Episode 11:Former Flame Master

Scene 1:

"Dark Fly?! Did I hear right? No, No. Impossible! Did that Fly call me Dark Fly? No, I must have misheard."

(Inferno)"What a mere fly, your ego is so high that even when you get a fact about yourself, you think you misheard?! How miserable!--"

As soon as Inferno said that, he saw a punch thrown at his head. Inferno barely dodged this attack and got damaged a bit.

But the special case didn't stop and continued attacking forcing Inferno to dodge and being unable to attack.

"You dare say that to me again and I won't let you flee with your body in one piece."

Inferno glanced at the special case after the third dodge furiously, as if he was saying"I'm going to make you--

(Inferno)"--PERISH under my power, Dark Fly..."

The special case raises his power more and dashes to Inferno with killing intuition, Inferno was not fast enough to respond eventually--

(Inferno)'Sh*t, This pressure is too heavy.'

"Time to teach you how to die peacefully under the 's power, Flame Fly."

Inferno was stuck on the ground unable to move due to this pressure, The special case found this opportunity to end Inferno.

In an instant, The special case was in front of Inferno. Shockwaves were thrown at Inferno with a speed no one can imagine. The special cases's arms were not seen as two due to his terrifying speed attack.

"Hehe, hahahahahahaha. See, only flies get crushed. That's the harsh reality you live in, accept it, Flame Fly."

"Huh?! What is that?! Where is that coming from?!"

(Inferno)"You are right, only flies--get CRUSHED!"

Inferno stands up as blood floods from his mouth, and his Flame Element appears on his arms. As his Flame glows and burns more, a beam like his attack [Incrination] is fired from his whole body vertically above him.

(Inferno)"The Former Flame Master, The Third Strongest Elemental Warrior in sector 72, The right hand of the sector master, The inflammable, INFERNO.

You have some guts to underestimate me like this, now is my turn to teach you how to die!"

The beam vanishes into the sky showing Inferno in his transformed state.

"At least you have some power, Flame FL--"

(Inferno)"Inferno technique, Fourth Form:[Reversed Incrination]"

"Huh?! You mean that last attack of yours, you will reverse it? Hahahaha--"

Inferno raises his right arm specifically only two fingers and then points them at the special case and drops his fingers down.

Suddenly, the beam that was shot from Inferno during his transformation was a sudden unexpected attack that landed vertically from the sky, The special case realised too late and he couldn't dodge in time.

Eventually, the [Reversed Incrination] Struck at the Special case. This time, the flame was something else, it was so much hotter and more powerful than the last one.

The transformation makes the user become the Element itself, the control, the power, and even his personality change once he is transformed.

Scene 2:

They raised their speed after Electro's zap wandering with a high speed through the woods.

(Strokash)"Huh?! I feel something strange, Fiaras."

(Fiaras)"What is it? I don't feel anything other than the special case's Elemental pressure."

(Strokash)"No, there is another o---"

Strokash rotated while running in mid-air pulling his arms together to his left direction.

(Strokash)"Ash technique, Fifth Form:[Ash Cage]"

Strokash shoots ashes at a high scale, filling the pointed location completely with ashes, but that was not Strokash's plan.

The Fifth Form of the Ash technique [Ash Cage] is a sensor Attack connected with Strokash's nerves allowing him to observe nearly everything in the cage, as long as Ash is found nothing will flee.

(Strokash)Sh*t, he must have got away. Who is he?!"

(I.Strings)"Ash, no time to play around. We have to reach them fast."

Strokash didn't respond to String and silently dashed again, heading towards the special case. But Ceros had another opinion.

(Ceros)"Strokash is right, someone was observing and shadowing us in that direction "

(Ceros)'How did Strokash sense his presence?! Did he reach the Advanced master level?!! Looks like it's true.'

(Fiaras)'How did Strokash sense him and I didn't?! Did he reach my level already?! Well, that would be good against that special case.'

"Ohhh, two of them noticed me. Interesting, really interesting. One is nearly Advanced master level, two are already Advanced master levels and the last one is ULTRA master level! Your power raised so much only because of that fight?! Interesting hahahahahaha."

