"Greetings to the Grand Chief!" They had landed in the middle of a wide courtyard that looked like the front of an emperor's throne room. Yi Hei glanced around him in wonder. A number of the mercenaries who were on one knee had their faces covered with grotesque looking masks. Li Sihan paid them no mind and marched forwards, towards the big building marked as the 'East Hall'. Yi Hei quickly followed after her, trying hard to ignore the appraising stares of the kneeling mercenaries.
The two emerged not long after; Li Sihan had fashioned him a mask. Outside, the crowd was larger, trying their best to look inconspicuous and failing. They all straightened up when the Grand Chief came outside again.
"This person will be the Guardian of the Medicine Hall," Li Sihan announced in a low voice, yet everyone present heard it. Guardian was fine, though quite a number of mercenaries were miffed. However, what was the Medicine Hall? There was no such thing in the Mercenaries.