Episode 10:Middle-Sector Threat

Scene 1:

Fiaras and his team fly to the special case, Strokash is making shockwaves from his legs to accelerate as if he is running in midair while Fiaras is literally flying.

Ceros on the other hand, was running on the ground using 10% of his power.

(Fiaras)'I understand, Shadowx. You just wanted to fight strong warriors, but if that's the case why didn't you come with us?!'

Ceros felt Fiaras' Elemental power disturbed so he flew into the sky with shockwaves just like Strokash.

(Ceros)"Fiaras, is there something wrong?"

(Fiaras)"Nothing, just thinking."

(I.Strings)"Fiaras, we need to hurry. I don't think the two master levels will be able to hold him for a long time"

Yes, String caught them in their way after he knew about the dark power holder. Now, there are four master levels heading towards the special case.

(Strokash)"Fiaras! Look!"

Fiaras stops after Strokash's warning and so does Ceros and String.

As they stopped they felt a glimpse of the special case's Elemental pressure. but what they all saw was so many corpses of the elemental warriors who fought the special case. hundreds of dead elemental warriors, no signs of life in any one of them.

(Ceros)"Fiaras, I sense an Elemental power ahead of us."

Ceros dashed while in the air and so did the rest of Fiaras' team. Before they reach the elemental warrior who is still alive, his elemental power vanishes from existence.

Ceros was the first one to sense his death and when they reached him his crystal was destroyed. the greatest hint that this elemental warrior was dead.


The Elemental Crystal, a crystal which is found in between every elemental warrior's chest that indicates his power level and his element.

the shattered crystal only means that his holder is gone once and for all.

the question that you might ask is, how does a normal person get this type of crystal?

Well, even The Emperors Don't know how to tell everyone how to get one because whenever you start saying how it--------------. See no one heard what I said, that's why no one knows how specifically do you get an Element.

One last thing, that doesn't mean it depends on luck.

Farewell, readers.


(Ceros)"Sh*t, he died just now."

(Fiaras)"We can't do anything to him right now, let's go."

As they flew into the sky again they rushed with their max speed, what they saw earlier made them furious.

Suddenly without any warning, someone struck at Fiaras while rushing. The impact was so powerful that it got Fiaras pushed behind.

Scene 2:

"NO, NO, NOOOOOOO. I shouldn't have been defeated, Yes, YES, He cheated. he must have been cheating"

A defeated warrior was walking while saying this out loud in an empty hall in the fortress.

"I just have to get stronger, right? RIGHT?!! Before I crush your skull under my feet you piece of crap. I will get my revenge on you."

suddenly, that warrior was interrupted by another warrior.

"Ohhh, big words from a loser. That warrior you are talking about is now stronger than you by twenty times compared to when you fought him he was just stronger than you by three times your power.

Do you see how terrifying his development is?! Do you understand?! You can't reach his level within a day."

The defeated warrior became furious after those words and tried to attack that Warrior but he was----

"I was just talking about that warrior you want to take your revenge on. he is now twenty times higher than your power level. Hehe, but I'm nearly thousands of times stronger than him even higher than that.

You are such an idiot, anyone who tells you how a strong warrior is compared to the other know for sure that he is stronger than both of them, Weakling."

He finishes saying his words with his hand completely embedded in that warrior's body. Pulling out his hand full of blood while leaving the warrior's corpse fall on the ground.

"Hmmm, wait, I can give you another chance. Depending on your personality, you will be a good puppet under my control hhhhhhhhh, Hehehehe"

With that said, he pointed his arm towards the warrior's corpse while opening his fist.

"It's time for you to shine under my power, "

Scene 3:

Fiaras was surprised and taken aback after he was struck with whoever he was. He used 20% of his power to stop both of them, after they stopped the one who clashed with Fiaras spoke.

"That bastard, he is really strong hahahahaha."

(Fiaras)"Huh?! ELECTRO?!"

(Electro)"Haha, so you came Fiaras. be careful when you reach him, he is a middle-sector threat."

(Fiaras)"So you were one of the masters level who is facing him off."

(Electro)"No time for chit chat, time to rushhhh"

Electro's voice vanishes as he zaps to the special case, Fiaras dashes and tells his team that the special case is up ahead of them.

(Strokash)"Fiaras, was that Electro?"

(Fiaras)"Yes, and he is injured a bit, looks like the special case is a middle-sector threat, that's what Electro said before snapping to him."

(Ceros)"Okay, he is for sure stronger than everyone here but he is just one warrior, two are fighting him at the moment, four are coming in his way and maybe two more from the Terra fortress."

In another region in the stromania woods, two elemental warriors are rushing towards the special case and they seem faster than Fiaras' team.

"How long till we reach him, Master?"

"Not long, we are about to reach him."

"Yes, Master."

"hmm, don't lower your guard. I can sense his elemental power."

Before the clash of both Fiaras and Electro with each other, the master of shock, Electro and the master-level Inferno stand in front of the special case.

"Heeeheeeeheeee, you all Shall taste death as a reward for standing in my way, flies."

(Electro)"Inferno, let me have the honour of fighting him the next 5 minutes."

(Inferno)"Like I would say ye-- wait, tchh"

Electro zaps to him immediately and begins attacking him furiously. The special case didn't even have to block Electro's attacks.

(Electro)"Easy, Huhhh?! Well hehehee"

(Inferno)"Inferno Flame power: 40%. Inferno technique, First Form: [INCRINATION]!"

Inferno shoots a flame beam at the special case while Electro is still attacking but before it reaches Electro, he zaps to the right side of the special case.

The special case disappears because of Inferno's attack.

(Electro)"Electro Shock Power:50%. Electro technique, Third form: [Neuro--Volt]!"

Electro generates electric shocks from his hands and shoots them towards the special case while being attacked with the [Incarnation].

Almost like his zaps, his attack zaps to the special case electrifying him enough to make his power sore.

But that is what they thought, the special case comes out of the [Incarnation] and dashes to attack Electro, with a single attack blocked with half of his full power.

Electro was sent flying at an immense speed making him disappear in Inferno's vision within two seconds.


And that's when he clashed with Fiaras in mid-air.

"Shock fly is gone, only you are left--Flame fly."

(Inferno)"Heh, like I would stay idle without any action. You, Dark holders, are always the same, almost the same personality.

You all think that you are the centre of this empire, the strongest and the greatest but in reality, you are the real weaklings, Dark Fly."