chapter 1

Wave after wave. They came in monstrous twisted forms of creatures only the god of dead Croas'aşì could accept. I raise my 3 headed spear that looks like something that came from a harbor. As the blood lents, which are hedge flowers drawn to blood, seem to have stemmed the tide. Making it easier to hold the line while 13 barefoot monks in crimson red robes seal the other worldly passage Using their blood in the ways of Hrent the god of blood.

While you thrust into the horde alongside the last twenty bloody clerics keeping the monster tide at bay. Thrusting and dancing In the air like an arrow never leaving the air, but to reposition myself in the center of the hedge circle. Time lost meaning, as my focus was on using this meaningful sacrifice of life meaning fully by fighting to the very end. Using The pitch black misty blood that pooled all around willing explosions of blood, and spears whenever the chance came. " In the name of Hrent all you wastrels of life I command you, d-i-e!"

'No that's me! Why am I seeing this again?

Body drenched in blood and tired. When I feel the kick back of the sealing causing me to brace. I pull my dagger from the left boot preparing my final spell knowing full well I am the last.

'No, please enough I this not' -

I try frantically to push myself awake, because I am not this man and never was.

The spell circle flashes to life as the knife approaches my neck-

Gasping for air as gilt awake, and curl into a ball as I mourn for the dead I never knew. Trying to muffle the sounds of my sobbing. 'Why do you show me this man's memories? HRE!' nt."

Ever since I could remember these memories have been plague. Always making it hard to talk to people out of fear of being called insane. Thus once I calmed down enough I with a shaky hand and without leaving from my balled up position. I summon my dream journal to me with my will. To try and release my fear along with my anxiety by writing out what the latest memories were. Touching the spell circle on the cover and closing my eyes concentrating on easing my breath, away inner warmth transfers into the book along with what I decide to put onto the paper. My other hand runs across where the knife was.

I don't know how long passed as I was like that, but my alarm for school is what snaps me into focus.

Getting out of bed gently, and silencing the phone alarm, which is on the dresser, was thankfully easy. Feeling fatigued from the events of the morning and knowing that today is Monday. I almost gave up the idea of even bothering but I know my family, mainly my slothful sister, will push me to go anyway.

With that thought I grab a clean pair of panties, and bra which were oddly enough a peach blossom color. then a set of bell bottom Jeans, and a forest themed long sleeve shirt. Then head to the bathroom after checking the time which reads 5:23AM.

The house was an old farm house out in boondock missiry USA. It had 3 bedrooms up stairs and a crawl space. The living room was from the front door to the laundry room door, and on the other side of the laundry room is the kitchen. Within the laundry room is the basement door which leads to a dugout style cellar. The kitchen is where the back door was and it is off the side of the pantry. The other end was where it connected to the dining room. Completing the cube layout with the bathroom being off the dining room right next to the stairs.

Once in the bathroom I check myself for any new scaring besides the mental ones which I know I have. I see the claws mark passing from my right shoulder to just below my B cup breast. I cross my fingers and hope they don't get bigger, but smaller works. After all, being seventeen means no more growth for most women. Plus that means I got around sixty years of living. Something might happen. Which is why I usually hope for stagnation of the chest.

Another set of Scars could be seen as if they were from deep stab wounds, one on the right shoulder, left side of the back, and lower left leg. Then there were multiple different scars from what looked like being cut on the left arm. Which always gave a chill down the spine more so than the others, because supposedly that man got them when he joined the crimson brotherhood. My eyes level where my neck is hoping there's nothing there, but to my dismay it was there a width of a finger and pressing on both sides of the neck crossing around the center. It was inflamed like someone just tried cutting themselves with a dull blade.

*sigh* Nibbling on my lip I took off my underwear I was using as night clothes, and began to wonder how to play off the scar on my throat.

