked in front of them and saw Sam headed their way. They then knocked on the walls until Heather pushed a stone into the wall and opened the secret passage. Then they all ran in, and the hidden passage shut before Sam came.
The princesses took the secret passage through the wall, and when they got to the end of it, a bookshelf in the library moved aside, and they walked out of the secret passage and into the library. Once they entered the library, they saw no security cameras or guards. Katelyn opened the magic mirror and said, “OK, we’re in the library. Is it safe to open the door?” The magic mirror said, “No, a guard is guarding that doorway. But a trap door on the floor leads to a secret passage.” Ashley stated, “But where is it?” The magic mirror said, “It’s under the rug.” Katelyn said, “OK, good.” Katelyn closed the magic mirror and put it in her pocket. Ashley then moved the rug away and found the trap door under it. Then she opened it, and they all lifted their dresses, walked down the stairs into the secret passage, and made it to Level 3.