Into The Deep, Chapter 6

Megan swam to the surface, peered out of the water, and saw the Vikings' ship headed her way. Then she swam up to the boat, and Captain Kayla started to hear water splashing. Captain Kayla looked overboard and saw Megan in the water. Captain Kayla said, "You're a mermaid." Megan stated, "Of course I am. Look." Megan lifted her tail and shook her fins so the Vikings could see them. Captain Kayla said, "Well, it was nice meeting you, but we must go now." Megan stated, "You're not going anywhere." Captain Kayla said, "Why not?" Megan said, "Because I say so. I'm holding you captive." Captain Kayla said, "No, you aren't. We're Vikings." Another Viking said, "And Vikings are tough." Megan stated, "But mermaids are even tougher than Vikings." Megan touched the Vikings' ship with just one finger, and it started to tilt, and all the Vikings lost their balance for a minute. One Viking said, "She's strong." Captain Kayla said, "I think we better get out of here." The Vikings tried to row forward, but Megan swam ahead of their ship and stopped them. Megan said, "Oh no, you don't." Captain Kayla saw Megan and stated, "The other way." The Vikings tried to go back, but Megan swam behind their boat and stopped them. Megan said, "Nice try." Captain Kayla saw Megan and stated, "Let's turn." The Vikings tried to turn their boat around, but Megan swam to the side of their ship and stopped them. Megan said, "See? I got you surrounded." Captain Kayla said, "Wow, mermaids ARE tough." Megan stated, "You are now my captives. You will now do what I say. Sing, I command you, sing." Captain Kayla got an idea and said, "Okay, mermaid. We need a minute to decide what to sing. Vikings, over here."

The Vikings grouped and spoke about what they were going to sing. One of the Vikings said, "How about we start with Mary Had a Little Lamb?" Captain Kayla said, "Actually, I have a plan. She wants us to sing. Right?" Her crew stated, "Right." Captain Kayla said, So, let's sing her a lullaby." Viking Pam said, "A lullaby?" Captain Kayla said, "Yeah, she'll fall asleep, and then we can escape." Viking Alice stated, "Good plan." Viking Pam said, "Come on, let's try it."

Captain Kayla said, "Okay, mermaid. Are you ready for a song?" Megan stated, "You bet I am. Make it a good one." Captain Kayla looked down at Megan and started to sing to her. While the Vikings sang, the sky turned red, and the sun began to go down. Megan said, "I'm feeling a little sleepy. "The Vikings then continued singing, and the sky got dark, filled up with stars, and the moon came up. When they finished, Megan was sound asleep, but so was Viking Pam, who sang with them and all the other Vikings. Captain Kayla tapped Viking Pam's helmet and woke her up. Captain Kayla kept her entire crew asleep except Viking Pam and Viking Alice. Captain Kayla whispered, "Row, row, row." Viking Pam and Viking Alice quietly rowed their ship away and got away from Megan. While Megan was asleep, a wave hit her, woke her up, and she lost the key she had found.

Meanwhile, Morgan was swimming to the top of the sea and saw the pirate's ship. Then Captain Joseph spotted the key Megan lost in the water, grabbed it, and had a theory about it. Morgan looked in the porthole of Captain Joseph's ship and saw him using the key he had found to unlock the treasure chest he had uncovered. Once Captain Joseph turned the key, the top of the chest loosened, and Captain Joseph opened it. Once he did, a bunch of black smoke came out of the trunk and covered Captain Joseph's face, causing him to cough, and then the smoke disappeared. Captain Joseph then started to act differently. When First Mate Franco checked on him, he saw Captain Joseph get the chest open. Captain Joseph held his sword to First Mate Franco and said, "Avast, Franco. You and the others better not let me down on this ship. Arg." Morgan stated, "Not good. I must warn Dominic. Captain Joseph spotted Morgan in the water and said, "Too bad you won't get the chance." Captain Joseph lassoed Morgan and brought her aboard. Then he tied her to the mass and kept her hostage there.

Megan swam up to the surface and looked aboard the pirate ship. Then she saw Captain Joseph tie Morgan to the mass and keep her hostage. Then Megan looked to her right and saw Captain Joseph get the treasure chest he found open, and it was casting a spell on Captain Joseph, his crew, and their ship. Megan knew what to do, so she swam back under the water and swam back to Atlantica. While Poseidon wasn't around, Megan snuck into his throne room, grabbed his trident by his throne, and used it on herself. Megan then turned herself into a human and dressed like a pirate. Since she was no longer a mermaid, Megan couldn't breathe under the water anymore, so she held her breath and quickly swam up to the surface. Once she got up there, she looked at her bottom half and saw the spell worked, and her fins got replaced with legs. Megan also noticed the trident dressed her as a pirate with an eyepatch and a sword. Megan said, "Time to break that spell."