With the watter of the shower washing away my fatigue I push aside my worries, as it soaks my light brown long wavy hair I close my blue and green eyes. Letting the water flow over my farmer's tanned white skin. From working I enjoy being outside as far as my parents know. The same goes for the scars which only started showing up when I was twelve, but I never told them. Leaving them to think I wear long sleeve shirts because of fashion choice. I would wear dresses and skirts yet I would rather not be confronted by my parents on why I look like a large carnivorous animal carved me up. With that in mind I decide to play dumb hopefully no one notices the 2 red lines on my neck.

I hop out of the shower, dry off and dress up for school which ends in 2 weeks. Leaving 1 more year of high school, and a month till July when I turn eighteen.

After the shower I look towards the analog clock in the dining room seeing it read 5:41. I head to the kitchen to make 6 slices of toad in the hole, ( Egg cooked in the center of a slice of bread after you cut out a circle.), along with a can of fruit mix. I can definitely say it was not burnt, so progress, maybe.

Once I had my portion, I went upstairs to wake up my sister Jaylyn, and mom. Mom was the easiest because I passed by her going up the stairs. With a quick exchange of, "good morning.There's food on the table, or cereal in the cupboard." One of few rules we had was if someone cooked and did not want it there's the fridge, but if you did cook, make enough for everyone you think would eat it.

Reaching my sister's door I throw the door open without warning causing it to slam into the door stop. Glancing around the room seeing the mess of dresses and pants on the floor causing a frown to form but turns to a smirk when I see my sister is still a lump in her regular size bed. Me good a kind And endearing sibling I run up to her bed and belly flop onto her.

She seems almost prepared because I receive a fist right into the cheek as I land. I say borsteresly, "Damn it, when did you pick up that right hook? Weren't you biting just a year ago?" All I got was a sleepy death glare for a response, so I got up from her bed returning the glare. Saying, "Jeez, aren't you an eighth grader why does it look like you've been avoiding sleep. Hurry up and get ready. I made some food, I hope."

As I exit the room of the black haired hazel eyed snake of a sister's room I hear mumble as she shuffles out of bed, " These bags Are not from lack of sleep, and next time I will keep a stick around, you brown bear." With a nod of acknowledgement. I shut her door and began to hum softly as I went to receive my phone walet and socks from my room. I go over to my dresser remembering something that can hide the scar. Taking a hand mirror along with a container of foundation I draw a tier 4 magic circle of deception. Seeing nothing out of place I head back down stairs to mom and dad talking.

Mom was wearing a long dress with short sleeves about to the elbow, and a vellore or felt blouse over the top. With a slight touch of makeup brightening up her Grass green eyes and dark brown hair. With tan skin which I wish for over the half and half I ended up with. She was overall not too curvy and not too small I would say healthy and full of vigor. My Dad was just a touch smaller than mom but had a bit of width that was definitely not fat. He was in his police uniform including his kevlar vest still since he just got off shift. He also bought that vest at mom's request. Even though it was his Christmas present a few years back when he just joined the force. His natural red hair and freckled face including his purple eyes somehow made his expressionless reactions seem full of emotion.

As I go sluggishly towards where I tossed my shoes by the door yesterday, greet them both. " Morning again mom." " Morning Dad. I'm going outside to swing that stick around or be in an up tree, tell I have to walk to that prision."

Mom looks towards me looking up and down before nodding her head and saying, "Alright just remember not to wear yourself out worse than you already are, and tell if you hurt yourself too badly. Also remember one Friday me and Virt want to do something in the city with our girls." Your dad gave a nod of agreement kissing mom on the forehead.

Then he says, as I get the last tennis shoe on. "Have fun out there and make sure you have a list of things needed for the city trip. Before I forget, a mechanic friend of mine will be needing an extra hand working on a derby car by the end of may if you're interested."

Thoughts of getting to work with a mechanic no matter what even if you can not ask questions is better than sitting on my Hands. Thus I reply while giving both parents a hug, "Still want something more permanent, but I know people don't like taking farm hands too much around here. Thank you dad for getting me this chance, maybe I can be a grease monkey, instead of an actual monkey. I turn to see my sister grumbling as she walks into the bathroom. I take one last look at the clock reading it as, 6:05AM. With that I head outside to begin the rest of my day.