Preparations for the Academy (One Month Later)


"Has the carriages been packed yet?" Count Pierre asked the maids, all of them lined up in the foyer.

"Each of the three carriages have been packed with his majesty's belongings," Head Maid Gloria answered, standing in front with her hands clasped in front of her and head held high as she eyed the Count. "I was told that it was going to be the Grand Duke seeing to his majesty today."

Count Pierre's eyebrow twitched as he checked his stopwatch, not all that excited to be dealing with the old woman and her attitude.

With a sharp click as he closed the watch, he gave her his best fake smile. "The regent was feeling unwell and decided to rest within his room. He personally left the task to me."

"Why was I not informed of this?"

He took a step closer to the woman who was only a few years older than him and said, "I am informing you now, am I not?"