
1 . ) The lively colored leaves sway with cautious glee. While their branches remain stout, as watchers not letting any sway rattle their calm.

2. )Right on the line between the shade of the forest, and the light in the clearing. A ring of mushrooms rests. Forever as vigilant protectors of privacy of the fae court.

3. ) Gathered around a slab etched with an echo of the past. Depicting a promise to the gods. For those of the fae to safeguard the last bastions against the blighted fog. The beings that gather represent the elements of creation, and the spirts of those elements. These made up the fae courts highest nobles.

4. ) A man with a sealskin clothes and graying skin, and kelp like hair. He stood at 5.7", and appeared toned with his large portioned body. Seats himself on a chair of water facing west.

5. ) Facing south was a woman laying on a cloud wearing a toga of blue feathers. she appeared to be 4.6", and quite plain with her small chest and lack of curves. With a bored expression on her face.

6. ) To the east a man rose from the earth. He had a contemplative look on his earthen brown colored face. He was about 5" feet tall, and looked plump and built. His arms were crossed, and eyes of rubies were closed. He wore overalls with a plan button up shirt. His hair was shaved except for his trimmed silver beard.

6.) To the north a throne of pumas bubbled and surged from the ground. scorching not a single thing, as if the scorching heat were a mere blast of water. A burst of an aurora along with sweltering heat. A 5.5" foot tall flame. Took the shape of a woman with ashen white skin. Her rainbow glittering hair was braided into rope, like locks put into a top bun. She wore a dress of burning reeds. That only had one shoulder strap, and flowed down to her ankles. Yet it did not produce smoke or ash. Which showed off her toned arms and moderate looks. Her supple chest is not easily seen with the sway of the dress. Her tan flamed eyes scan around the table.

7.) A shadow to the northwest gains the shape of a man. Who proceeds to lounge on the warm grass. He appears to be 5.6 in height, and looks gaunt like a blade of grass. His skin is a dark purple yet seemed formless. His ears were pointed from three directions. His clothes were a black tuxedo with a swirling broche where a tie should be. He was wearing no shoes, and looked lost in bliss. Even his void-like eyes showed absolute calm.

8.) To the northeast in a brief flash of light a woman appeared looking lost. Her attire was that of a farmer. With denim overalls and a tie dye long sleeve shirt. Her appearance was that of any mortal and she stood about 5.8ft. Yet she seemed to glow faintly. She was not curvy, but had modest size where it counted. Her muddy gloves seemed to tremble as her confusion set in with awe. When her eyes were wandering over those present.

9.) To the southwest a blade of grass grows into an oaken throne. A hamadryad fazes into the oaken throne wearing nothing as if the vines and thistle was enough for others not to touch. She appeared to be around 6 foot tall, and her body was well proportioned to the point one may think she was a sculpture.

10.) From the southwest a voice was projecting through force of will. 'I am glad to see you all gather here. We must prepare for they have come like a rolling storm.' The calm gentle gust from the south grows erratic. The heat from the north intensifies causing the west and east to bubble. All the while the northwest remains calm with a twitch of annoyance. To the northeast the curiosity held with innocence, vanished. Replaced by a look of a veteran being called to the field of battle.

11.) No one said a thing for a time. A voice rang out calm, and unhurried. " Thank you for calling us mother dryad. We all know what must be done. We have been planning this for eons. Remember we can only guide, and as such will tread the shadows for soldiers. I will uphold our ancient pact with the mages, and guide them to the schools hidden in the shadows. Lest they be left to their shade. This Dlhahatahihak vow " The darkness condensed before returning to normal sealing the vow.

12.) From the northeast a voice full of bitterness states with pride. "I as well will seek those radiant in soul and body. Where shadow lurks in wait at their feet. I will show the path of justice and right in the schools known at dawnbreak. Least they blind themself from the world, and fall in the shadows. This I Gennkatnnetil vow." Followed by a radiant flash sealing the vow.

13.)From the west a voice with concern shouts to north " Ay what's the idea here trying to kick me out as a cloud. Loosen up a bit before I put out that ego!" The north raised the heat more. Just to be dosed with water allowing the bored south to have something to play with. In which she made it rain over everyone. "HAHA, much better. Anyway I guess be looking for those bound to the soothing tides of life. Flowing without course leading them to the schools of tides to learn to be oceans. Lest they be swept away into caverns or whatever. This Viverrssei vows." A mist converges as he speaks before fading in a blink sealing the vow.

14.)From the north a voice full of spite, and simmering rage speaks. " Wretched cur, Should have known your place. *Cough, Cough* She replies weakly after feeling the gaze from the west. " What I mean is.. thanks." Then returns to a spirited tone," Warriors are what I will seek. I will look for those flames that stand proud, and blaze with their soul. I will lead them to the schools of the heart, and candle. Lest they burn their lives in a blaze of glory. I San'sshithav vow. A brief flash of light and heat seals the vow.

15.)From the south girl around a girl who was pouting states weakly. " No fair guys I was playing with that." *Sigh* " See you even shortened my life, but it's fine. While you look for whoever. I will look for those with lives floating with spirit, and dreams. Lead them to the schools of cloud, and gale. Lest they float too far away or be drawn by the weather. This Tiahbrringerr *snifle* vow. An increase in wind and a clear glow. Fades sealing the vow.

16.) Everyone ignores the crying elemental knowing she is trying to get her way. Which would not be a problem normally, but things were serious

17.)From the east a monotone voice speaks with a below calm tone. " My condolences for your cloud. I also will look for those bound by the burden of stone. Forever a pillar wherever they go. I will guide them to the schools of mountain, and rock. To become ever more endearing pillars. Lest they wither allowing the world to shake. This Vikkinness vows." A flash of gray, and the rumble of the ground seals the vow.

18.) From the southwest a voice seeps to the core of those gathered causing all to glance at the speaker putting aside what they were doing. 'You proud, and noble elementals. I must thank you for your conviction. I too will send my roots to find those who follow nature, and can hear the echo. To the schools of druids and their kin. To learn of the cycle before they poison it with wishful thoughts. On my leaves Drrhaat'vigil'haik vows' A verdant green flash followed by a small growth on her skin Fades sealing the vow.

19.) From all around everyone knew their course. Offered a nod before speaking the last vow. One made not to be heard by anyone but them. Thus with their will as one they internally chant, 'To encourage the weak. We will not offer bloodshed as an option. If we must, curse for vengeance and nothing more. For we need numbers lest we fall like our brothers ,the gods, whose kin were lost. We bind ourselves to this pact to remain at a distance. Lest we instill discord in the mortal realm. In the name of Viverrssei, Vikkinness, San'sshithav, Tiahbrringerr, Gennkatnnetil, Dlhahatahihak, Drrhaat'vigil'haik.' A raindow of lights, and a clash of elements, binds the pact then returns to normal.

20.)With pact bound each knew they have around twenty mortal years, and yet that was to them was a blink. Just to organize a response to the invasion by their corrupted creator. Hopefully it will be enough time.

21.)From the southwest a will filled with hope rings out. 'Stand proud my kindred for I know we will not falter. Thus I call an end to this summit early for us to prepare. We may not have expected this late warning, but we will be ready no matter what!' No one said anything else and the thrones disappeared back to their realms of this world of fae. Once cleared a crack began to form on the altar. Striking a name from the list of fallen gods.

22.) The only thing that remained to know of this event were the caps, and treants who remain forever a guard to the meeting grounds, and never leave.


[Index for those who got lost their]

00.) ( West: Water east. Earth North: fire south: wind northwest: darkness. Northeast: Light. Southwest. The forest representative.)