After Megan got rid of the stingrays, she saw the pirates release a net into the ocean and pull it back up. When they opened it, they noticed they had caught a treasure chest. Captain Joseph approached it, but Second Mate Noah looked at it first. Captain Joseph said, "Time to see the treasure." Second Mate Noah stated, "Do you see that skull and crossbones?" Second Mate Noah pointed at it, and the skull's eyes glowed red. Second Mate Noah said, "Doesn't exactly say, 'OPEN ME!'" Captain Joseph stated, "Yeah, well, I'm in charge here, and I say I'm opening it." Captain Joseph saw the chest padlocked, so he put his sword in the keyhole, but his sword broke, and the lock didn't open. Captain Joseph said, "Looks like we need a key." Megan saw that Captain Joseph had a chest that looked bad if he unlocked it, so she searched the sea for its key. She also hoped to find it before Captain Joseph and his crew did.
Megan swam to the middle zone and looked for the key where the mollusks were because she thought one of them had it instead of a pearl. Megan said, "Finding this key in the ocean is going to be like trying to find a human relic in Atlantica." Megan heard somebody swimming her way, so she quickly swam into a nearby cave and hid there. While she hid, Megan peered out of the cave and saw a shark swim by. While Megan was in the cave, she swam forward and went to the end. When Megan got to the end, she reached a dead end. Then Megan saw the light from the ceiling, looked up, and swam up. When Megan got to the top, she noticed the light coming from the service, so she glided out of the water and saw many lights. Megan crawled out of the water and saw many lights coming from people's cars. When she noticed many people arriving, she jumped back into the water and swam to the bottom of the sea. While Megan was at the bottom of the sea, Katie swam with sea turtles in the middle of the ocean. Megan swam to the top of the sea, jumped out, and back in again as dolphins do. Then she hopped out of the sea again and back in again. Megan said, "I love being a mermaid."
Megan swam to the bottom of the sea, grabbed a seashell, and used it to comb her hair. When finished, she put the seashell in her hair and swam away. What she didn't know was that her mother had seen her. Megan said, "Now to find that key. If only I knew what it looked like." Katie went down to the bottom of the sea to visit Megan, but while she swam, Megan's locket fell off her mother's neck and sank to the bottom of the ocean. Megan saw it dropping and swam after it fast. Megan said, "My necklace." Katie saw Megan swimming after her locket and saw Megan catch it in her hands. Megan then looked at it and put it back around her neck.
After catching the locket, Megan looked up and saw a few caves. Megan swam up to them and noticed one with a skull and crossbones. Megan swam into the cave, and her wrist got caught in the seaweed. Megan broke her wrist free and swam further into the cave. She saw a green key with a skull and crossbones when she reached the cave's end. Megan said, "This must be Captain Joseph's key." Megan took the key, and the cave started to collapse. Megan swam quickly out of the cave and kept the key when it began. Megan said, "I can't let Joseph get his hands on this key and open that chest. Something bad may happen."
Megan swam to the top of the sea and saw Captain Joseph's ship heading for Catastrophe Cove. Katie followed her because she didn't want to lose Megan again. Katie said, "She better not be thinking what I think she's thinking." Megan went back under the water, swam into Catastrophe Cove, and tried to think of a way to save the pirates before they crashed their ship into any giant pointy rocks. Captain Joseph checked his map, attempted to find out where they were, and saw they were heading to Catastrophe Cove. When they got into Catastrophe Cove, they sailed right for a rock, but Megan swam above the water and tried to push their ship out of the way. Katie said, "She is. She's helping humans." The pirates headed for the exit, but a giant rock was in the way, so Megan tried to push them more toward the opening at the end. Then, they made it out without sinking their ship. Megan smiled and saw the Vikings heading her way, but Captain Kayla saw all the rocks in the cove, so she had her Vikings row around Catastrophe Cove instead of going through it.
