Break Out, Chapter 2

The princesses followed the secret passage across Level 3 to a dead end, but then Heather pushed the wall away and opened a hidden door in the fireplace in the Study. Katelyn brought out the magic mirror and accessed it. Katelyn said, “Magic mirror, report.” The magic mirror said, “You’re in the Study on Level 3. This floor will be tricky, but you can take the elevator down to Level 1 as a shortcut.” Katelyn said, “We’ll take it.” The magic mirror said, “It’s not that easy. So many obstacles are on the way.” Heather stated, “We can get past them. Then we’ll take the elevator.” The magic mirror said, “But if you do and one of the guards is inside, you’ll get caught.” Katelyn said, “We’ll have to either take the chance or have you check it before we open the door.” Ashley stated, “We’ll call if we need an update.” Ashley shut the magic mirror and put it away. The princesses ran out of the Study and around the corner. When they did, they saw a hall filled with laser beams. Heather said, “We got to get through the lasers.”

The princesses leaped into the lasers and started to move through them. They all shook by the first four lasers without touching them. Then, they twirled past the following three lasers and ran across the next three without breaking them. They looked ahead and saw the end of the hall straight forward. Heather said, “We’re halfway across.” Ashley brought out the magic mirror and stated, “Any guards coming?” The magic mirror said, “Not right now. I think they think their security system can keep out intruders and keep in escapers.” Ashley shut the magic mirror, and they continued walking across the laser hallway.

All three of them squeezed between the four lasers without touching them, jumped, bounced off one of their hands, and landed on their feet without feeling any of them. Then, they all leaped over one of the lasers and flipped over another. Then they all jumped, bounced off their hands, and landed on their feet without touching the lasers. Then, they all jumped and twirled through two of the lasers, crossing each other without breaking them. Then, they hopped over five at once without touching any of them. Then they all got down on their knees and hands and crawled under five more lasers without breaking them. Then they stood back up, dunked under one laser, and leaped over another. Then Ashley lifted her dress and ran across the following three lasers. Heather bounced off one of her hands and skipped over the subsequent three lasers, and Katelyn jumped over all three of them simultaneously. Once all three of them made it across, they got to the end and had to pass one more set of lasers blocking them. Ashley jumped over the highest laser at the end of the hall, landed on her feet, and made it to the end. Heather crawled under the lowest laser and got to the end of the hall with Ashley. Katelyn dunked under one of them and tried to walk between two side-by-side lasers, but she accidentally touched one. Then all the lasers vanished, the hall turned red, and the alarm went off. Katelyn said, “Oh no.” Heather stated, “The alarm.”

Heather helped Katelyn and said, “Come on, let’s go.” Ashley blocked their way and stated, “Wait.” Ashley pointed up, and Heather and Katelyn saw what she was pointing at. Ashley said, “The security camera, hide.” Once Joe heard the alarm, he called Sam on his headset. Joe stated, “Guard Sam, what triggered the alarm?” Sam went to the control room and searched the castle for what triggered the alarm. He saw nothing on Level 5 or Level 4 but lights flashing everywhere when he checked the lasers’ hall on Level 3. Sam said, “It’s the hall of lasers, but I don’t see anyone. You check the princesses’ room and make sure they didn’t escape.” Joe said, “On it.” Joe hurried to Level 5 and opened the door to the tower. Joe stated, “Princesses?” Joe looked all around for the princesses and saw they had left the air vent they escaped through open. Joe looked inside, was shocked when he figured out what happened, and called Sam on his headset. Joe said, “Guard Sam, they’ve escaped.” Sam stated, “Escaped? Well, wherever they are, we’ll find them.” Sam called all the guards on his headset and said, “Secure the exits, keep watch on each floor, and stop those princesses.”

Meanwhile, the princesses hid against the wall so the security cameras wouldn’t see them. Then they looked at the end of the hallway and noticed a cage wall lowering down at the end. Heather said, “We can make it, hurry.” So the princesses made a run for it, and when they got to the end of the hall where the cage wall was lowering down, they crawled under it and made it past it before the wall hit the ground and locked them in. Ashley removed the magic mirror and said, “Magic mirror, update.” The magic mirror said, “The elevator is now blocked because you set off the alarm, but if you go through that doorway behind you, you can take the stairs down to Level 1.” Heather said, “Got it.” The princesses then opened the door behind them and walked down the stairs.

They ran down the stairs once they made it through the door, and Sam saw them on the security monitors. Sam called Joe on his headset and said, “I see them. They’re on the staircase heading down from Level 3. We’ll intercept them there.” The guards ran to the staircase the princesses were on, and the magic mirror warned them. The magic mirror said, “Guard approaching.” The princesses looked down the stairs and saw Joe running up the stairs towards them. Joe stated, “Halt princesses.” Ashley pointed back and said, “Backtrack.” The magic mirror said, “Guard approaching.” The princesses looked up the stairs and saw Sam running down the stairs after them. Sam stated, “Stop, princesses.” Ashley stated, “What are we going to do?” The magic mirror said, “Princesses, there’s a door behind you.” The princesses hurried and tried to open the door behind them. Joe stated, “Princesses.” Sam said, “Don’t move.” Once they opened the door, the princesses ran in it, and Joe and Sam bumped into each other when they shut it.