chapter 2: Shadow Fight

Once I'm outside and in the backyard a fair distance from the house. I felt a weight leave me as like the ground itself was a cloud. I always feel this way whenever there is a patch of nature. The reason is my affinity with nature which draws my very being into a euphoric mood.

'Deep breath in deep breath out.'

Alright, feeling refreshed by letting the wispy blend of balanced mana flow then out with each breath. balanced because of the spell circles I placed a good six years back when I made the choice to start using the visions as a way to study and grow. With the hope one day I can be released from this blessed curse.

Feeling a bit bitter after letting my thoughts wander I clench my teeth. Then walk over grabbing my supposed stick. Which I carved to be a quarterstaff with the look of a shillelagh. From the tool Shed right next to the back door. All the while feeling the gentle inner heat caused by circulating mana that Somehow felt like the gentle caress of grass in the wind and of an animal offering comfort.

Once I had the staff in hand I went over to the small clearing in the middle of the one acre forested property. That somehow remains not in the city while the house is.

I close my eyes and begin to manipulate the air. Using my will to harden the mana flowing in the light breeze in coordination to the shadow fighter in my mind. I take a low stance with my right hand slightly lower than center, and my left hand in the middle. With the staff tilted diagonally to the side and pressed to the ground. Almost like I am stumbling around even with a cane. Only difference is my feet are in a firm yet agile placement.


Two shadows approach one from the left and slightly back and the other from the right. Appears to be pretending to pass me on this forest road. The mana in the air behind me is slightly disturbed by what could possibly be a copper blade. Not a mage then, good. Means this one is not a mage but the other seems to blend slightly in with the mana. Seems to have a burgeoning aura but not fully awakened, and learned to suppress it albeit poorly. Since there is some of his vital energy causing the mana to ripple faintly. Must be a melee fight of some kind.


'Hey there traveler! Don't suppose you got any meat or furs left over from the other day? I'm willing to trade coin or information on the land, what'll be lass.'

I approach the shadow carefully to maintain the helpless look.


The shadow makes a gesture with his hands in an attempt to get my attention. I ignore the shadow as it stands still off to your right. I only got a few steps before the shadow behind me jumps from the tree in an attempt to ram the knife in my chest as it tackles me.


I use the staff as a fulcrum to swing myself out of the way and slam the knotted top right into the lower back. Causing the shadow to become a splattered mess. To my dismay since it was only meant to cripple not him into a water balloon.


Ignoring the smell of gore and viscera. I barley react as a left hook flies straight towards me. I attempt to bleed the motion by trying to entangle it's arm and redirect it. Yet to my frustration the shadow awakened as a tier one aura novice.


I get slammed into the tree by force of the punch which was cushioned by a padding of mana I willed to thicken and soften.

I manipulate the mana into a tier 1 magic circle of gale winds under my feet hoping it would be enough. As I use the staff to fling myself with more effort into the charging berzerk shadow.


Mana and vital energy collide causing the mana to destabilize acting as a dampener for my staff yet It was enough to crumple the shadows arms.

I open my eyes as I take my stance again to see nothing changed besides the minor bruising from taking that energy laced punch to the left breast. Which causes me to grumble from the pain, and decide to stop for now.

Walking over to where I left my phone. I focus my mana in a way to encourage my body to heal. "Shit" I hiss out feeling the bruising heat up which Intensified the pain briefly. Once at the shed I did not see my phone and began to panic, and tossed my messy brown hair trying to think.

Shuffling around my pockets after messing my hair up worse than before. Hoping I was not a fool afterall I could have shattered it from my sparring session.

Finding it tucked away on my left side I gently take it out with worry settling into your brain. Over possibly needing a new phone, but thankfully see it whole. Giving it a glance and seeing no damage or cracks.


Checking the time and seeing reads 6:51. Having nine minutes till 7:00 I head back inside and drink some water before I grab my thirty pound book bag. I feel something familiar coming where my sister hangs her purse. *EHM* " I guarantee there is no honey in there that a bear like you would want, so quit gawking before I call animal control." I could hear the sarcasm that was a little to think. Almost like she worried I would dig through her purse. Nah, Jaylyn's probably just worried because I was staring too long. Either way she grabs it in a hurry.

"Guess all snakes are the same, and horde. Look sis I do not want-"

"Shut up! I am not a hoarder, I just like what I like, and that happens-

" Alright, no need to defend your collection of polished rocks." I say as I head out the door shrugging off the familiar feeling, and dumping it to the back of my mind for now.

Jaylyn hums her consent as she follows behind. "So… anyway, I heard ya say some strange stuff when I came by your room last night." Feeling slightly shocked by the topic change, I stop abruptly. "Ow! Why did you become a wall?" Feeling her run into my back I begin walking again.

Then shyly respond "Please forget everything you heard, it's not worth remembering." I could feel my nerves slightly fray from the topic. Thinking of something to say ease the awkward air between the two of you.

We walk up Hermite Drive which is four blocks long. Then take a turn down coughing lane which passes a few more intersections but travel two blocks before getting on 21st road which leads up to the school district eleven blocks to travel there. No matter what I tried to come up with in my head I just kept to myself, and enjoyed the thinned mana in the area as I walked. It felt like a solid pillar but too weak to hold, and chiseled down. Not really the best feeling of stone a mage could get but nice nonetheless.

Once we reach the school gates I pull my phone from my left pocket, and glance at the time seeing 7:41. Then look to find Jaylyn who looks to have been there a couple of minutes earlier. She was chatting tiredly with her friends, causing me to feel a pang of jealousy.

Looking around at the buses pulling in along with the light traffic, and tired looks of students. Not to mention the barbed wire fencing around the high school along with the one story utility look of school. I couldn't help but think gloomy 'welcome to prison.'