Megan swam under the water, looked at where she was, and recognized the place she was at. Meanwhile, Katie saw and followed Megan. Megan knocked on a large rock, and it moved away. Then she peered inside, grabbed her bag, and swam inside the cave before the door shut. Katie quickly swam in after Megan and followed her to where she was going. Megan and her mother swam upward and out through a hidden door inside a rock. Megan shut the door, but Katie peered out of it and looked at where she was.
Megan sat down on a rock, and Katie saw a bunch of sparkling coral and healthy plants. Megan saw a school of fish coming by but wouldn't let them in her garden. Then Megan started to sing about her garden and how nobody was allowed inside except her. Katie spied on Megan and saw her leaving. Then Megan grabbed a seashell from the bottom of the ocean, put it in her bag, put her bag by the gates of her garden, and locked it. Then Mega saw a submarine coming her way, so she left her sack behind and swam up to the sub. After Megan left, Katie went into Megan's garden, grabbed her bag, looked inside, and looked at the stuff inside. Katie said, "Seashells, her comb, and some kind of key." Katie put Megan's bag back where she had found it.
Meanwhile, Megan swam up to the submarine she saw, grabbed the bottom, and pushed it up. Then, the people inside wondered why they were moving when nobody was steering. Megan saw a bunch of undersea geysers, pushed the submarine towards one of them, and dropped it on one of them. Then, the people inside started to wonder what had happened. Then they heard a loud noise, and their submarine began to shake. One of the passengers, Morgan, said, "Do you hear something?" The other passenger, Dominic, stated, "Like what?" The noise got louder and louder. Morgan said, "Like that." Dominic said, "Oh, that. I don't know what that is." Then the geyser erupted, launched the submarine out of the sea, and back in again. Megan said, "That's the last I'll see of them."
When the submarine returned to the ocean, it crashed into a rock and shut down. The passengers were scared when the lights went out, so they ditched their sub, put their scuba gear on, and grabbed their sonar equipment. Then they went under the water and looked around the Great Barrier Reef. While Dominic and Morgan were swimming under the sea, they saw a lot of fish. They almost got grabbed by an octopus camouflaged to look like part of the reef. After they avoided the octopus, they saw Megan swimming by and noticed she was a mermaid. Morgan said, Dominic, did you catch that?" Dominic said, "I sure did. That was a mermaid." Dominic and Morgan followed Megan, and Megan saw them following her. Megan swam faster when she saw Dominic and Morgan swimming towards her and tried getting away from them. Dominic said, "Hey." Morgan stated, "She's getting away." Dominic said, "Come back." Morgan said, "You can't leave." Dominic said, "Come back here at once."
Katie saw Megan swimming away, noticed the people chasing her, and went after her. Katie swam beside Megan and said, "Hi, Megan." Megan stated, "Mom?" Morgan declared, "Look, two mermaids." Dominic said, "This is gold." Megan looked behind them and saw Dominic and Morgan coming toward them. Megan stated, "Here they come." Katie said, "Don't worry, people can't swim as mermaids can. Swim up." Katie and Megan swam up, and Dominic and Morgan chased after them. Katie and Megan looked behind them and saw Dominic and Morgan following them. Katie said, "Or maybe they can." Megan stated, "Swim down."
Katie and Megan swam down while Dominic and Morgan swam down after them. Katie said, "These guys are good." Megan stated, "Swim around." Katie and Megan swam around the undersea rock formations, as did Dominic and Morgan. Megan stated, "They're gaining on us." Katie said, "What do we do?" Megan looked down and saw a small cave on the ground. Megan stated, "Follow me." Katie, Megan, Morgan, and Dominic swam into the cave. When they got in, it was pitch black and freezing cold. Morgan and Dominic both used their flashlights to look around the cave. Megan and Katie swam further into the cave and started to see ice everywhere and hear haunting sounds. Megan said, "We must be in the Arctic Circle."
Katie and Megan swam to a place where there were two tunnels. Katie and Megan swam to the left, and when Dominic and Morgan made it to the tunnels, they went to the right. Katie and Megan left the cave while Dominic and Morgan continued and reached a dead end. Then they swam back and went down the left tunnel. When they got out, Katie and Megan were gone, so they split up to find them.