"Ohh, wait there is another Warrior who noticed me just now, you too are Ultra master level. Hmm, I know who you are. Well, it's obvious for you to be on that level Hehehehehe Hahahahaha"

"Huh?! That Elemental pressure--Is not the special case! who is that?!"

"Master, who are you talking about?"

"It's nothing, his presence disappeared just now. We have to move faster"

"Yes, Master"

Scene 3:

Inferno's attack literally ate the special case making him disappear inside of it, once he emerged from it, Inferno was ready to attack again leaving him no space to respond.

(Inferno)"Inferno technique, Second Form:[Silent Burn]"

"Huh?! HAhahahahaha, silent burn?! Don't think that you are something just because I didn't see that attack coming, it didn't do anything to me though."

A flame figure appears above Inferno's right shoulder and then another above the other shoulder and so many appear after.

(Inferno)"If you didn't predict my attack, then how do you call yourself strong? strength is not only power. The fact that you don't know this indicates you are not even a fly, you are below that."

Focussing on the special case's head, a nerve on his head was about to burn from anger. Charging his fist with 20% of his power and attacks Inferno in his face.

The powerful punch to Inferno's face sent him hurtling horizontally through the air. As he flew backwards, the special case was shown running alongside him, keeping pace with his trajectory.

Before Inferno could regain his bearings and clutch onto something to stop his momentum, the special case launched another attack, this time striking him from below.

This second attack propelled Inferno upwards like a rocket, sending him soaring through the sky. The special case looked up and saw Inferno's back facing the ground from above, preparing to attack--The air?!

(Inferno)'That special case really thinks he's strong, but he's not fooling me. You're just a weakling, Dark Fly.'

It was clear that Inferno would stop himself by shooting a shockwave, but instead of using his hands, he used his right leg, expending 15% of his current power.

This not only forced him to stop but also caused him to fall on the special case like a meteor.

 Inferno approached the special case, his right hand fully charged and ready to unleash a powerful attack.

(Inferno)"You belong to the fallen!"

Inferno unleashed his charged attack on the special case, striking it with immense force. but--


This time, Inferno's attack was so immensely powerful that it finally breached the special case's defences. The impact was so immense that it sounded like a genuine meteor strike, causing the wind to surge in all directions.

(Strokash)"Huh?! That Elemental pressure!"

(Ceros)"It belongs to INFERNO, The right hand of the sector master, Poisoner."

(Fiaras)'So it was you, Inferno. To make this Elemental pressure from that distance, you became much more powerful than me.'


"Khaaa What...Is this?! How can a mere Flame fly launch such an attack on me like this?!"

The special case clutching on the ground shocked by this attack, he never thought that he would spit this much blood ever.

(Inferno)"You were right, I told you. Flies get killed easily, even you know that well."

As the special case looked up and faced Inferno's gaze to him he realised how he managed to attack him with such a terrifying power.

The first thing is Inferno didn't get any damage from the special case earlier attacks and some of the flame figures around Inferno disappeared, only two to be exact.

(Inferno)"Yes, Mere dark fly. It was my second form that you laughed at [Silent burn].

when I perform this form, those flames start to reform around me and any attack that I get attacked with within the number of the flames, The damage converts to power making a flame from them vanish.

I knocked you down with a flame power equal to your attack level. so by other means, I knocked you with your own power level, mere Dark F---"

The pressure of the special case became uncontrollable forcing Inferno to shiver in his place unable to even dodge for his life, It kept rising up forcing Inferno to pull away from him making Inferno stuck on the ground.

"HAhhhhhhh, this feeling of power surging in my veins is magnificent. Hahahahahaha, What, Flame Fly? Unable to move?! look how the places switch within a second. Good night, Flame Fly!!"

The special case, with this power, will surely end Inferno's life. Until the unexpected happens once more.

"Huh?! What is that?! I--Am--Flying?! Did I get attacked?! WHO?!"

(Electro)"Hahahahahaha, my bad, Inferno. Did I just see you losing?!"