Megan took a rowboat to sea and used it to get to Captain Joseph's ship. Once she arrived, she climbed aboard and headed for the treasure chest. Megan said, "This is going to be too easy." Captain Joseph then jumped in front of Megan and tried to kill her with his sword, but he missed. Megan said, "Well, yo ho, yo ho." Captain Joseph stated, "Did you think stealing my treasure would be that easy?" Megan said, "No, but I don't want it. I want to get rid of it and get the old you back." Captain Joseph stated, "Fat chance."

Captain Joseph and Megan sword-fought each other. Captain Joseph swung his sword at Megan, but Megan blocked his attack with her sword. Megan said, "Joseph, it's me. The mermaid who you offered to let on board your ship." Captain Joseph stated, "I would never let anyone other than my crew." Captain Joseph then swung his sword over Megan's head, but Megan lifted her sword and blocked it. Megan said, "Joseph. There must be a small part of you that can still hear me." Captain Joseph then swung his sword at Megan, but Megan dodged it, and he missed. Megan said, "So I was wondering if I could ask that small part." Captain Joseph then swung his sword at Megan again, but Megan hit the deck, and he missed. Megan said, "Cut it out." Captain Joseph lured Megan to the plank and almost got her on it. Megan held her sword toward Captain Joseph and said, "Don't make me get tough." Captain Joseph stated, "Bring it on." Megan sang, “La-la-la-la.” Then, many birds came swarming down, and many sea creatures jumped aboard the ship. The birds attacked Captain Joseph, a couple of penguins tripped him, and a walrus threw his treasure chest back into the sea. Megan then took the key off his neck and tossed it into the sea. After they got rid of the chest and its key, Megan kicked Captain Joseph overboard, and he landed in the ocean. Then she jumped into the sea after him and grabbed him before he drowned. Then, Captain Joseph's evil pirate spirit left his body and returned to the treasure chest, while Megan and Captain Joseph returned to the surface. Then the treasure chest shut, locked, and went to the bottom of the sea while its key landed on a rock in the ocean.

After saving Captain Joseph, Megan returned him to his boat, and everything yielded to normal. Megan then untied Morgan from the mass and jumped back into the water while the other pirates hoped Captain Joseph was still alive. Megan said, "Stand back." Megan pushed on Captain Joseph's chest and got the water out of him. Then Megan gave him CPR and some air so he could breathe again. Once she handed him enough air, Captain Joseph woke up and coughed. Megan said, "He's breathing." Captain Joseph stated, "What happened?" Megan said, "You were possessed, and I saved you." Second Mate Noah declared, "Maybe next time you'll listen to me instead of yourself when you see skull and crossbones on something." Megan said, "See you!" Megan was about to return to the water when Captain Joseph grabbed her hand. Captain Joseph stated, "Wait, please." Megan looked behind her, saw Captain Joseph, and smiled. Captain Joseph said, "You can't go."

Poseidon, Katie, Dominic, Morgan, and other sea creatures came out of the water and saw Megan with Captain Joseph. Then, they all watched them and witnessed them kiss. Poseidon said, "She does love him." Dominic said, "Yes, she does." Morgan stated, "She was even willing to turn herself human to save him and me." Poseidon then blasted them with his trident and turned Captain Joseph's pirate clothes into a handsome wedding suit and Megan's pirate clothes into a wedding dress. Once they saw what he did, Megan hugged Poseidon and thanked him. Then Megan married Captain Joseph, and everyone on the boat and in the sea cheered for them once they kissed again. Megan then threw the bride's bouquet, and a mermaid in the sea caught it. Then Captain Joseph and Megan waved goodbye to everyone in the ocean and sailed off as a happy pirate couple. Captain Joseph said, "I finally found a wife, and she turned out to be half fish." Megan stated, "Is that a problem?" Captain Joseph, "No. Especially now that you're human. Of course, I would love you if you were still a mermaid." Then Captain Joseph and Megan kissed again. While they kissed, both the merfolk and the humans cheered for them.

The End