First Mission. Scratch That.

Seated at a round table drinking and eating with fellow Spear School disciples, a lean but healthy looking girl dressed in a red and white fitted chivalric looking hanfu, without any hair accessories but a single headpiece holding her hair up in a ponytail, Feng Chusan was almost unrecognisable. If any of her family members saw her now, they could never reconcile the haughty, rude, airheaded silver spoon born socialite with unrealistic aspirations to this sensible, responsible and upright mercenary. In the short years that had passed since her induction, Feng Chusan had indeed grown a lot.

"Big sis Chusan," one of the female disciples crooned, tugging on her sleeve, "Elder Han placed you in charge of selecting those to assist you on your first mission. Please pick me, alright?"